
Family Violence Essay Research Paper Family violence (стр. 2 из 2)

I do not know how the victims of domestic violence would react to my ideas. I would like to believe that they would appreciate my efforts to make sure that treatments were developed for the problems that they are having. They may decide, however, that they don’t like my universal treatment plan and view it as to invasive.

I am pretty sure that most abusers would not like my plan at all. They would probably complain that mandatory treatment is too harsh. I can hear them saying that random visits to the home are a violation of their rights. In the end I don’t really care what they say because I am worried about their victims.

I think that social workers could adopt my ideas in practice situations in a couple of ways. First of all, they should develop relationships with the prosecutor’s office, the police department, and school officials so that they can utilize all of their unique talents when they have to. They should also keep in contact with other social workers and read the relevant journal articles on child abuse and neglect so that they are aware and up to date on the current knowledge and discoveries. This informal or formal information network would insure that they could help their client with the most current and effective tools in their possession. I hope that it has also just made social workers aware that victims need more help than just removing them from the abuse or neglect. They may also require services to deal with the trauma that they have experienced so that they can go on to lead normal lives.



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