
The Red Book And The Power Structure (стр. 1 из 2)

Of Communist China Essay, Research Paper

The Red Book and the Power Structure of Communist China

Propaganda in China during the Cultural Revolution took on many forms;

there were mass Red Guard demonstrations in Tianamen Square in support of Mao

Zedong, pictures of Mao were put up in every conceivable location from

restaurants to the wallpaper in nurseries, and pamphlets and books of Mao’s

teachings were distributed to every Chinese citizen. One of these propaganda

publications Quotations from Chairman Mao which later became known as the Little

Red Book contained quotes from Mao Zedong and was distributed to every Chinese

citizen. The history of the Red Book provides one of the best ways in which to

analyze Chinese propaganda during the Cultural Revolution and see the ways in

which the Chinese government was able to produce and effectively indoctrinate

the Chinese people with Mao Zedong Thought. Official Chinese magazines from the

period of 1967 to 1970 are filled with many pictures of citizens holding,

reading, and memorizing the Red Book. This proposal will trace the rise and fall

of images of the Red Book in the official Chinese publication China

Reconstructs. This proposal will use a graphical analysis of pictures in this

publication from 1966 to 1973 to show that propaganda was not just a tool of the

Communist party but also a reflection of internal power struggles within the

party during the Cultural Revolution.

The Red Book was written several years before it became the object of

national adoration and a tool for the Cultivation of Mao’s personality Cult. The

history of the Red Book and its meteoric rise from a hand book for military

recruits to compulsory reading for all Chinese citizens, is closely tied to its

developer Lin Biao’s rise to power. Lin Biao was born in 1907 and was fourteen

years younger then Mao; he joined the communist party in 1925 and until the

communists captured control of China was at various times in charge of

resistance forces, and armies of communist soldiers. When the communists took

control in 1949 Lin Biao was behind Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi, Zhou Enlai, Chen Yun,

and Deng Xiaoping in rank (Yan and Gao, 1996: 179). But eighteen years later

during the height of the Cultural Revolution Lin Biao by winning favor with Mao

by publishing and championing the Red Book and the Cult of Mao became second

only to the Chairman in power and position (Ming-Le, 1983: 80).

In 1959 Peng Dehua was dismissed as minister of defense and Lin Biao was

appointed in his place. At an armed forces meeting for high cadres during

September of that year Lin Biao, energetically started promoting the Cult of Mao

saying, “Learning the writings of comrade Mao Zedong is the shortcut to learning

Marxism-Leninism. Chairman Mao’s writings are easy to learn and can be put to

use immediately. Diligent work will pay dividends many fold.” (Yan and Gao,

1996: 182) His references to “shortcut” and “quick dividends” in his speech went

unnoticed at the time as few foresaw the effects of creating a Cult around Mao.

But looking back on the Cultural Revolution and Lin Biao, we can see his using

the Cult of Mao was indeed a shortcut that produced huge dividends both for

himself and for Mao.

Mao to the Chinese people was a symbol sovereignty and the construction

of socialism; to them praise for Mao was fitting with his symbolic role in

society. Starting in 1959 Lin Biao in front of military audiences in order to

help buildup support for the Cult of Mao used such phrases as, “the dire

necessity of acquiring Mao Zedong’s thought,” “to study the writings of Mao

Zedong with questions in mind is to shoot arrows with target in sight,” “we must

arm our minds with Mao Zedong’s thought” (Yan an Gao, 1996: 181). Lin Biao’s

goal of building up both himself and the Cult of Mao lead him in September of

1960 to pass a resolution at the meeting of the Military Commission, which

called for more political education among the armed forces (Yan and Gao, 1996:


Mao Zedong Thought is the compass for the Chinese people’s revolution

and socialist construction, the powerful ideological weapon against imperialism,

and the powerful ideological weapon against revisionism and dogmatism….. raise

high the red banner of Mao Zedong Thought, go further and mobilize the minds of

all officers and soldiers with Mao Zedong Thought, and resolve to make sure that

Mao Zedong Thought, and resolve to make sure that Mao Zedong Thought is in

command in all phases of work… Really learn by heart the Mao Zedong Thought!

Read Chairman Mao’s books, listen to Chairman Mao’s words, follow Chairman Mao’s

directives, and serve as Chairman Mao’s good soldiers!

Shortly after the passage of the resolution by Lin Biao, the fourth

volume of the selected works of Mao Zedong was published. On the occasion of it

being sold to the public Lin Biao wrote an article calling upon all people in

the military to read and study the works of Chairman Mao and dedicate to memory

Mao Zedong Thought (Yan and Gao, 1996: 183).

