
Legal Prostitution Vs Illegal Prostitution Essay Research

Legal Prostitution Vs. Illegal Prostitution Essay, Research Paper

Johnny Johnson


Legal Prostitution vs. Illegal Prostitution

Johnny Johnson

It is rather odd to think of how the oldest profession is being found as something

of a harmful nature, which must be illegal. But legal prostitution is seen by a rather large

number of individuals to have a negative effect on today’s society. These are the people

who are forcing women into illegal prostitution, which is far more destructive, due to

many factors. In the following paragraphs, I am going to compare and contrast

legal and illegal prostitution, in hope of sharing the possible benefits of legal prostitution.

It is important I first discuss the negative effects of illegal prostitution to help the viewer

have a better perspective of how legal prostitution can actually have a positive impact on


Illegal prostitution is a common occurrence in most big cities. The major problem

with non-legal prostitution is where it usually occurs. Prostitution is often found in the

slums of big cities, where many of the young women feel forced into the profession

because of hard economic conditions. A large percentage of the women are sadly hooked

on drugs and end up trading sex to get high. If the poverty and the drug life are not bad

enough, the women also get to look forward to their pimp, who will abuse them if they

don’t return with a suffice amount of money. The knowledge of sexually transmitted

diseases is of extreme importance when it comes to such a topic. The sexual activities

taking place in these areas are not regulated and although a good number of the women

carry condoms, they are by no means protected. Many of the ladies will except extra

money to allow the customers to have sex condom free. Rape is a harsh and brutal act,

which is a common occurrence in street prostitution, where the women have no protection

from either the man or the diseases he might be carrying. The women are also a danger to

the men by carrying diseases they have possibly picked up from prior customers.

Prostitutes get arrested quite often, but are let out to be an illegal prostitute for another

day. Illegal prostitution is a major problem needing some sort of remedy. It is time to

discuss the reasoning behind why legal prostitution is the needed remedy to this particular


Legal prostitution is being practiced in many other countries as well as a small area

of our own country. In Nevada there are places set up to provide legally solicited sex,

which are known as brothels. Brothels are the major difference between illegal and legal

prostitution. Brothels handle prostitution in a business-like manner. The women are the

merchandise brothels have to offer. Like any other type of business the merchandise is

protected. Bodyguards are hired to watch over the women and react if any problems take

place. The women also have better protection through strict enforcement of condom use

and the ladies are tested for venereal diseases as well. As far as drug problems go, brothels

do not provide the same kind environment where sex can be traded for drugs. Not to say

all the women in legal prostitution are drug free, but it is far less of a problem. The ladies

happen to have better living conditions than a streetwalker does. They make actual lives

aside from the profession they take part in. These women, for the most part, live in nice

homes and lead healthy lives. They have been given a chance to make enough money to

pull themselves out of their poverty stricken neighborhoods. It must be kept in mind, most

of the women do not want to be prostitutes, but feel they are forced into it because of

their poor economic conditions. It is important to touch on the whole idea of how this

affects today’s society.

Numerous amounts of people believe legal prostitution is wrong, but they might

not understand how their belief is forcing women into illegal prostitution. In San

Francisco, illegal prostitution is a major problem for the authorities. Many of the officers

believe there should be a legal form of prostitution. Their reasoning behind this belief is

that the women will be in a safer environment where there is far less drug problems and

the police will not have the constant burden of arresting females who are going to

continue to do what they are doing, regardless of police actions. Sexually transmitted

diseases are a major concern for the women as well as the men and should be a major

reason why legalized prostitution should be pushed. Brothels simply provide a safer

environment for the people involved and protection for society as well. There are people

who understand this problem will not just go away, so some kind of a safer form must be

provided. The only possible remedy in many eyes is the legalization of prostitution, which

will take place in designated areas.

So we come to find illegal prostitution as a problem in need of a remedy. It is now

apparent of how much legalized prostitution can in fact clean up a society in need. Being

able to provide a cleaner environment for the women involved is important. It is a simple

fact prostitution is not going away because it is illegal. In understanding this concept,

people must realize something has to be done to help relieve the problems caused by

illegal prostitution. The women can actually have safer lives, but it all depends on the laws

officials feel are best for society. They should just think of all the extra drugs and sexually

transmitted diseases running rampant all over the U.S. Now if legalizing prostitution is a

way of lowering these annual statistics, it seems ignorance is the only thing standing in the

way. Economic hardships are not by choice, but rather something many women find

themselves stuck in. If these ladies feel pushed to prostitution, it is clear they are making a

tough decision in life and should have some kind of legalized protection. By the way, it is

only the oldest known profession.