
How To Have A Joyous Marriage Essay (стр. 1 из 2)

How To Have A Joyous Marriage! Essay, Research Paper

How to Have A Joyous Marriage!

by Roderick C. Meredith

Here are “keys’ to help make your marriage special! These insights and tested

principles will help you build your marriage into a precious relationship of joy

and beauty.

HJM4 Edition 1.3, May 1996

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With tears in their eyes, dozens and scores of women have told me how miserable

their marriages were. They obviously wish with all their hearts that things were

better, but they don’t know what to do.

“My husband won’t really open up and talk with me about our problems”, many

women say.

“My psychologist told me to go have an affair and I would feel better,” one

woman said. “But I know that’s wrong and I just can’t do that!”

In our “now generation,” most folks don’t think of the long-term consequences of

their actions, and our acceptance of “quickie” marriages and divorces only

compounds the problem. Why try to work through all the problems in your marriage

when you can just divorce and feel better right now?

In an outstanding recent article, former Secretary of Education, William J.

Bennett, made these insightful comments: “…but during the same recent 30-year

period there has been a 560% increase in violent crime; a 419% increase in

illegitimate births; a quadrupling in divorce rates; a tripling of the

percentage of children living in single-parent homes; more than a 200% increase

in the teenage suicide rate; and a drop of almost 80 points in SAT scores….!”

If you wish to avoid the misery of this foolish generation, then read carefully

and prayerfully the pages to follow. For we are going to discuss seven vital

keys to building and enriching the very basis of all decent society–your

marriage and your family.

I. Commitment is basic

The expression “till death do us part” may seem old fashioned or pass? to many

young people. But those same couples may be suffering loneliness, emptiness and

misery if they leave that concept out of their marriages.

Yet today, most people take for granted the modern option of leaving their mate

and forsaking their marriage vows. Many couples plan for the eventuality of

divorce by having a lawyer write up a prenuptial agreement. Then they promise to

stay together for life, but insist on acting “prudently” to protect their assets

in case the marriage doesn’t last.

This idea may seem wise and prudent, but is it really?


The common acceptance of the “escape hatch” of an easy divorce creates a vicious

cycle. The more some people divorce, the easier it seems for others to do

likewise. And the breakdown of a society has begun!

Nearly all thoughtful men and women realize that a stable home and family is

basic for a decent society. As our homes and marriages come apart, so the

wildness, ruthlessness and violence in our society will increase.

It is vital that we all grasp that the basis for marriage itself is the supreme

purpose of our Creator! That’s right! If you leave the great God who made us

male and female out of the picture, then human reason is the only basis for

anything–and absolute chaos will ensue.

It is God who said:

“Let us make man in our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion

over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over

all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” So God

created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and

female He created them. Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be

fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish

of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on

the earth” (Genesis 1:26-28).

God instituted marriage

We see here that it is God who made us male and female. And His first command to

humans was to “multiply”–obviously implying marriage and home.

God the Father is the Author of marriage. In Matthew 19, Jesus gave us some

principles concerning marriage. The Pharisees tested His teaching on the subject

by asking, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for just any reason?”

(Matthew 19:3).

In other words, can a man put away his wife for just any reason? They distorted

what Moses had said in the Old Testament about putting a wife away, and would

even use a pimple, a wart or almost anything as an excuse to put their wives


And He answered and said to them, “Have you not read that He who made them at

the beginning made them male and female,” and said, “For this reason a man shall

leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become

one flesh”? (verse 4-5).

God made the man and the woman for each other. He created the man and his wife

to complement one another physically, psychologically, emotionally and mentally

so they could live a balanced and happy life together.

Jesus taught that a man should leave his father and his mother and cleave to his


If you do have to bring senile or infirm in-laws to your home later, after the

marriage is firmly established, then that’s different. But at the beginning, and

certainly for the first several years, normally, you’re to leave relatives and

cleave to your wife or your husband.

Throughout your married life, always remember that it is GOD who made you “one.”

