Pick-up Lines Essay, Research Paper
*HTML**FONT SIZE=3 PTSIZE=10*Pick-Up Lines*BR*
Compiled by*BR*
ally@netspace.net.au *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 1 =-=*BR*
Let’s do breakfast tomorrow. Should I call you or nudge you? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 2 =-=*BR*
Would you like to watch the sunrise together? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 3 =-=*BR*
If I could rewrite the alphabet, I would put U and I together. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 4 =-=*BR*
I saw your picture in the dictionary today…next to the word ‘beautiful’. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 5 =-=*BR*
What’s your sign? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 6 =-=*BR*
Is your daddy a thief?*BR*
Then who stole those diamonds and put them in your eyes? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 7 =-=*BR*
Your eyes are as blue as window cleaner. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 8 =-=*BR*
Your eyes are as blue as my toilet water at home. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 9 =-=*BR*
If you got those eyes from your mother, I know why your dad married her. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 10 =-=*BR*
You know, you’re very easy on the eyes. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 11 =-=*BR*
There must be something wrong with my eyes, I can’t take them off you. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 12 =-=*BR*
(At an engineering school luncheon)*BR*
He: Your eyes are emitting magnetic fields.*BR*
She: Oh, and how do magnetic fields feel?*BR*
He: Attractive… *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 13 =-=*BR*
Do you have a map? I just keep on getting lost in your eyes. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 14 =-=*BR*
Ya know, that wine really brings out the bloodshot in your eyes. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 15 =-=*BR*
No wonder the sky is so gray today, all the blue is in your eyes. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 16 =-=*BR*
Guy goes up to a girl, licks his finger, touches her on the shoulder, and then touches himself (all this while she is watching him) and says:*BR*
How about you and I get out of these wet clothes? *BR*
It worked for him…
=-= Pick-Up Line 17 =-=*BR*
Here’s your chance to get to know me. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 18 =-=*BR*
Don’t you know me from somewhere? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 19 =-=*BR*
You don’t know me, but you’d really like to. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 20 =-=*BR*
Excuse me, but I DO think it’s time we met. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 21 =-=*BR*
If we’re not related, I’d like to be. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 22 =-=*BR*
Say, didn’t we go to different schools together? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 23 =-=*BR*
Say, wasn’t I blissfully married to you once? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 24 =-=*BR*
Excuse me, but weren’t you Shirley MacLaine in a past life? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 25 =-=*BR*
Excuse me, but weren’t we blissfully married in a past life? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 26 =-=*BR*
Didn’t I used to always pull on your ponytail in grammar school? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 27 =-=*BR*
Wasn’t it you who pinched me in the third grade? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 28 =-=*BR*
I had a friend who used to hand out calling cards which said:*BR*
“Smile if you want to sleep with me.” *BR*
then watch the victim try to hold back her smile… *BR*
Or he had cards that said: *BR*
Here I am, madly in love with you, on the verge of*BR*
killing myself for your love and I don’t even know*BR*
your NAME__________ PHONE________*BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 29 =-=*BR*
I have had a really bad day and it always makes me feel better to see a pretty girl smile. So, would you smile for me? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 30 =-=*BR*
Did the sun come out or did you just smile at me? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 31 =-=*BR*
Were you just smiling at me from across the room, or do I have my contacts in wrong? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 32 =-=*BR*
There’s an aura about you that’s hidden and I want to bring that aura out. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 33 =-=*BR*
She (to passing man): Excuse me, do you have the time?*BR*
He: Do you have the energy? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 34 =-=*BR*
Woman: Excuse me, do you have the time?*BR*
Man: Do you have the place in mind? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 35 =-=*BR*
So, howzabout the two of us going back to my place and you run your fingers through the hair on my back? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 36 =-=*BR*
My friends are leaving, but I’d love it if you gave me a reason to stay. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 37 =-=*BR*
There’s a fire back at my place. Would you like to go get warm? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 38 =-=*BR*
Bond. James Bond. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 39 =-=*BR*
The spy agency has sent me here to save you. Take my hand and come with me. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 40 =-=*BR*
A friend of mine who walked up to a young lady in a club and simply asked, “Are you ready to go home now?” She smiled a bit, stood up, and they left together. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 41 =-=*BR*
Wait until it gets near last call in a bar. Find the drunkest looking woman in the place, walk up to her, and say, “Okay, let’s go home…” *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 42 =-=*BR*
