
Prevention Childhood Obesity Connection to Breastfeeding and Other Contributing Factors

Prevention Childhood Obesity: Connection to Breastfeeding and Other Contributing Factors

Nagima Alzhan

Adelphi University

Nursing 385


This paper is based on 3 articles: “Anticipatory Guidance for Prevention of Childhood Obesity: Design of the MOMS Project” by Judith A. Groner, MD and colleagues, “Breastfeeding and the Risk of Childhood Obesity” by Alan S. Ryan and “Childhood Obesity: What’s Health Care Policy Got To Do With it?” by Charles Homer and Lisa A. Simpson, The authors undertook a research study to examine the results of multiple studies on relationship between breastfeeding and obesity. My examination systematically focuses on aspects of the articles in terms of effects of educating our population about breastfeeding and it’s positive effects. I have attempted to develop a cohesive and unified opinion, which not only expound the particulars of the research but which also formulates a clear interpretation of the researches throughout. I agree and suggest that the size of the groups and the method of selecting subjects for the experimental groups may make the researches externally invalid and thus greatly rising generalizability to of the population.

Obesity has many influences on people’s life: health, behavior, quality of life. Childhood overweight is likely to expend to adulthood, therefore it is important to control weight as early as possible. Authors mentioned in these articles that there are no studies about eating habits and obesity prevention programs till now that can ultimately conclude that breastfeeding prevents childhood obesity.

Article 1. Judith A. Groner, MD and colleagues in their article named Anticipatory Guidance for Prevention of Childhood Obesity: Design of the MOMS Project implicated special Anticipatory Guidance to promote “healthy eating behaviors during early childhood” (Judith A. Groner et. al.,2009, 483) to prevent obesity and overweight. The goal of the project was to develop and evaluate Anticipatory Guidance (AG). Researchers monitored Mom-focused eating, Ounce Prevention programs in compare with usual eating habits. The researchers used “Making our Mealtimes Special” (MOMS) project as AG which contents Mom-focused eating program, Ounce of prevention, Bright Futures “usual care”. By the authors’ opinion, pediatric offices’ staff are the good source to promote healthy eating behaviors but as of today they are not much involved in the projects which promote healthy life style.

In the article 2, Breastfeeding and the Risk of Childhood Obesity, by Alan S. Ryan (2007) outline a research design involving fourteen studies which were drawn from South and North Amreica, Western Europe, South Africa and Australia. In the introduction to the article, the author states that “a focus of breastfeeding alone may not overweight or obesity later in life” and that “other parental characteristics, particularly ancestry, weight gain during pregnancy and maternal smoking during pregnancy place the child at a greater risk of becoming overweight.” (Coll. Antropol 31 (2007) 1: 19-28). This statement basically outlines the premise behind the research – it is not a research question but a statement of belief on the part of the authors; a statement of belief upon which they draw in framing the purpose and focus of their research. The author articulates his recognition of the fact that although breastfeeding is indeed provides the optimal nutrition and health benefits for mothers and babies, there are many other strong contributing factors that are connected to obesity among children. The research itself is based on exploring the childhood obesity studies in which the methods of selection of the population is diverse but limited to certain pattern.

Article 3, Given the fact that preventing obesity is more complex them simply having mothers breastfeed their newborns for at least 6 months, “Childhood Obesity: What’s Health Care Policy Got to Do With it?” by Charles Homer and Lisa A. Simpson acknowledge their strong mind on having the healthcare system “must act on best available evidence”. The authors recognize that there are policies in place within government provided insurances, whom they believe to be the “key stakeholders in mounting a response to the epidemic”. However, their concern lies in the ways that preventive policies are implemented. They believe that “needed policy changes are not limited to reimbursement policies”. They actually suggest 6 more aspects that should be addressed, and acknowledge their expectation toward state legislative bodies to have private insurances provide at least reimbursements, as it is done by state insurances.


For the most part, in conclusion of this assignment I can say that authors of the article 2 and 3 are mostly strong minded about breastfeeding. They suggest that breastfeeding helps prevent childhood obesity. Of course, it does but not as much as I expected it. Given the comparative date provided in article 1, I can conclude that we do not have enough information to make such statements. However, I think that patient education about breastfeeding could be more effective if it could be done more appropriate at hospitals and during prenatal care.

Personal Analytic Statement

As a whole, I found these articles to be useful for my current job as a nurse assistant. That is, while it would be interesting to see how the training in alternate instructional methods can possibly effect children and mothers, I believe that it will make a difference. The sample groups were selected on different criteria and did not represent correspond at some points, however, all three suggest that progress was made in cases where information was provided. As such, the findings of the research are particular to the individuals studied. In order to achieve result in our fight against obesity, we need to address it as implied in article 3, “the system framework for addressing obesity must include policy environment, at both the societal and organizational levels”, amplifying that “the healthcare system must be deeply involved in solutions to the problem of childhood obesity in the US”.