
England Romantic Poets Essay Research Paper The (стр. 2 из 2)

to suffer with them and trully, to rejoice with them. To restore them to their

health and defend them against their critics and naysayers. The Romantic poets

were rather preocupied with the natural world, as is probably pretty obvious by

now. So much of their ideas came from the very fact that most of them lived in

the Lakeside district, a very beautiful place. They grew up with a great

admiration for the physical world, and came to almost adopt a pantheistic

outlook on life, especially Wordsworth. Shelley and Keats were less focussed on

the spiritual realm, but as both of their writings clearly show, nature was

still highly regarded if not deitized. St. Stephen’s University Literature 350

Prof: M. A Smith April 2000 The Romantic Poets: and the role of Nature Craig


Camilla, Sister Francis S.L, The Romantics and Victorians., The MacMillan

company, New York: 1961. Frost, William, Romantic And Victorian Poetry.,

Prentive- Hall. Inc, Englewood Cliffs: 1961. Trilling, Lionel. The Liberal

Imagination., Viking Press, New York: 1942. Consulted: Hodgson, A. John.

Wordsworth’s Philosophical Poetry 1797- 1814. UNP press., 1976.