If I told you that you have a nice body, would you hold it against me? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 43 =-=*BR*
Is this love on a two-way street…or is it a dead end? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 44 =-=*BR*
Interested in a hot and steaming dish of conversation? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 45 =-=*BR*
What did you say? Oh, I thought you were talking to me. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 46 =-=*BR*
Hi, the voices in my head told me to come over and talk to you. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 47 =-=*BR*
You are the only reason why I came in here alone. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 48 =-=*BR*
Shall we talk or continue flirting from a distance? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 49 =-=*BR*
If you’re not doing anything with those supple lips of yours, how would you like to talk to me? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 50 =-=*BR*
Hi! Can I buy you a car? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 51 =-=*BR*
Oh, I’m doing fine! And you? (While looking at someone and waiting for them to say anything) *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 52 =-=*BR*
Aren’t we supposed to get together for a candlelight dinner later tonight? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 53 =-=*BR*
Hi, I just moved to this city and was wondering if you could recommend a good restaurant here. Would you also like to join me? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 54 =-=*BR*
My drink is getting lonely, so would you like to join me with one? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 55 =-=*BR*
Can I taste your drink/dish? (Then lean over and kiss him or her.) *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 56 =-=*BR*
Can I buy you a drink or do you just want the money? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 57 =-=*BR*
I’ve had quite a bit to drink, and you’re beginning to look pretty good. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 58 =-=*BR*
I am not drunk, I’m just intoxicated by you. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 59 =-=*BR*
Would you like someone to mix with your drink? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 60 =-=*BR*
Excuse me, why is your drink glowing? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 61 =-=*BR*
I’d love to buy you a drink, but I’d be jealous of the glass. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 62 =-=*BR*
If I drink one of these, I may forget how to get back to the monastery. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 63 =-=*BR*
Feel free to buy me a drink anytime. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 64 =-=*BR*
It’s always good for you to see me again. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 65 =-=*BR*
Is that a tic-tac in your pocket or are you just glad to see me? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 66 =-=*BR*
Are we in the frozen food section, or are you just happy to see me? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 67 =-=*BR*
What would you do if I kissed you right now? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 68 =-=*BR*
You should be someone’s wife. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 69 =-=*BR*
Hi, I’m a fashion photographer. Would you like to be in my next photo shoot? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 70 =-=*BR*
Pardon me but I was just about to go home and masturbate and I was wondering if you’d mind if I fantasize about you? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 71 =-=*BR*
Wow! Are you really as beautiful as you seem or do you remind me of myself? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 72 =-=*BR*
Are you incredibly beautiful, or is it just my chemotherapy? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 73 =-=*BR*
You look more beautiful than Nurse Chapel. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 74 =-=*BR*
If beauty were a crime, you’d be doin’ life. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 75 =-=*BR*
If beauty were music, you’d be a symphony. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 76 =-=*BR*
You must be lost, because I have never seen anyone so beautiful/gorgeous in this *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 77 =-=*BR*
You are just truly absolutely beautiful! Can you cook and clean also? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 78 =-=*BR*
Is it really bright in here, or am I being blinded by your radiant beauty? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 79 =-=*BR*
I never pass up an opportunity to say hello to a beautiful woman. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 80 =-=*BR*
Would you like to dance, or should I go *censored* myself again? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 81 =-=*BR*
Excuse me, but did you happen to find my Congressional Medal of Honor? or Excuse me, but did you happen to find my Nobel Peace Prize? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 82 =-=*BR*
Do you sleep on your stomach?*BR*
Can I? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 83 =-=*BR*
If you spot a girl waiting in a restaurant/theater/club for someone, go up to her and say…*BR*
If he doesn’t show up, I’ll be right over here. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 84 =-=*BR*
If this bar is a meat market, you must be the prime rib. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 85 =-=*BR*
I bet you’ve caused a lot of bar brawls. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 86 =-=*BR*
There’s something about you that I like. I just can’t put my finger on it. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 87 =-=*BR*
God must have been in a very good mood the day we met. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 88 =-=*BR*
