The Labours Of Mendevolin Essay, Research Paper
(HIGH PRIEST on stage right. Enter MENDEVOLIN stage left. HIGH PRIEST
crosses to centre stage to meet MENDEVOLIN there.)
MENDEVOLIN: High Priest Marchand!
HIGH PRIEST: Ahh Mendevolin, it is such a pleasure to see you again.
MENDEVOLIN: Let’s disperse with the pleasantries. Take me to my father.
HIGH PRIEST: There are things you must know Mendevolin. Your father has not been
well. He has been slowly passing away for the last few months. This is why we have sent
for you.
MENDEVOLIN: He hinted at that in his letter. I came as soon as I could. How long do
we have?
HIGH PRIEST: Not long, he’s on his death bed. I’ve been using my healing powers to
keep him alive for the last week and a half. We have been waiting for your arrival.
MENDEVOLIN: Why didn’t he say anything before I left?
HIGH PRIEST: He’s a proud man, it took him months to even ask for my assistance. I’m
sure that he wouldn’t want his only son to have felt obligated to care for him. He respects
you a great deal and is proud to see you out working magic as he once did.
MENDEVOLIN: As much work as it may have been, it wouldn’t have seemed a burden,
because it would have been spent with my father. Now it’s too late. Please take me to
him now so that I might spend these last few moments of his life with him.
HIGH PRIEST: Come with me. He’s resting in the basement of the church, you’ll have to
make it quick, he doesn’t have much longer.
(HIGH PRIEST and MENDEVOLIN exit stage right.)
(MENDEVOLIN’S father lies on bed center stage. MENDEVOLIN enters stage left and
approaches his father.)
MENDEVOLIN: I came as soon as I heard. I’m sorry it took so
FATHER: Don’t worry, what’s important is that you’re here now. I have some news that
is going to shock you. It concerns your lineage and a burden which has been placed upon
this family. In regards to your lineage, I should tell you that….ahhhhh…..oh yes,lineage
Your great-great-great….well he was a great guy. A thousand years ago, an elven mage
of whom you are a descendant, cast—-
MENDEVOLIN: What!!!!???? We’re of elven descent, why did you never tell me? In
54 years, I would’ve thought that you could’ve mentioned it once!
FATHER: (Coughs) ……quiet, do you want to hear this or not? (silence) OK, good. As
I was saying…..what was I saying…..oh yes. Elven ancestry……an elven member of our
family gathered together a contingent of powerful mages from across the land nearly a
thousand years ago in an effort to repress the ultimate evil which threatened to sweep
over the land. That terrible beast known as Terresquay once rampaged across the land,
but with the help of his fellow mages, Thraltes of the Brook….did I mention he’s an
ancestor of ours?
MENDEVOLIN: Yes you did, please…..?
FATHER: Right, right. Well, Thraltes of the Brook and his band of mages collaborated
on what has proven to be the most powerful spell cast in millenia. Using the wax from the
Contusion bees
MENDEVOLIN: Contusion Bees!?
FATHER: Yes, I didn’t tell you about those either?
MENDEVOLIN: No, no you didn’t.
FATHER: Well then….the Contusion bees are located on the Contusion Islands, their wax
was used to create the candle
MENDEVOLIN: Father, it would help if I had some specifics. (father coughs) tell me
more about the Contusion bees. How big are they, why is their wax so special and where
are the Contusion Islands
FATHER: All in good time my son. As I was saying before I was so rudely
interrupted….. (pause) the wax of the Contusion bees was used in making the candle
which serves as the focal point for the spell which has forced Terresquay from our realm.
The legendary Contusion bees were selected as the source for the wax due to its incredible
longevity. Once you have gathered the wax, forge a candle from it, take it to the diamond
mountain range and place it on the pedestal between the twin volcanoes.The contusion
bees are incredibly small, but don’t doubt their deadliness for a second. They produce wax
only once every 1000 years and the time for gathering the wax is at hand. I was hoping to
do it myself, but (coughing fit)…..look in the chest (gestures towards chest at head of bed)
take what is in there, it will help you in your journey. You must also find Leon of
Sylvanus, his companion Spruce and Pardudious.