On April 1964 Lin Biao direct the military presses to publish a

selection of quotes from Mao in a Little Red Book. The book titled Quotations

From Chairman Mao was aimed at providing military recruits a shortened version

of Maoist thought (Yan and Gao, 1996: 183). Military recruits before the

publication of the Red Book were encouraged to study the Selected Works of Mao

Zedong. But this set of books had grown so large (it’s four volumes contained

over fifteen hundred pages) many of the military’s recruits who were from

peasant backgrounds were unable to read its complicated articles. The Little Red

Book in contrast with its hand picked quotes and introduction by Lin Biao was

short with easy to read quotes. Before the publishing of the Red Book the study

of the Selected Works of Mao Zedong greatly increased in the military this was

in large part due to the encouragement and directives issued by Lin Biao. In

1961 Lin Biao while inspecting a contingent of troops said that the works of

Chairman Mao Zed ong, were a guide to those in the military, “Every lesson in

political education must use the works of Chairman Mao Zedong as an ideological

guide.” (Yan and Gao, 1996: 183) Lin Biao also directed the military press to

publish sections from the Red Book in the Liberation Army Daily the official

publication of the PLA (People’s Liberation Army). The Red Book provided many of

the military recruits who were mostly uneducated peasants with a grounding in

Maoist thought. The quotes selected in the Red Book such as, ” Carry on the

workers struggle, down with rightist revisionism” were sufficient vague as to

allow recruits to draw from the Red Book what they wanted to. Lin Biao’s efforts

to promote the study of Maoist thought were done to win favor with Mao and

increase his position in the party (Tsou, 1986: 49).

Lin Biao’s cultivation of the Cult of Mao Zedong soon earned him Mao’s

notice. During a meeting in 1961 Mao applauded Lin Biao’s work in the armed

forces saying, “Recently comrade Lin Biao inspected the forces as far down as

the company level and showed understanding of a good many things, including the

problems of construction among our forces, and he made very good suggestions

about various tasks of construction.” (Yan and Gao, 1996: 182) Lin Biao feeling

that his work at publicizing Mao’s teachings was paying off redoubled his

efforts at promoting Mao Zedong Thought. He insisted that quotes from Mao Zedong

could be used to accomplish tasks within the military and made the Red Book

required reading for all in the military (Tsou, 1986:50).

In January of 1962 the Part Central held an enlarged work session called

a seven thousand person meeting. This meeting was aimed at rectifying the

mistakes of The Great Leap Forward, and to promote the economy. A large majority

at the meeting criticized Mao Zedong; but Lin Biao who believed that his future

was inextricably linked to that of Mao gave one of the lone speeches in support

of Mao (Yan and Gao, 1996: 182). Lin Biao said at the conference that the reason

The Great Leap Forward had not a success was because the dictates of Chairman

Mao had not been followed closely enough. After the economy started to improve

in 1963 and Mao gained back wide support Mao looked back and remembered that Lin

Biao was one of the few who had stood by him and did not criticize him during

the Party Central meeting. This event shows how Lin Biao was a shrewd political

thinker who saw that his future was connected with that of Mao and winning Mao’s

approval. By 1962 Lin Biao’s chief tool at achieving this objective was the

promotion of Mao Zedong Thought (Dutt and Dutt, 1970: 63).

After May of 1961 the Liberation Army Daily followed Lin Biao’s

directive and printed selection’s from the Selected Works of Mao Zedong. By May

of 1964 with a further directive from Lin Biao the general publication

department of the Liberation Army, edited and published the Red Book accompanied

by the publication of the selected reader of the workers of Mao suggested by Lin

Biao (Yan and Gao, 1996: 183). The Red Book had an inscription on its cover

written in calligraphy by Lin Biao that read, “Study Chairmen Mao’s writings,

follow his teachings, and act accordingly” (Kraus, 1991: 109). The fact that the

inscription on the Red Book was in Lin Biao’s handwriting was significant in

that it symbolized the connection between the Red Book, Lin Biao, and the Cult

of Mao. Both of these publications were published in large quantities and

distributed among the armed forces. There now was a fervor for the studying of

works by Mao in military ranks, illiterate soldiers were able to recite long

passages from memory and military troops studied the Red Book during their

breaks. With such a backdrop Lin Biao recognized that the time was right for

increasing his position within the party. The cultivation of the Cult of Mao had

support from Mao Zedong and when he started the Cultural Revolution in August of

1966 Mao saw that Lin Biao’s thought education in the military could be applied

to the whole nation (Rodzinski, 1988:96).

The period before the Cultural Revolution provides some very important

insights into the development of the Red Book and of Lin Biao’s connection to

the Red Book. In the period before August of 1966 the Red Book was not read by

those outside of the military. A graphical analysis of pictures before 1967

shows that the Red Book was not a widely used method of propaganda as it did not

appear in many pictures and the pictures it did appear in were of soldiers in

the PLA. Although studying Maoist thought was important during the period prior

to the Cultural Revolution in society as a whole it was not very important.

