
Gender And Advertising Essay Research Paper In (стр. 3 из 3)

advertisements were found amongst only three magazines showing that there is a

significant amount of derogatory messages in advertising. Advertising is a

large part of the media and often considered the mist powerful because of the

messages it conveys. There was one area of improvement which I found in

?Function Ranking? however the message is only so strong because it is so

controversial which takes away from the whole point of presenting women in a

different light.Comments From Questionnaire Question 10 in my questionnaire asked if their were any

further comments about the portrayal of women in the media these were the

results of that question. I found that many thought that the pressure on men is

not as much as that on women but that it definitely exists however it is not

based on such a physical sense and is not portrayed highly through the media.

There pressure on men lies more on their personality, it is important to be

funny, to have a good car, to be good at sport etc. Another strong comment that

came out was that too much attention is paid to celebrities bodies and not

enough to their personalities and this is what causes negative social effects.

They are successful and they have good bodies that is all we see of them,

therefore in order for us to be successful we must have nice bodies.There was a definite vibe through the comments that the

media?s portrayal of women needs to change, they need to start representing

?real women?. Women?s true achievements are not focused on enough either.

Apparently women?s sport is not highly covered and when it is it concentrates

on people such as Anna Kornakova, who is glamorous but a far less talented

tennis player than say Venus Williams. Some believe that almost as if the pressure begins to ease

off women it is focusing on men. These comments are very valid because they give me a deeper

understanding of the way people actually feel, reinforcing that the problems

with images of women is not just another media hype, which in itself would be

very controversial. EvaluationI will evaluate my research chapter by chapter. My rationale

states my hypothesis, ?The portrayal of women in the media causes negative

social effects in young women?. Starting with analysing my hypothesis, in

retrospect I believe that my hypothesis is too wide. The media is such a vast

area, and such a powerful tool that its effects are widespread. I should have

narrowed my hypothesis to a specific negative social effect, i.e. eating

disorders, suicide, sexism etc. Also I could have looked at a specific media

for example the television. As I feel my research was too generalised. However

I think that I made a good decision in concentrating on young women but I do

feel that at points my research strayed off this subject. Although in my

rationale I did establish that I planned to do this I think my rationale should

have been worded more specifically.It was however a good choice to look at the media because it

is a growing tool, with the internet fast approaching and all its dangers to

society. I could have looked further into the internet because concerns about

it are growing rapidly. Questions which I asked in my rationale, were; ?Does the

media help to cause eating disorders? and ?Is there something inside the young

women that triggers the effects and is stronger in some girls hence the effects

is more serious?? I think that I answered these questions well using Fallon and

Rozin?s, survey about body shape and image. This looked at the actual

perceptions young women have about themselves. My aims were to prove or disprove my hypothesis, I believe

that I strongly proved my hypothesis but also presented a balanced view by

using different research studies. I did find that the research in to disprove

my hypothesis was very limited because if people don?t believe that the media

has an affect then they are unlikely to conduct research on it.I have compared my findings with sociological research, this

is best shown when using Fallon and Rozins study to conduct my own primary

research.I produced reliable data as it was easily quantifiable and

could be put into graps and analysed effectively. My questionnaire produced

some excellent data but the questions were not as objective as they possibly

could have, possible because my aim was to prove my hypothesis. In question two

of my questionnaire the internet should be mentioned as well as newspapers and

friends because of its rapid growth as a media source. Question seven should

have been asked after question eight because if they had said yes to the first

then they are compelled to say yes to the second as the effect is worse.

Retrospectively question nine was badly worded because it assumes that they

believe there is a problem in the pressures of the media and there is no option

for them to say they believe there is no problem. Although this was a small

minority of people, I did not give the option, again because my aim was to

prove my hypothesis. Question nine also does not give the option for people to

say that the medias effect does not apply to women at all and only effects men.

Conclusively the questionnaire assumes too much. The comments gained from

question ten support my hypothesis, however those who did not have anything to

say may not say anything because they don?t see it as an issue, therefore I

would only get comments which support my hypothesis. I should have looked at

men?s views more and perhaps opened up the questionnaire to men. If I had the

chance to further my research study I would include this.My body image survey produced some valid and reliable data,

Distortions in body image survey however there are of course some improvements

in retrospect that I could have made. I could have compared height/weight

against average and healthy to see if they were actually overweight even though

they were saying that they were. I could have used a selection of 5 body shapes rather than 3

because although people didn?t always think that they had the figure of option

2 they weren?t prepared to say so chose option three whereas they may have gone

for something in between. It is important to recognise that people weren?t

always honest with me because there is an image that it is wrong to think that

you are the perfect size, in order not to sound egotistical.Using Goffmans study I analysed some advertisements of my

own to test his theory. I found that he was right. I also found that although

we can look at the negative social effects of these advertisements it cannot be

assumed that everyone deconstructs them in this way, perhaps this is why they

are so dangerous, but it is important to remember that the purpose is to sell

products and this is overwhelmingly achieved. I can see that my own values, pre-conceptions and ideas

played a part in my research but I think that to passionately want to discover

the results you need to have values to a certain extent. If I had no

pre-conceptions then choosing questions to ask in a questionnaire would be very

difficult and would make the results hard to analyse. I have a friend who

became very ill and suffered with anorexia, after being with her throughout

this, I am convinced that the media had a big part to play in her illness, this

has given me values of my own and therefore made me less objective to people

who thought that people who suffered from illnesses were simply unstable than I

perhaps should have been.Time was a great limitation when conducting my research. My

subjects were easily available girls at school, my school has a good reputation

for results meaning that they are all generally intelligent enough to be able

to deconstruct the media and understand its effects, so my research was not

particularly widespread across young women.Overall my evidence supports my hypothesis, I have found out

that people have distorted images of themselves and concluded that part of this

is because of the media. I have also discovered that young women are generally

critical of the way others look and that this plays a big part in perceptions

and self esteem. Through my findings I believe that there should be tougher

regulations within the media. The problem is money, ?mind game? adverts and

images of beautiful women sell products, the government gain money from these

products so social policy would be very hard to implement in the media. The

Internet will soon pose a real problem because it is so hard to monitor that

even if a social policy were implanted, advertisers would still get their

message across and girls would still be left feeling inadequate.I have learnt a lot about the research process as a whole. I

have learnt that objectivity is fairly impossible and that in research some

subjectivity is necessary. I have leant the process of triangulation is

important because it is difficult to conduct research which is either valid or

reliable, and quantitative methods are equally as important as qualitative

methods. I have also learnt that with the best of intentions, changes do need

to be made from the original rationale and that these changes are significant

and it does not make your research invalid, if anything it opens up your

knowledge and understanding. Theories from other sociologists give you a good

grounding to research and play an important part in giving you ideas and