MENDEVOLIN: (looking up from the chest holding the flyswatters) Who are those
people and what are these…..thingies? (pause) Father? (pause, checks for life signs, finding
none bows his head in solemnity closes his father’s eyes and turns to leave)(exit stage left)
NARRATOR: After leaving his father’s side and notifying the High Priest of his father’s
passing, Mendevolin set forth in search of the adventurers his father had spoken of. His
first stop, The Tavern, because everyone knows that all good adventurers eventually go to
The Tavern.
(enter LEON and SPRUCE stage right, sit at table downstage right-center, they adlib
conversation until the entrance of MENDEVOLIN stage right who approaches them)
MENDEVOLIN: Excuse me sir, madam. I noticed you sitting here and I wondered if I
could join you for a moment?
LEON: Why certainly (motions towards empty chair) there’s always room for one more.
Can I offer you a glass of wine?
MENDEVOLIN: No thank-you, that’s quite alright. Actually, I’m presently embarking on
an important journey, I’m afraid I don’t really have time to drink right now. In fact, what I
really was wondering, was if you may have any information that you would be willing to
share with me in regards to either Leon of Sylvanus, Spruce of Elfheim or Pardudious
whose title, I’m not familiar with.
SPRUCE: Yeah, I’m Spruce (LEON shoots SPRUCE a menacing glare) and this is Leon
LEON: (yelling) What are you thinking telling a perfect stranger asking for information
on us that we are those whom he seeks!? Do you not know anything of the parels of an
adventuring life!? (draws his pistol, points it at MENDEVOLIN’s head) Who knows what
this man wants us for, he could be an assassain sent by either an enemy of your father’s or
someone who wants my head!
SPRUCE: (turning to MENDEVOLIN, faking whisper) There’s more than a couple after
his head, I’m sure. (snickers)
MENDEVOLIN: (looking uncomfortable, appearing to chose his words carefully) I’m
sure there can’t be that many people who want your head……(speeding up) and if there
are I’m sorry to hear it. In any case, I’m not an assassain.
LEON: Well then who are you, and what do you want with us?
MENDEVOLIN: I am Mendevolin, a powerful wild mage. I have been entrusted with
the task of renewing a millenia old spell used to repress the ultimate evil, Terresquay. My
quest involves a journey to the Contusion Islands where I must procure the wax of the
Contusion bees which is only produced every 1000 years. From that wax I must form a
candle and place it on a pedestal in the diamond mountain range.
SPRUCE: (aside to LEON) And you talk about me giving away too much information.
MEDEVOLIN: (looks at the pair then continues) My father, on his death bed, told me
that you may be of some help, will you join me?
LEON: A dangerous quest, involving Islands that only told of in legend, bees that are
probably larger than I am, not to mention this ultimate evil thing. Why should I go with
you, what am I going to get out of this? Look old man, I’m perfectly happy here, minding
my own business and drinking my wine.
MENDEVOLIN: (Stands) First of all, the bees are not larger than you, in fact, they’re
not even as large as normal bees. Secondly, I have faith in my father, he wouldn’t have
sent me on this quest if it couldn’t be completed. Therefore, the Contusion Islands must
exist. Thirdly, you’re mistaken in believing that this is a choice I’m presenting you with.
You must come, if you’re not with me then the spell I’m trying to renew will fizzle and the
world will be thrown into darkness and chaos.
(LEON leans back comfortably in chair and places feet on table, folding hands behind head
and glares at MENDEVOLIN)
SPRUCE: Don’t me such a stick in the mud, it’s an adventure, we’re at The Tavern, don’t
you know what comes next? First, we make friends with him. Then, we agree to join
him, pay the barkeep, sign this (pulls out contract), and we go merrily on our way.