In a true marriage, a man and woman covenant before God to take each other as

mates for life. Under all normal circumstances, you should stay together. If

need be, you should pray and work to save your marriage.

In Malachi 2:13-16, our Creator shows why He sometimes withholds His blessing:

You cover the altar of the LORD with tears, with weeping and crying; so He does

not regard the offering anymore, nor receive it with good will from your hands.

Yet you say, “For what reason?” Because the LORD has been witness between you

and the wife of your youth, with whom you have dealt treacherously; yet she is

your companion and your wife by covenant. But did He not make them one, having a

remnant of the Spirit? And why one? He seeks godly offspring. Therefore take

heed to your spirit, and let none deal treacherously with the wife of his youth.

“For the LORD God of Israel says that He hates divorce, for it covers one’s

garment with violence,” says the LORD of hosts. “Therefore take heed to your

spirit, that you do not deal treacherously.”

Notice that God says plainly that He hates divorce!

So should you. That doesn’t mean you hate divorced people. Neither does God.

Rather, He pities them and wishes that we humans would quit fighting and arguing

and learn to love one another.

If we would truly do this–and make a real commitment when we marry–then we

could work out any problems that might arise. We could learn the lessons of

giving, sharing and forgiving in a way that only marriage can teach. Our

faithfulness to our mates shows our Maker that our commitment to Him will also

be lasting.

II. Communication is vital

One of the greatest shortcomings in literally millions of marriages is the lack

of open and loving communication. Note that I said, “open and loving,” not

shouting, criticizing or threatening.

This lack is especially discouraging to many wives. A young man will put his

best foot forward during the courtship. He will walk and talk for hours with a

pretty young woman he hopes to marry. His hormones are raging. So he will

confide in her, encourage and flatter her, do almost anything to get this

beautiful young woman to say “yes” and marry him.

But, not too many days or weeks after the marriage, a man may begin to withdraw.

He seems to forget that his sweetheart agreed to marry because she honestly

thought she was liked and respected as a person. She expected and hoped to be a

full partner in life with her future husband–sharing with him their mutual

plans, hopes and dreams.

However, when “hubby” starts coming home late with liquor on his breath and has

nothing to say, or when he eats dinner quickly and silently and then plops

himself in front of the TV, or when he spends most nights away from home playing

pool with “the boys”–that hurts!

So before you even become officially engaged, you had better become “best

friends” with your future mate–and mean it. You had better find out if you

truly have a whole range of interests in common–besides sex and romance!

In a truly happy marriage, the two individuals are to become like one person.

There is to be a oneness of mind, body, emotions, attitudes and a sharing in

nearly every aspect of life.

This doesn’t mean that a man can never play basketball, handball, pool, or cards

with other men occasionally. Good masculine companionship once in a while helps

a husband to be more of a man. This gives him more confidence and more of a

release for a particular part of his nature that ought to be expressed with

other men.

But if a husband is always playing cards, basketball, baseball, or pool with

other men–or away from home trying to make it big on the job–then this takes

him mentally, emotionally and physically away from his wife and children. A

continuing practice of this is wrong! It is breaking the commandment of Christ

that a man is to cleave to his wife.

Every married man has the God-given responsibility to spend time at home with

his wife and children. Is this where a considerable amount of your time and

interest lies? Or is it always somewhere else, doing something else?

Where is your “heart”? How and where do you spend your time?

Spend time alone with your mate

Husbands and wives need special time together–sometimes apart even from the

children. Get a babysitter, if you can, and go out to dinner or to a concert

once in a while. You can walk, hand in hand, as you used to do when you were

courting and dating–dance together, talk together and love together.

You can even take short trips together. Then you will appreciate the children

more, because you’ve been away from them for a few days (not several weeks or

months) perhaps once or twice a year. This doesn’t hurt them at all, if they are

properly trained and your family is emotionally close as it should be.

