
Solitile Essay Research Paper SOLITILE rev 35 (стр. 2 из 2)

As a general rule in Solitile 3, any pop-up menu may be escaped from

by pressing the ESC key or by clicking the RIGHT BUTTON.


Menu options available (and keystroke to activate them if you don’t

have a mouse) while playing the game are:

(M) MENU This activates the MAIN MENU. See Section VII.

(P) PAIRS This searches for any possible matching pairs and tells

you how many are available. Similar to clicking the

RIGHT BUTTON with no tiles selected, except that it

only tells you the number of matches available WITHOUT

showing you the matches.

(U) UNDO This, uh…, un-does your previous moves (it replaces

removed pairs in reverse order) letting you back up.

(R) RETRY This re-starts the current game (same layout, same

board number) from the beginning. Use this when you

get stuck but want to give it another shot.

(D) DOS This will attempt to “spawn” a copy of COMMAND.COM,

without exiting the game. This allows you to get to

the DOS COMMAND prompt without terminating your game.

Possible reasons that it might not work is if you have

insufficient memory to load the COMMAND interpreter on

top of SOLITILE, or if the file COMMAND.COM can’t be

found by SOLITILE on your path. Once you’ve gone to

the DOS prompt this way, you must issue the EXIT

command to return to your SOLITILE game.

(B) BOARD This allows you to select a new board number. Options

provided are:

(N) NEXT increments the board number

(R) RANDOM selects a random board number

(S) Specify allows you to specify the board

(L) LAYOUT Brings up the FILE SELECTION MENU (see Section VIII)

and allows you to select a new LAYOUT file. The

selected layout will become the new default layout for

the current player. All LAYOUT files have a file

extension of .LYT.

(T) TILESET Brings up the FILE SELECTION MENU (see Section VIII)

and allows you to select a new TILESET file. The

selected layout will become the new default tileset for

the current player. All TILESET files have a file

extension of .STL (Solitile style tilesets) or .TIL

(Mahjongg style tilesets). The Tileset File Selection

Menu does not automatically terminate, but rather it

displays the selected tile set for your inspection, and

allows you to select another or EXIT, accepting the

displayed one. This allows you to “browse” through the

various tilesets that you may have available to you.

( ) player name In the top center of the main game display is a box

containing the current player’s name. This box may be

clicked upon with the mouse for a quick access to the

Player Setup Menu (see section IX). There is no key-

stroke for quick access to this menu. From the key-

board, you must first bring up the Main Menu (with the

M key), then select the Player Setup Menu.


In the top portion of the MAIN Menu, there are these options:

(G) GAME This returns you to Main Game Display, where you may

continue playing your game.

(H) HELP Displays the Help screens, which explain the basic

game playing information.

(S) SAVE GAME Saves the current game into a file with the current

player’s name and an extension of .SAV.

(R) RESTORE GAME Restores the current player’s previously SAVEd game.

(P) PLAYER SETUP Brings up the Player Setup Menu (see Section IX).

(E) EDITORS Brings up the Editors Menu (see Section X).

(Q) QUIT TO DOS Exits the program.

In the bottom portion of the MAIN Menu is information regarding the

current player’s performance with the current Layout. It shows the

player’s name, the current Layout name, and a window containing the

list of Board numbers that the player has solved on the current Layout.

Not all solved board numbers may fit in the window so scroll buttons

are provided for use with a mouse, and the cursor keys and PgUp/PgDn

keys may be used from the keyboard to scroll the list up/down.


The FILE SELECTION Menu is used at a number of different places in the

game, to select the player, layout, tileset, music, and GIF files. In

all situations, the FILE SELECTION Menu works the same. It provides a

list of all SUB-DIRECTORIES, followed by a list of all available files

with the appropriate file extension. These file extensions are:

.PLY player files

.LYT layout files

.STL Solitile tile set files

.TIL Nels Anderson’s Mahjongg tile set files

.MUS music files for Theme and Win music

.GIF picture files for background picture

From the keyboard, files or sub-directories may be chosen by using the

cursor and PgUp/PgDn keys to highlight the desired item, then pressing

the Enter (Return) key. In this way, you can navigate up and down the

sub-directory tree, as well as load the desired file. The current

PATH is always displayed immediately above the “files” window. With

a mouse, the sub-directory or file may be selected by pointing at it

with the mouse cursor and double-clicking the LEFT BUTTON. (If your

double click is not quite quick enough, all that will happen is that

the item you pointed to will become highlighted.) With the mouse you

can also scroll the window and highlighted item up/down by clicking

with the LEFT BUTTON upon the:


SINGLE UP ARROW — move highlight bar up/scroll up

SINGLE DOWN ARROW — move highlight bar down/scroll down


Other items that are available on the FILE SELECTION Menu are:

(L) LOAD —– Loads the currently highlighted item.


(R) RENAME Lets you Rename the currently highlight item.

(C) Copy Copies the currently highlighted item to another file.

(D) DELETE Lets you Delete the currently highlighted file.


Each player may configure the game to his or her own preferred setup.

This setup is then stored in the player’s .PLY file, along with all of

the solved board numbers for each layout that the player has tried.

The current player’s name is stored in the file SOLITILE.CFG. That

name is then used to access the .PLY file for that player. The current

player may be selected/changed from the PLAYER SETUP Menu:

(P) PLAYER allows you to select or add a player.