MENDEVOLIN: Ok. Spruce, will you be my friend?
SPRUCE: Yeah, will you be mine?
MENDEVOLIN: Sure. Will you join me?
SPRUCE: You bet! (snaps fingers, BARKEEP enters stage left, SPRUCE pays
BARKEEP, exit BARKEEP stage left) Barkeep’s paid, now all that’s left is this.
MENDEVOLIN: (signs contract, SPRUCE signs contract) Leon?
LEON: Alright fine, I’ll sign your stupid contract,(signs contract) heck I’ll even pretend to
be your friend, I will even join your stupid quest… but only on one condition. I take
orders from nobody especialy washed-up old has-beens like you. I’ll do what I want
when I want and if you don’t like it tough!
MENDEVOLIN: I don’t care what you do on your own time but you’re on contract now
and until this adventure is done you’re working for me and do as I say, understand?
LEON: Yeah, I understand, (angrily gritting his teeth)(aside) I understand perfectly.
(Exit ALL stage right)
(Enter LOWELL stage left, obviously lost)
LOWELL: Where in the name of chaos am I? I should’ve been there a long time ago.
(LOWELL continues his searching)
DEREK: (offstage) BORK!!!!!!!!!
(as DEREK yells bork, LOWELL drops to the ground, throws map offstage left. DEREK
charges onto the stage, jumps over LOWELL, sumersaults, sits up and takes in his
LOWELL: (yelling) What do you think you’re doing man! What are you doing attacking
me? I didn’t do nothin’! (whiny) Leave me alone! Why does everyone always pick on
me? Is it because I’m different, is it because I smell (checks himself). Look, I’m sorry if I
offended you in any way, in any event, it was purely accidental. Please, don’t hurt me, just
let me be on my way.
DEREK: (stares)……(looking for the right words) I’m…..ummm…..sorry…..ahh…..I didn’t
see you there. You haven’t offended me, you don’t need to worry about that. As for
attacking you, that would involve control over my body, which moments ago I didn’t have.
LOWELL: Then you didn’t want to fight me?
DEREK: (appears confused) No. I’m not sure what I wanted to do.
LOWELL: What do you mean?
DEREK: Well, I don’t know who you are, or where I am. One second, I’m performing
routinescouting operations for the king in the village of Verge, next thing I know, I’m in
the middle of these woods, flying through the air and when I sit up, I see you. By the
way, who are you?
LOWELL: Well, my mother always told me not to tell my name to strange people, they
might be trying to kidnap me. So I’m not telling…
DEREK: (shocked) Well, since you appear as lost as I am, it might be to our advantage
to join together. Besides, it’s always better to travel with company.
LOWELL: Ah ha, that’s where you’re wrong, I’m not lost, I’ve got my map (holds up
empty hand). (sad look, looks at DEREK) My name is Lowell.
DEREK: I am Derek Arcane. Now that we’re aquainted, I’m sure that with a little luck,
we’ll be able to reach our destinations. Will you join me then?
LOWELL: (sobbing) my map, my beautiful map, gone. (LOWELL continues muttering as
he leaves offstage right, DEREK follows, attempting to console him.)
(Enter SPRUCE followed by MEDEVOLIN and LEON stage right)
MENDEVOLIN: (while entering) Spruce, are you sure that you know where you’re
SPRUCE: Trust me (gives MENDEVOLIN big smile) I’ve lived my whole life in foests.
LEON: I can’t believe you conned me into this. Some fun this is turning out to be, I’m
marching through a forest, I am soaked, there are bugs crawling in places I can’t mention
to the children (points to audience), and to top it all off, you’ve probably never been in this
forest have you?! That would just be the icing on the cake. C’mon Spruce (sarcasm) have
you ever been in this forest?! May as well tell me, my day can’t get any worse.