Look at some examples in the Bible. You’ll find that men like Abraham, Isaac and

Jacob were away from their children far more than many of us today. It’s a

matter of correctly training the children while you’re with them, and giving

them a stable atmosphere and foundation for the remainder of their lives.

Of course, many don’t have much opportunity to go someplace together, or can’t

afford it. But there are other ways you can be alone together. You can begin by

sending the children to bed by eight or eight-thirty in the evening. Then you

will have an hour and a half or two hours together–before you go to bed.

You can listen to music together, read the Bible together occasionally, and do

other things together. Sometimes you can have a babysitter watch the children

while you and your wife take a long walk together.

A little thoughtfulness and tenderness can help a great deal!

Many of you men who have marriage problems should court your wife as you used to.

Practice the art of trying to cleave to her, and spend time together. Then you

will really understand your wife, and she will feel close to you mentally and

emotionally. Both of you will have more of the mutual understanding and

affection you used to have when you were first married.

But you do need to communicate in all those activities! Remember, love does not

automatically make one a skilled mind reader.

Men, be sure you don’t let other things distract you–or create situations which

excuse you–from talking openly and genuinely with your mate about your deepest

interests and concerns in life. Let her know if you think something is missing

in your relationship. And truly listen to her with your heart as well as your

head when she talks to you about similar matters.

If you love your mate, tell him or her–say it frequently. Open up. If you share

your hopes and dreams with the love of your life, then your love will grow

deeper and be even more meaningful.

III. Set family goals together

A truly meaningful home and marriage ought to have a number of goals in mind

besides sexual fulfillment. Too often, young people are so consumed with sexual

interest that they neglect to build a home, an enduring family and a meaningful

life together. So when the sexual fireworks start to slow down after a few

months or years of marriage, these people feel a sense of letdown or betrayal.

God mentions one of the reasons He made man and woman one in marriage. Notice

again the inspired words of Malachi, “But did He not make them one, having a

remnant of the Spirit? And why one? He seeks godly offspring. Therefore take

heed to your spirit, and let none deal treacherously with the wife of his youth”

(Malachi 2:15).

A young husband and wife normally ought to be planning for children, a real home,

a sense of family, stability and all that this implies. If both husband and wife

are working, they need to plan together to set aside money so she can stop

working for several years, at least, in order to have and rear children.

Couples should discuss what kind of home, education and family activities they

feel will work out best for them. They should regularly set little goals to work

on together. Then, as partners in their family enterprise, they should see that

these smaller goals all fit in with and support the fulfillment of their major

family goals.

An illustration of working toward a smaller goal might include planning together

a summer vacation trip. Each partner might wish to do some reading and research

separately, talk to different friends, get ideas. Then, together, they can spend

time discussing alternatives, planning a tentative trip budget, and finalizing


This type of goal-sharing and planning is obviously increased when as couple has

children. Then they need to discuss regularly the childrens’ health, development,

education, friends, neighborhood problems and their respective goals in life.

That is one reason, among many others, why having children often serves to give

greater strength and stability to a marriage.

Jesus Christ said to His disciples, “No longer do I call you servants, for a

servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends,

for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you” (John


Even the Son of God did not withhold from His friends the plans and programs He

and the Father had in mind. So you men, especially, open up and bring your wives

into the planning process of how and where you want to live in the future, where

you hope your career may take you and the goals you have in mind for yourself

and for the family as a whole. Make them feel like an integral part of the big

programs in your life.

IV. Marriage means giving

One of the greatest joys in life that everyone ought to experience is the joy of

giving: is seeing the deep appreciation, the radiant smiles and the joy of

others because you thought of them.

The Apostle Paul wrote, “I have shown in every way, by laboring like this, that

you must support the weak. And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He

said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive’” (Acts 20:35).

Marriage is certainly one of the best places to learn to give. For when you are

constantly living with another person, when you are bound by God in marriage to

that person, you desperately need to learn to give and give and give in order

for that union to be as deeply happy and satisfying as it should be!