
Abortion Essay Research Paper Home and Family

Abortion Essay, Research Paper

Home and Family Paper Prewrite

family, bedroom. kitchen, bathroom, cousins, aunts and uncles, parents, guardians,

marriage, what is a marriage, single parent households, low income housing, single

mothers, single fathers, unwanted pregnancies, abortion is right or wrong, brothers,

sisters, grandparents, working parents, generation gaps between children and parents,

parents talking to their children about social i.e. sex, abortion, drug use, and other various

issues, parents teaching their children rather than schools, family room, sitting down for

dinner at the kitchen table, parents as role models, siblings taking care of younger

siblings to help with responsibility at home, divorce, gay marriages, adoption, welfare

system, child care, dead beat parents, guns at home, inner city homes as related to

suburban homes, expansion of cities, overpopulation, t.v. families, family values, fidelity

in marriages, chores to be done, finical problems at home, definition of a family, the

ideal family, dysfunctional families, punishing parents for crimes their children did, ?A

family that prays together stays together? are there more responsibilities for children

nowadays, classes on parenting,

Topic: To explain why abortion should be illegal in all cases.

Thesis statement: With every abortion that occurs another inaudible scream from

the unborn child occurs and the rights of that child are taken away .


Topic: To argue why abortion should be illegal in all cases.

Thesis Statement: With every abortion that occurs another inaudible scream from the

unborn child occurs and the rights of that child are taken away .

Main point #1: The first reason why abortion should be illegal is that abortion is murder.

Subpoints: US Supreme ruling on Roe vs. Wade never stated when life begins and also

only protects the life of the mother not the child.

The hypocratic oath that doctors take says that the doctor must try to save the patient for

dying; however abortion doctors are doing the opposite.

Main point# 2: Cases involving rape and incest.

subpoints: To explain that in most cases incest is rape.

Why should the unborn baby be condemned?

Solutions in case of rape.

Main point#3: Should be abortion be illegal in cases that the mothers life is endanger.

Subpoints: If the problem occurs as result of a cancerous uterus then an abortion as a

result of a hysterectomy is acceptable.

If the abortion is performed to save a mother?s life then it is wrong, i.e.

complications at birth.

Solution is that the doctor should try do all they can for both the mother and


Conclusion: Tying together all the topics and one last aruguementive to explain why

abortion should.

On January 22, 1973, the United States Supreme Court legalized abortion. When

the it ruled that abortion was legal, the court not only gave women the right to choose but

also gave the unborn babies a right to die. Since that day, millions upon millions of

unborn children have been ripped apart, burned with saline solutions, and sucked from

their mothers?wombs. With every abortion that occurs another inaudible scream from

the unborn child is silenced and the rights of that child are taken away .

If someone where to be asked if murder was wrong, the general answer would be

yes. When that same person is asked if abortion is murder, the answer may be yes, but

most likely the answer is no. Why do most people think that murder is wrong, but do not

agree that abortion is murder? The reason for this contradiction is that most people

believe that the unborn infant is not a human, but an organ or part of the woman?s body,

which would make the act of aborting the child just the same as removing an appendix.

This problem of when life begins stems from the inconsistencies which come from the

case of Roe v. Wade. The Supreme Court interrupted that by the ninth and fourteenth

amendments that a woman has the right to an abortion. The court that day, however, did

not rule when a life begins for a human. If society is to assume that a fetus is a human

the second it leaves the uterus, then what is the unborn baby three minutes from birth , a

monkey. When an unborn baby is aborted, society must realize that an organ was not

taken out, but a living human being. This would make abortion wrong because according

to law, no one has the right to take away anther?s life.

With many people considering the cases of unwanted pregnancy due to rape or

incest to be acceptable, they must realize that the child is not the crime. Society?s reason

behind this is, why should the woman suffer from the pain and remembrance that the

pregnancy brings. Even though cases of abortion due to rape and incest only make up

one percent of the total number abortion performed, there is no reason why 15,000

unborn babies should be murdered annually. Why should the baby be condemned to

death because of a crime that was committed by another person. If innocent people

should be condemned to death because they are the result of the crime, then instead of

imprisoning or putting death a convicted murder we should kill one of that prisoner?s

family members. If the woman does not want to have the baby they could either carry the

unborn baby until full term and give the child up for adoption, or go within twenty four

hours to a hospital and have the rapist?s semen removed before conception.

The last reason why abortion should be wrong is the use of it as genocide. With

the growing technologies in the world today, society is able to see and hear their child

inside the mother. Technology today also allows humans to find out if there is something

wrong with the child or if the child is male or a female. Many times this advanced

warning can help the parents cope with the trauma if something is wrong with their baby;

however, many couples are opting to have the unborn babies aborted rather than keeping

them. The couple?s logic is that they were looking out for the child?s well-being or that

they did not want a girl but a boy. If they are trying to protect their child, why do they kill

the unborn baby? God for some reason is giving them a child who is not normal and

rather then parents thinking that the child is a blessing the parents see the child as a freak

of nature. God will not have giving that child to them if He knew the parents could not

handle the child. Parents are also using the same technology, in order to see if the child

will be a certain gender. There is nothing wrong with this, but many parents after finding

out the child does not have the gender the want abort it. Almost fifty years ago the world

stopped a man named Hitler because he was committing genocide. The reason he was

murdering millions of people was because he wanted a race of blond hair and blue

humans to rule the world. If the Holocausts were consider wrong fifty years ago, why is

not the genocide that is happening in the United States. Also the world would be a dull

place if society was made up of one gender and people with a certain eye or hair color.

Many different reasons are given why women have abortions in this country.

Since the decision of Roe v. Wade, twenty-two million unborn children have died. With

these children dead, so are their dreams and ideas that could have revolutionized the

world. When the government allowed abortions to be legal, they also put themselves in

the same category with men like Stalin and Hitler. The citizens of the United States need

to wake up and see that the holocausts did not end in Germany but continue today on

American soil. At one time blacks did not have rights because the were consider below

white and not citizens. America needs to realize that unborn children are also citizens and

have rights. Even though these babies can not be heard and are not able to contact their

congressmen to suggest that a law against the murdering of them should be legalized,

society should realizes they have a voice through their vote.