68 It has long been realized that old tales of a tremendous whale eatlug shark, on which Fabriciius
based hls statement that the basking shark occurs in Greenland waters, were fiction.
69 McKenzie, Proc. Nova Beotla Inst. Scl., vol. 20,1939, p. 14.
70 McKenzle, Proc. Nova Seotla Inst. Se1., vol. 20,1939, p. 14.
71 Personal communication from J. W. Burger.
72 This specimen, mounted, in the New England Museum of Science and described by Allen (Bull.,
Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., No. 24, March 1921, pp. 3-10), Served as chief basis for the illustration
given here of the adult basking shark.
73 According to MacGinitie (Science, N. Ser, vol. 73, 1931, p 496), 21 basking sharks were
landed in Monterey, Calif., between November 22,1930 and February, 1931.
74 MacGinitie , Sclence, N. Ser., vol. 73, May 1931, p. 493.
75 Goode, Fish. Ind. U.S., 1884, Sept.. 1, p. 669.
Bigelow and Schroeder, 1953 Fishes of the Gulf of Maine, United States Government Printing
McCormick, Allen, & Young, 1963 Shadows in the Sea Chilton Book Company. New York
Castro, JI., 1983, The Sharks of North American Waters, Texas A & M University Press
A WWW document of Great White Sharks Images from The University of California.