SPRUCE: Well no, actually I’ve never been in this forest. But, they’re all the same aren’t
they? Once you’ve been in one, you’ve been in them all. All you have to know, is how to
read what the forest is telling you. You have to look for things like animal trails, moss
growth, and listen for the songs of the birds. They’ll tell you all you need to know.
MENDEVOLIN: Do you know how to find these things and interpret what they say?
SPRUCE: No, but if I did, I know those things would help.(big smile at MENDEVOLIN)
MENDEVOLIN: Do you at least know roughly where we are?
SPRUCE: Yes. We’re about a half day’s walk east from Elfheim. There’s bound to be
someone there who knows this Pardudious character. If he’s any kind of adventurer, he’ll
be known at The Tavern.
MENDEVOLIN: Well then, let’s pick up the pace, it’s going to be a long journey, 3
months to go as far south as you can, and then as far north as you possibly can, is really
pushing it.
LEON: Yes, I agree. We’ve been wandering through this forest for a day and half, I
would kill for the chance to be back in civilization. I bet the reason you’ve never been in
this forest before is because you’ve never found anyone stupid enough to come with you
before. Let’s go, my feet are starting to hurt. (crosses upstage left towards offstage)
(enter LOWELL and DEREK stage left, running into LEON)
LEON: Geez Spruce, it’s too bad you didn’t run into these two dunderheads before you
dragged us into this forest, seems they would’ve been willing to come with you.
LOWELL: Oh, excuse me. (LOWELL walks past LEON and continues walking towards
stage right)
DEREK: Lowell, where are you going?
LOWELL: Well, we’ve got to find some other people to help us get out of……oh…..
(approaches MENDEVOLIN, shakes his hand) my name is Lowell.
DEREK: Don’t mind my friend, he’s a little (makes crazy sign). My name is Derek
Arcane, I’ve just recently found myself in these woods and I’m trying to make it back to
civilization, if you could point us in the direction of the nearest town, it would be greatly
MENDEVOLIN: We are headed there ourselves in fact. You’re welcome to join us if
you wish. My name is Mendevolin, this is Spruce (points) and this is Leon (points). We
are presently searching for someone named Pardudious so that we may begin our journey
towards the contusion islands. You wouldn’t happen to know where we might find him
would you? The things my father gave me said that he may live behind a waterfall.
DEREK: You mean find IT don’t you?
DEREK: Yes, Pardudious is a boat, a magical flying ship.
LEON: (skepticism) A magic flying ship? Why should we believe you? We’re on a quest
involving some ultimate evil. Who’s to say you aren’t….one of his minions? (LEON draws
his pistol and aims at DEREK)
LOWELL: My friend is in trouble, oh lord of chaos, show us now the power of
randomness, and cause the next shot from that boomstick to go awry and miss its intended
target. Honour your humble servant’s plea.
LOWELL: (aside) And on the off chance that the lord of chaos is unavailable for a small
miracle, at this time I will proceed to beat both combantants senseless with whatever
heavy, blunt objects that may be at hand, in your mercy.
DEREK: (pulls out cross from under tunic) If I was a minion of evil, would I be wearing
LEON: No, I suppose not.
SPRUCE: C’mon Leon, put the gun away. We can’t be fighting with each other, we have
a ship to find and a mission to complete.
LOWELL: Yeah, this’ll be cool! A flying ship, wow! We’ll be flying above everything,
I’ll be able to see all my friends, and wave hi to th—-
LEON: Just shut up will you? I want to get going before it’s already too late.
LOWELL: Sorry, I’ll just be over here (walks away from group and sits down on stage,
head down)
MENDEVOLIN: Well if it can help us get to the Contusion Islands quickly, I’m all for it.
We’re on a very tight timeline and every little bit will help. (turns to LEON) Now, in
future Leon, you can take some of your own advice and keep your mouth shut unless you