
ECommerce Essay Research Paper EcommerceThe Pros (стр. 2 из 2)

Technology has a place in everyone’s day to day activities and soon E-commerce will be a major factor in the decisions we have to make. It is important to remember that E-commerce is more complex than just buying that special someone s birthday present. E-commerce, along with the Internet, is an outlet for business. It is a way for the new guy to compete with the proven giants in the industry. An example of this would be the launch of Wal-Marts new web site intended to compete with industry monster Amazon.com.

Their new business venture allows Wal-Mart to go outside its usual corporate sphere for Web-savvy talent geared for dot.com commerce, such as engineers, programmers and marketers. It also provides them with the necessary Web-wampum such as options, warrants and shares that is essential to attracting top talent. (Veverka, 2000)

Simply put, the Internet and the use of E-commerce provides many opportunities for even the smallest of businesses to compete with large corporations, in essence leveling the playing field. With the steady growth of the Internet, and the fact that every year more and more families are plugging in and surfing the web, can a company survive without the use of the Internet and E-commerce? Probably, but not for long. The Internet and E-commerce are here to stay, so businesses can either change with the times, or get left behind. The choice is theirs to make.


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