(E) EXIT exits the Player Setup Menu

(G) GIF FILE lets you specify the .GIF file to be used as a back-

ground for the current player.

(T) THEME toggles the Theme music on and off. If done from the

keyboard with the T key, also allows selection of the

THEME music file.

(R) REMOVE TILES toggles on and off the sound for removing tiles

(U) UNDO toggles on and off the sound for undo-ing.

(N) NO MOVES toggles on and off the sound for NO-MORE-MOVES

(W) WIN toggles the Win music on/off. From the keyboard with

the W key, also allows selection of the WIN music file.

(B) BLINK toggles on/off “blinking tiles”. When on, then during

game play, selected tiles will “blink”, alternately

showing the tile beneath them and themselves as a neg-

ative image. This may be considered cheating by some,

so when BLINK is enabled, you’ll be unable to select a

tile unless it has a removable matching tile available.

(V) VERIFY toggles on and off “verify tiles”. When on, Solitile 3

will play much as previous versions of Solitile, where

you first clicked on one tile to select it, then click-

ed on a second tile to select it, then clicked a third

time to remove those two selected tiles. With VERIFY

off, the selected tiles will be removed automatically

as soon as the second one is selected. However, when

first selecting one tile, then using the RIGHT BUTTON

to locate/highlight the second, a verifying click of

the LEFT BUTTON is still required, as the computer’s

selected match may not be the one that you had in mind.

(H) Hide GIF toggles on and off displaying of .GIF file.

When using a mouse, you may also click upon the items listed at the

bottom of the PLAYER SETUP Menu:

Player The current player’s name

GIF The current player’s background picture file name.

Theme The file name for the current player’s Theme music,

which gets played when the game first starts up (if the

THEME sound is enabled).

Win The file name for the current player’s Win music,

which gets played when a board is solved (if the WIN

sound is enabled).

Besides the “solved board numbers” and the above items, the additional

things that are kept in the player’s .PLY file are:

the player’s current LAYOUT (selected from main game display)

the player’s current TILESET (selected from main game display)

the player’s FRAME PATTERNS (created in the Frame Editor)

the player’s BACKGROUND PATTERN (created in Background Editor)


The EDITORS Menu gives you access to the several “editors” available

with Solitile 3:

(L) LAYOUT Modify existing layouts or create new ones of your

own. (See Section XI.)

(T) TILES Modify existing tilesets or create new ones of your

own. (See Section XII.)

(F) FRAME PATTERNS allows the player to change the eight patterns used

to draw the frame (or border) around the edge of the

main game display. Any changes made to these patterns

are reflected in the player’s .PLY setup file.

(B) BACKGROUND PATTERN allows the player to change the background

pattern which is drawn on the display before the GIF

image is drawn. Any changes made to this pattern is

reflected in the player’s .PLY setup file.

(E) EXIT EDITORS returns you to the MAIN Menu.

The TILES, FRAME, and BACKGROUND editors use a common bitmap editor,

with some differences and embellishments. The rest of this section

describes those portions of the bitmap editor that are common to all

three editors.

The bitmap editor four primary areas:

The color palette

The menu

The zoom/pixel edit area

The item selection area

The item selection area is different for each area and is discussed

in the appropriate section. The “cursor” may be moved from one area

to another from the keyboard by using these keys:

(F1) moves the cursor to the COLOR palette area

(F2) moves the cursor to the ZOOM area

(F3) moves the cursor to the item selection area

In the top-left corner is the color palette of 16 colors. The current

pen-color is outlined with a white-square. The current color may be

selected by clicking the LEFT mouse button on the desired color square,

or by first moving the “cursor” to the color palette area with the F1

key, and then using the cursor keys to select the desired color.

In the center of the display is the ZOOM area. This displays an

enlarged image of the item currently being edited. Many operations are

possible upon this area, as discussed below.

Down the left side of the display is the MENU area, the individual

items of which are discussed in detail below. However, each MENU item

may be activated by either pressing the key corresponding to the first

letter of the item, or by clicking the LEFT mouse button once upon the


Between the MENU and the ZOOM is the:

Work Image — the life-sized image of the item currently being

edited in the ZOOM area.

Shifter — This allows you to shift the entire Work Image, or

that portion of it that’s been marked, left, right, up,

or down. See below for how to mark an area.

ScratBuf — This is a temporary buffer to which you may copy

all or the marked portion of the Work Image, either as

a means of saving a copy while you experiment, or so

that you can “paste” it back into the Work Image at

another place. See below for how to mark an area.

There are 4 basic types of “drawing” that may be done upon the ZOOM

area: POINT, LINE, RECTANGLE, and OVAL. One of these is always

selected, as is indicated by the blue highlight on the menu. The

currently highlighted drawing method will determine exactly what will

happen when you press the LEFT or RIGHT BUTTONs while on the ZOOM area.

POINT: If the LEFT mouse button is pressed and released while holding

the mouse still, a single pixel will be set to the currently

selected color. If the LEFT mouse button is pressed and

held down while the mouse is moved, all pixels over which the

mouse cursor passes will be set to the current color. From

the keyboard, you press and release the HOME key once to

simulate the pressing of LEFT mouse button. This causes the

program to enter “drawing” mode. You must then press and

release the HOME key a second time in order to exit “drawing”

mode, or to simulate the releasing of the LEFT mouse button.

While in drawing mode, the cursor keys will move the drawing

cursor (a pencil) about on the zoom area.

LINE: Line drawing is VERY similar to Point