Be unique and different, say yes. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 89 =-=*BR*
Do you believe in the hereafter? Well, then I guess you know what I’m here after. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 90 =-=*BR*
I’m really sorry about Al. It was a lovely funeral. You look ravishing in black, did you know that? What you need now is a nice backrub. Are the straps too tight, darling? How tragic. How very, very tragic. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 91 =-=*BR*
Gosh, I loved your movie! *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 92 =-=*BR*
May I have your autograph? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 93 =-=*BR*
Excuse me, do you live around here often? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 94 =-=*BR*
Is it just me, or does everyone here seem to have a pick-up line? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 95 =-=*BR*
You look like the type of girl who has heard every line in the book… So what’s one more?? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 96 =-=*BR*
One pickup line that might get a laugh, if nothing else, is:*BR*
Pardon me, but what pickup line works best with you? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 97 =-=*BR*
Hypothetically, what pickup lines are effective with a person like you? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 98 =-=*BR*
You make me so nervous and flustered, I’ve completely forgotten my standard pick-up line. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 99 =-=*BR*
I’m not picking you up. I’ve picked you out. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 100 =-=*BR*
What would it take for a guy like me to go out with a girl like you? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 101 =-=*BR*
Hey babe, did you know I’m on the Harvard Mailing List? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 102 =-=*BR*
What’s your sign? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 103 =-=*BR*
And a subtle approach: *BR*
Excuse me, but you have a beep on your nose. What? *BR*
(reach up and gently squeeze her nose) BEEP. (If she laughs, she’s yours; if she looks at you funny, apologize.) *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 104 =-=*BR*
Whatever you do, don’t ever cut that silky hair of yours! *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 105 =-=*BR*
I lost my phone number. Can I borrow yours? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 106 =-=*BR*
You smell delicious! *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 107 =-=*BR*
May I end this sentence with a proposition? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 108 =-=*BR*
Want to see my stamp collection? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 109 =-=*BR*
Congratulations! You’ve been voted “Most Beautiful Girl In This Room” and the grand prize is a night with me! *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 110 =-=*BR*
Actually, ma’am, ah’m not as tall as you think. Ah’m from Taixus, and ah’m sittin’ on mah wallet. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 111 =-=*BR*
Stare at a guy/girl for a long time, and when he/she notices for the second or third time, go up to him/her and say… *BR*
I’m sorry for staring at you, but you look very much like someone I used to date. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 112 =-=*BR*
Do you mind if I stare at you up close instead of from across the room? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 113 =-=*BR*
Excuse me, mind if I stare at you for a minute? I want to remember your face for my dreams. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 114 =-=*BR*
Excuse me for staring at you, but I just love the view. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 115 =-=*BR*
Hi, I make more money than you can spend. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 116 =-=*BR*
Excuse me, do you have change for a $100 bill? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 117 =-=*BR*
When is our wedding date? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 118 =-=*BR*
Wouldn’t we look cute on a wedding cake together? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 119 =-=*BR*
He: What was that?*BR*
She: What was what?*BR*
He: That sound.*BR*
She: I didn’t hear anything.*BR*
He: It was the sound of my heart breaking. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 120 =-=*BR*
Excuse me, can you give me directions?*BR*
To where?*BR*
To your heart. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 121 =-=*BR*
Excuse me, but I couldn’t help but notice that you have a very sexy overbite. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 122 =-=*BR*
Do you have room in your life for a new friend? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 123 =-=*BR*
Excuse me, do you think we might possibly have a mutual friend who could introduce us. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 124 =-=*BR*
Just where do those legs of yours end? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 125 =-=*BR*
Are your legs tired because you’ve been running through my mind all day? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 126 =-=*BR*
I know there are thousands of perfect guys out there in the world, but only three of us don’t watch football. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 127 =-=*BR*
Uh, oh. My parents met at a place like this. Let’s get the hell out of here. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 128 =-=*BR*
What is a classy place like this doing around a girl like you? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 129 =-=*BR*
Want a break tonight? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 130 =-=*BR*
You must have a nice personality. *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 131 =-=*BR*
Does my breath smell okay? *BR*
=-= Pick-Up Line 132 =-=*BR*
Hi, my name’s Ron, how do you like me so far? *BR*