
Visible Changes Inc Business Background Essay

Visible Changes, Inc. : Business Background Essay, Research Paper



In October 1977, John and Maryanne McCormack opened the first Visible Changes salon in Greenspoint Mall in Houston, Texas. Their dream was to start a revolution in the hairdressing industry by building a company that provided high-quality service from well-trained stylists, allowing all staff members to become successful. Maryanne developed a haircutting system that ensured quality haircuts while John worked on the business plan that would make Visible Changes a success.

John and Maryanne believed strongly in their dream. However, the banks and mall-owners did not. Hairdressing was not considered a legitimate profession since stylists quit frequently and salons were low-volume. Only one banker out of the 300 had the faith that John would meet his ambitious sales projections and consequently gave him the loan to start the business. Maryanne fared no better in finding qualified stylists, sifting through over 300 applicants before hiring the first six Visible Changes hairdressers. Their persistence is typical of the spirit at Visible Changes.

To perfect the haircutting system, Visible Changes’ new stylists did free haircuts for the first six weeks to make sure clients received great haircuts. The original haircutting staff worked 12-hour days and received minimum wage. They sacrificed because they believed in John and Maryanne and knew that Visible Changes would help them share the success and the rewards. The first salon was a huge success, and today Visible Changes has salons located in all the major malls in Houston. We also have salons in Austin, San Antonio and Dallas.

In 1980, the company invested in a computerized register, and in 1981, Visible Changes became one of the first companies to fully computerize all areas of the business. We believe that it is not only important to be progressive in our haircutting and styling, but also in our business practices. Visible Changes was recognized in 1982 by Intercoiffure, an organization that extends its memberships to only the finest hair designers in the world. In 1991, the full Intercoiffure membership elected Maryanne McCormack to the Board of Directors.

Today, each Visible Changes salon averages over $2,000,000 in annual sales. Our 16 locations employ over 700 staff members. Our Artistic Team has had their work featured in Passion and Styles and Stylists magazines. Our salons attract over a hundred thousand clients each month. We update our salons’ equipment and appearance frequently to be an industry leader. Our stylists attend continuing education in all areas of hairstyling and fashion in order to give our clients the latest looks. We also offer many benefits not usually found in our industry such as Profit Sharing, Medical Insurance, and Bonuses.

Visible Changes owes our success to the dedication of our clients and our staff members. We commit to provide the best stylists in Texas, so Texans can have the best styles.


If you are hard-working, goal-oriented, and really like people, then a great career could be waiting for you at Visible Changes. What makes us different from other salons? It’s simple. We offer big company benefits, with a small company attitude.

Our salons are like families. And we have one goal in common – to be the best!

If you’re interested in changing your life, check out Visible and management. Call 713-984-8800 for the location nearest you. Or, send us your resume under the CONTACT US section of this site. Thanks for visiting, and we hope to hear from you soon!

Stylist Training

We offer the best training in the industry. From Basic to Advanced, our Training Staff is there to help you find success. There’s no need to go out and get your own training; we bring it to you. Our Artistic Team, in collaboration with top stylists from around the world, provides you with the techniques and haircuts that your clients want. All our stylists go through the Basic Training Program in Visible Changes’ cutting method. This program is self-paced and usually takes three to six months to complete. After that, we provide Developmental, Intermediate, and Advanced classes to update your training. Training is also available in coloring and perming hair, and we offer you the choice to specialize in either cutting or chemical work, or to do both.


We offer group insurance to those who qualify, along with dental, life, disability, and malpractice insurance.

Salary and Commission

We guarantee you $7.00 an hour once you’re on the cutting floor. But, our commission scale is designed to let you make much more. Our average stylist is making about $30,000 annually after three years on the floor, and we have some stylists earning in excess of $100,000! Special Clubs are set up to earn commission raises throughout your career.


Every stylist, receptionist, and manager earns a year-end bonus based on performance and production. Year-end bonuses can range from $500 to $10,000. Stylists are also eligible for Retail Bonuses based on product sales (from $200 to $12,000) and Super Bonuses based on total sales production (from $500 to $30,000).

Company Trips

Goals are set up to earn trips to exciting locales. Places like Lake Tahoe, Las Vegas, Caribbean Cruises, Disney World, Cozumel, Club Med Ixtapa, and even Hawaii and Australia! Our trips include airfare, hotel accommodations in the finest hotels, and dinners at the best restaurants.


Your hard work is rewarded at our Company Conference, where we celebrate the year’s success. There, we award Super Bonuses, Retail Bonuses, Company Trips, and trophies for the top stylists in each salon, and in the company. Management and receptionists also receive awards. This day-long event is professionally produced and features entertainment and a four-star meal. Everyone is invited and spouses are encouraged to attend.

Profit Sharing

Probably the best benefit is the one you can’t use until you leave Visible Changes. Our Profit Sharing Plan. Contributions are made into your account by Visible Changes; you don’t put in a penny! All we ask is your hard work in recommending professional products to your clients. After seven years of full time employment, you are %100 vested, meaning that once you choose to leave Visible Changes, the money is yours for retirement, or to start your own business. An average staff member has nearly $100,000 in their account after ten year

Management and Receptionists

Not only do we train our stylists to be the best; we train our management and receptionists to be the best. Our Management team provides you with the motivation to achieve your goals and all the necessary tools to exceed them. Receptionists book appointments and provide for check-in and check-out of your clients, leaving you free to do what you do best – cut, color and perm!

