At 2:43 PM Dennis Fox said: God has been cloning babies already, we just call them twins. A clone isn’t going to allow anyone to cheat death, it only allow someone to have an identical sibling years after the fact.
At 2:49 PM Andrew Langdell said: Cloning, what an interesting subject. Unfortunately, most of the people in this article have not thought at all about the implications of their desires whatsoever. First, the people who talk of cloning their dead children. Their losses are grave, but should the child they plan on getting through cloning really have to grow up with the parents loving it as a memory of on passed on. Seems like a bad way to live to me, as a living memory. Second, God, of any form you believe in, put us here for a certain amount of time, not forever. People shouldn’t be cloning their mothers, that’s just ludicrous! Don’t you think your mother has lived enough and should be able to pass on to a place better than the world we live in today? Cloning is just to big an issue for everyone to be spouting out all these “great” ideas they have already. See what really is going to happen before you start jumping to conclusions about what will be so great about cloning. You say you’d love a baby with a hand sticking out of its hea
At 3:22 PM Realist said: Does anyone think human cloning hasn’t already been done? Get with the human race, people, if it’s possible, and do-able, chances are someone out there has tried it and succeeded. By the way, wouldn’t it be delicious if all the fundamentalist christians out there had to eat crow and work and live with clones in their daily and professional lives? That is, if they don’t try to enforce some kind of segregation for clones(as some will no doubt try to do). I’m all for cloning and the benefits it can provide, if only because it would send another rod up Pat Buchanan’s and Pat Robertson’s behinds. There’s nothing funnier than watching a hypocrite perform the dance of unease with the unfamiliar.
At 4:52 PM Lori R. said: And then Pandora opened the box………….
At 6:27 PM Jones said: I’m a bit concerned about people trying to guess what God wants when it comes to cloning. There’s nothing about it written in the bible. Rather,why not ask yourself what it would be like to have a clone as a child, either of someone you know or not, when you can’t have a child any other way? Or just sit back and think about how many medical advances will come from the creation of clones; not full grown 9 year old children, but rather clumps of 50 cells or so…this clump of cells could be used to treat your grandmother’s parkinsons or your brother’s cancer or your daughter’s bone disease. Not allowing this research is killing people you know and love, and that is something God does care about! Rather than murdering loved ones with inaction everyone should be supporting cloning as a means to save them.