
Social Class Essay Research Paper Sociological Factors

Social Class Essay, Research Paper

Sociological Factors Shape Family Strategies

Traditional studies of Chinese-American family life tend to focus purely on cultural determinants, focusing on Chinese

traditions and values. A highly favorable attitude towards

these families is brought forth by these studies, and these

families are thought to be culturally stronger than other

minority groups facing difficulties. These determinants are not the only ways in which these families can be characterized, however. The socio-economic determinants must also be examined in order to fully understand the shaped Chinese experience in America.

There were many laws that kept immigration to a minimal

pace, and that of which kept the Chinese from bringing their

spouses to America with them. The Chinese were forced by

discriminatory laws into ethnic ghettos where there was a small range of economic future for them. These laws and practices were not taken into account when creating this sociological theory that Chinese-Americans are better off because of their culture. The features of their culture that presumably enable them to resist the effects of poverty and discrimination are as

follows. Stable family units as attributed by low divorce rate, close ties between generations as attributed to the absence of juvenile delinquency, economic self-sufficiency demonstrated by the absence of welfare dependency, and conservatism expressed by retention of Chinese language and customs in the home.

The institutional approach focusing on socio-economic

factors looks not at the Chinese society, but at the conditions in the United States. This perspective focuses on the legal and political restrictions imposed on the Chinese. The Chinese were routinely denied most civil rights, including the right to testify in court, so they ad no legal recourse against injury or exploitation. The reason why divorce rate was so low was because it was the only way to survive to have more than one person providing income. This is also the reason why there were close ties between generations. There was a sense of economic self-sufficiency in Chinese-American families because they were not able to receive welfare because they weren’t citizens. And lastly, the only reason why the Chinese-American families show conservatism in retaining their native language was because they were not allowed to procreate in the United States.Sociological Factors Shape Family Strategies

Traditional studies of Chinese-American family life tend to focus purely on cultural determinants, focusing on Chinese

traditions and values. A highly favorable attitude towards

these families is brought forth by these studies, and these

families are thought to be culturally stronger than other

minority groups facing difficulties. These determinants are not the only ways in which these families can be characterized, however. The socio-economic determinants must also be examined in order to fully understand the shaped Chinese experience in America.

There were many laws that kept immigration to a minimal

pace, and that of which kept the Chinese from bringing their

spouses to America with them. The Chinese were forced by

discriminatory laws into ethnic ghettos where there was a small range of economic future for them. These laws and practices were not taken into account when creating this sociological theory that Chinese-Americans are better off because of their culture. The features of their culture that presumably enable them to resist the effects of poverty and discrimination are as

follows. Stable family units as attributed by low divorce rate, close ties between generations as attributed to the absence of juvenile delinquency, economic self-sufficiency demonstrated by the absence of welfare dependency, and conservatism expressed by retention of Chinese language and customs in the home.

The institutional approach focusing on socio-economic

factors looks not at the Chinese society, but at the conditions in the United States. This perspective focuses on the legal and political restrictions imposed on the Chinese. The Chinese were routinely denied most civil rights, including the right to testify in court, so they ad no legal recourse against injury or exploitation. The reason why divorce rate was so low was because it was the only way to survive to have more than one person providing income. This is also the reason why there were close ties between generations. There was a sense of economic self-sufficiency in Chinese-American families because they were not able to receive welfare because they weren’t citizens. And lastly, the only reason why the Chinese-American families show conservatism in retaining their native language was because they were not allowed to procreate in the United States.