Location and Advertisement By opening Visible Changes salons in major malls in Houston, Austin, San Antonio and Dallas (in Plano), Texas, we make sure that there is plenty of foot traffic for walk-ins and plenty of parking. Our modern salons are updated and maintained regularly. You won’t see us advertising in the papers or on TV because YOU are our best advertisement! We have built a reputation throughout Texas as the place to get great haircuts and colors, plus, have a good time. The money we save on advertising goes back into your bonuses. We do provide brochures for your clients, and business cards and coupons for you to build your clientele.


We’re always on the lookout for talented management. If you enjoy helping others reach their highest potential, in an exciting and rewarding atmosphere, then give us a call. No degree or experience in hairdressing is required, but basic supervisory background in a similar business is a must (restaurant, retail, customer service, etc.). We look for someone with the ability to stay motivated who is able to motivate others. Our Management Training Program will teach you how to run a salon, recruit, hire and train staff members, build the business, set and achieve goals, and much more.

We offer a competitive starting salary with quarterly and annual bonuses, plus the chance to win the company trip. Our Manager of the Year receives 1 carat diamond jewelry (in the shape of our corporate logo) and the use of the company BMW for the year. If you win Manager of the Year three times, you get to keep the car!


If you have superior customer service and organizational skills, then you have what it takes to be a Visible Changes receptionist. Our receptionists are responsible for greeting clients, making appointments, sending clients to the stylists, and ringing up the sales. We offer full and part-time positions with the opportunity for advancement into management. Pay starts at $6 to $7 and hour with regular raises for great performance. You can also earn a year-end bonus and additional salary incentives for running a salon on Sundays.


Our services are listed in the following categories:

*Shampoo and Cut

*Shampoo and Cut, Blowdry or Sculpting

*Shampoo and Blowdry or Sculpting



Prices for services vary depending on type of service chosen, and level of stylist or chemical specialist.

For information on cutters, see levels. For pricing and appointment availability, call locations.

Our salons are like families. And we have one goal in common – to be the best!

Thanks for visiting, and hope to see you soon!


Choosing Your Stylist or Chemical Specialist:

Haircutter – Our haircutters are fully licensed by the State of Texas and have completed the Visible Changes Haircutting Skills training program. This rigorous course takes six to nine months to complete and the candidate must pass a test of their abilities.

Senior Cutter – Our Senior Cutters have performed a minimum of 7,000 haircuts and are requested by 50% of the clients they see.

Master Cutter – Our Master Cutters have cut over 14,000 heads of hair and are personally requested by 65% of their clientele.

Style Director – Our Style Directors have 20,000 haircuts worth of experience and are requested by 80% of their clients.

Art Director – Our Art Directors have at least seven years of haircutting experience with Visible Changes and have done over 30,000 haircuts. Permanent Members of our Artistic Team are also Art Directors.

Chemical Specialist – Our Chemical Specialists have completed the Visible Changes Chemical Services training program and have been tested by a supervising Chemical Department Trainer.

Master Specialist – Our Master Chemical Specialists have a minimum of two years of experience exclusively in chemical services with Visible Changes. In addition, they have performed color and perm services on over 4,000 clients.

Color and Perm Directors – Our Color and Perm Directors have a minimum of seven years of experience exclusively in chemical services with Visible Changes and have satisfied over 15,000 color and perm clients.

Visible Changes has a commitment to ongoing education. In addition to the above achievements, our stylists attend several training seminars throughout the year.


Education is one of the most important elements of Visible Changes. It has played a huge role in the success of the company.

Visible Changes’ haircutting system was created by .Maryanne McCormack. Visible Changes requires all new staff members to complete a Basic Training Program, in cutting or chemicals, whether they are new cosmetology graduates or experienced in the industry. Requiring this intense education is necessary to maintain the quality in the entire company.

The Basic Training Program consists of cutting or coloring classes as well as other aspects of the profession. This includes client service, goal setting, styling and communication skills.

When the quality and understanding is achieved and the final exam has been passed the stylist or chemical specialist is promoted to the first level.

Each level must graduate through a series of classes before moving up to a higher level. Even after gaining the highest level, our staff members must continue their education by attending seasonal classes to keep them on the cutting edge of fashion.


STATS PLUS offers a full featured Salon Management software. Its features include an Electronic Appointment Book, a Point of Sale system, Inventory Tracking, a

payroll system, and an extensive variety of reports. With over 10 years of providing software for High Volume salons, STATS PLUS can provide you with the software tools necessary to help you manage your salon more efficiently.

We welcome you to call and inquire about our software at 713-935-4470 or email us at stats@visiblechanges.com.


Visible Changes’ Artistic Team is made up of some of our most talented staff members. The team is responsible for training the entire company in the latest cutting and color techniques. They are also responsible for doing hair and make-up for all of the posters hanging in the Visible Changes Salons and all of our photos seen in hair magazines. The team also sponsors fashion shows throughout the year, many to help raise money for local charities.