Alcohol On College Campus. Essay, Research Paper
Should Alcohol Be Allowed on College Campuses?
Alcohol has been a source of both pleasure and destruction since the
beginning of time. It has been commended as a source of relation, pleasure, and
nourishing to the body. Many of us are aware of people on campus whose use of
alcohol, results in behavior that disrupts their relationship with school, family, and
society. Whether it is vandalism, fights, or even driving while drunk, can have an
impact on us all. So, in turn, there should be alcohol policies and practices on
college campuses.
When teens go away to college, this is their first time living away from
home. Parents are not there to watch them, so this increases the range of
opportunity. College students now see a much larger , but freer place. alcohol
abuse is a problem, and there are ways to diminish alcohol abuse on our campus.
On some campuses, you are not allowed to have any alcohol. The Rutgers
University Committee on the Use of Alcohol reported to the University in May
1981, a timely report since the New Jersey Legislature raised the drinking age to
21 in 1982 (Sherwood 50). If you live on a wet campus then you are allowed to
have alcohol in your possession if you are of age. The problem gets out of hand
when students do not know how to control themselves. If the drinking is raised
then drinking may drop temporarily. I am sure there will be ways to get around
them like: false identification cards, drinking in cars and off campus, and trying
to convince older friends to provide alcoholic beverages. The main reason why
drinking laws are being raised is because while drinking people chose to drive.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 20 percent of
all fatal highway accidents involve drivers under 21, although this group makes up
less than 10 percent of the total number of licensed drivers (Olson 72). So, college
and university administrators must play a key role in make sure the students are
following these rules. These administrators need to become more knowledgeable
about the hereditary-disease concept of alcoholism. We should not only put the
blame on the college, but the parents should educate there children on this issue.
There are several ways that both parents and administrators can help alcohol abuse
be prevented.
What can we do? An individual skills and strengths, as well a knowledge,
will influence his or her ability to make responsible decisions about the use of
alcohol in different situations. The importance of the drinking environment and
the overall living environment also can help solve this problem. A relaxed setting
can contribute to just sociable drinking, this will minimize the likelihood of
intoxication. On the other hand, a more strident setting can result in the more
intake if drinks, this will lead to a rapid increase in the alcohol in the blood alcohol
level. Parents are legally liable for the behavior of minors in their home and under
their supervision. Another way for parents to convey their attitude about drinking
is by having rap session with their family members. There also could be activities
offered by the college or university. The can hold Alcohol Awareness Campaigns
were they hand out pamphlets and brochures. They could also hold a symposium.
This is where a series of speakers or presentations address a particular topic.
Courses can be offered about how and if alcohol issues are dealt with in various
disciplines on our campus. As in other programs of this type, it is possible to give
people new knowledge without necessarily changing their behavior. There are
several ways to prevent alcoholism on college campuses.
In conclusion, I feel that drinking should be allowed on college campuses. I
also feel that the child should be educated at home first. The should be taught the
difference between social drinking and binge drinking. If the privilege of alcohol
is abused on campus, there should be penalties. The penalties should include: first
and second warnings, but the last something more harsh that will teach a lesson.
There also should be a limit on how much alcohol that is allowed on campus at a
time. I believe if the parents, administrators, and students work together then this
will not be a continuous problem.