There are several reasons: First, there was no reason to Cultivate the Cult of

Mao Zedong Thought during this time, Mao prior to 1966 was not trying to lead

any mass movements in which he would need popular support. The Great Leap

Forward and the anti-rightist campaign’s came during times in which Mao was

powerful within the party so he did not need wide spread support outside of the

central command. Second, Mao prior to the Cultural Revolution was more

interested in promoting communist economics then ideology. Mao promoted The

Great Leap Forward which was not a ideological campaign but instead an economic

campaign to promote industrialization (Rodzinski, 1988:74). And in the period

from 1961 to 1965 Mao was chiefly concerned with getting the economy back on

track following the disastrous Great Leap Forward. But by 1966 the economy of

China was back on track and Mao had once more gained back the support of the

central leaders of the communist party.

The Cultural Revolution launched in 1966 lasted depending on the author

until 1971 or 1976 and was initiated by Mao Zedong to renew the spirit of the

Chinese Revolution. Fearing that China would develop along the lines of the

Soviet model and concerned about his own place in history, Mao threw China into

turmoil in a monumental effort to reverse what Mao saw as a rightist movement

within China.

During the 1960’s tensions with Russia increased and Mao became

convinced that the Russian Revolution had stalled and become rightist, Mao

feared that China was following the same path (Yan and Gao, 1996: 7). Mao

theorized that to keep China from becoming social stratified and elitist the

process of continuos revolution had to be initiated by the government. To Mao

the Cultural Revolution that he initiated had four goals: to replace party

members with leaders more faithful to his thinking; to reenergize the Chinese

Communist party and Purge the rightists; to provide China’s youth with a

revolutionary experience; and to change society such that specific systems such

as education, healthcare, and cultural systems such as opera and music became

less elitist (Mitchell and Kua, 1975: 465).

Mao launched the Cultural Revolution at the Eleventh Plenum of the

Eighth Central Committee in August 1966. In the following weeks Mao shut down

the schools in order to allow young people to take part in the revolution

(Mitchell and Kua, 1975: xii). Mao also established a national mobilization of

the countries youth. They were organized into Red Guard groups and encouraged to

attack all tradition values, symbols, and leaders who were rightist or bourgeois.

Mao believed that the attacks would both provide the youth with a revolutionary

experience thus continuing the cycle of continuos revolution and they would

strengthen the party by removing the rightist elements. Mao also saw the

Cultural Revolution as a way to strengthen his own political base because the

Red Guards acted to remove all who opposed Mao Zedong. The movement quickly

escalated; intellectuals party officials, teachers, and the elderly were both

physically attacked and verbally abused made to wear dunce caps in the streets

and to denounce themselves. Temples, restaurants, and all signs of old values

were ransacked by the Red Guard youths. The Cultural revolution put middle

school and high school students in charge of the nation and like a version of

Lord of the Flies the nation fell into anarchy and paralysis

The Cultural Revolution also lead to changes within the structure of the

communist party. Before the Cultural Revolution Liu Shaoqi was Mao Zedong’s

designated successor, but during the early stages of the Cultural Revolution

Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping and many others who Mao deemed as being rightists were

removed from the party. In their place Mao installed those who had been most

loyal to him in the past; one of those men was Lin Biao (Dutt and Dutt, 1970:


Mao rightly saw that the best way to provide both direction for the Red

Guards and to make himself immune from their attacks upon party official would

be to foster a personality Cult. Thus under the guidance of Lin Biao who after

Liu Shaoqi was removed; become the successor to Mao Lin Biao helped foster a

personality Cult for Mao. Lin Biao used the same types of techniques that he

used in the army to help foster this Cult of Mao. Lin Biao used the same

organization to disseminate propaganda that he had devised for the Army. Lin

Biao continued to head the army till his death in 1971 but his role was expanded

as he became the high priest of the Cult of Mao (Yan and Gao, 1996: 334). The

reading of the Red Book was encouraged by both Mao, party directives written by

Lin Biao, Chen Boda, and Kang Sheng who during the Cultural Revolution became

Mao’s closest advisors. All three of these advisors worked tirelessly to promote

the Cult of Mao because they saw it as their way to curry favor with Mao Zedong

and their efforts met with whole hearted approval. Mao in an interview near the

end of the Cultural Revolution commented that Krushchev could have avoided

loosing his power if he had created an appropriate Cult for himself (Yan and Gao,

1996: 313).

Mao relied on the power of propaganda to enlarge his Cult during the

Cultural Revolution. The Red Book became his most powerful weapon. Quotations

from the Red Book replaced the usual front page section entitled today’s

important news in the People’s Daily. Various other newspapers and journals

increased their coverage of Mao Zedong printing his speeches, pictures, and

quotes. Some even retold stories of his days fighting the Japanese and the KMT