Amy Ling,Between Worlds:Women Worrior of Chinese Ancestry(New York:Pergamon Press,1990);
Ling,??Thematic Threads in Maxine Hong Kingston??s The Women
Carol Neubauer,??Developing Ties to the Past:Photography and Other Sources of
Information in Maxine Hong Kingston??s China Men,??MELUS,10(Winter 1983):17-36;
Lee Quinby,??The Subject of Memoir:The Woman warrior??s Technology of Idiographic Selfhood,??in De/Colonizing the Subject:The Poetics of Gender in Women??s Autobiography,edited by Sidonie Smith and Julia Watson(Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press,1992),pp.297-320;
Leslie Rabine,??No Lost Paradise:Social Gender and Symbolic Gender in the Writings of Maxine Hong Kingston,??Signs,12(Spring 1987):471-492;
Roberta Rubenstein,??Bridging Two Cultures:Maxine Hong Kingston,??in her Boundaries of the Self:Gender,Culture,Fiction(Urbana:University of Illinois Press,1987),pp.164-189;
Malini Johar Schueller,??Theorizing Ethnicity and Subjectivity:Maxine Hong Kingston??s Tripmaster Monkey and Amy Tan??s The Joy Luck Club,??Genders,15(Winter 1992):72-85;
Linda Ching Sledge,??Maxine Hong Kingston??s China Men:The Family Historian as EpicPoet,??MELUS,7(1980):3-22;
Sidonie Smith,A Poetics of Women??s Autobiography:Marginality and the Fictions of Self-Representation(Bloomington :Indiana University Press,1987);
Sau-ling Cynthia Wong,??Autobiography as Grided Chinatown Tour?Maxine Hong Kingston??s The Woman Warrior and the Chinese-American Autobiography Controversy,??in Multicultural Autobiography:American Lives, edited by James Robert Payne(Knoxdville:University of Kentucky Press,1992),pp.248-275;
Wong,??Necessity and Extravagance in Maxine Hong Kingston??s The Woman Worrior:Art and the Ethnic Experience,??MELUS,15(1988):3-26;
Wong,Reading Asian American Literature:Form Necessity to Extravagance (Priceton,N.J.:Priceton University Press,1993.)
A collection of Kingston??s papers is at the Bancroft Library,University of Califonia at Berkeley.