
Business organization (стр. 3 из 13)

2. Professional judgment - knows who the “real client is at all times and uses this knowledge to operate effectively.

Business skills:

1. Commerciality –relates all aspects of company’s service to client’s business perspective.

2. Business development– is seen by existing clients to market effectively and appropriately


1.Task management skills – control the process of delivery to the client.

2.Team skills – encourages openness and co-operating working;

3. People development – gives staff responsibility and autonomy appropriate to their level of competence.

Personal effectiveness:

1. Drive and commitment to results –goes beyond client’s expressed requirements and meets their real need.

2. Resilience – recover crisis situations; is resourceful at time of pressure and stress.

Social skills:

1.Communication skills – speaks clearly and with impact( influence);

2. Social confidence – is perceived to enjoy the company of a wide range of people.

Thinking skills:

1.Analytical thinking – analyses large amounts of complex data, extracts essentials;

2. Proactive thinking –comes forward with ideas unprompted by clients.

While in operation, a company should be able to analyze its customers, competitors, changes if the environment it acts in, and to control its activities by answering the questions: What impedes (prevents) the profitability increase? After that it can define its corporate strategy.

Only then a company faces its business success. Developing spiral, success attracts the new success, like a magnet.

The company’s success depends on how all its strategies match its corporate mission. In turn, it is extremely important for the top management to have a clear understanding of corporate mission in order to create a basis for formulating corporate strategy.

The most important task of top management is to motivate the personnel, instill self-confidence in staff, and make guiding line turn into accessible objectives.

Answer the questions to Unit 2

1. What is meant by the mini-strategy and vision?

2. What’s special about mission and why is it so vital?

3. Why are your company’s objectives so important?

4. What are the strategic priorities?

5. What can be considered as a bridge between the strategy and practice?

6. Why is it difficult for company to do the strategic choice?

7. In what way can a company achieve its goals?

8. Why is it important to watch over a company image?

9. What is meant by “a spin of success”?

10. What competences are essential for a manager to be a success?

Vocabulary to Unit 2

1. avoidvизбегать, остерегаться, уклоняться. Syn:escape, evade.

2. common purpose общаяцель

3. bridgenмост

4. destinynсудьба, предназначение

5. incourseoftimeв ходе времени; по прошествии времени

6. visionstatement заявление о мировоззренческой концепции компании

7. inspirationn 1) вдохновляющая идея; 2) влияние, воздействие

8. frameworkn 1) структура, строение; 2) система взглядов, рамки

With the framework of smth – в рамках, в пределах чего-л.

9. applyv применять, использовать, употреблять (to)

10. articulatev ясно выражать, излагать, формулировать

11. gurun учитель, наставник, ведущий специалист

12. intentionn намерение

13. key-mission nосновная миссия

14. setthedirectionопределять направление развития, цель

15. levelofdemand1) уровень требования; 2) уровень спроса

16. craft ( avision) проявить мастерствов определении концепции компании

17. darev1)осмеливаться, сметь; 2)пренебрегать опасностью, рисковать; 3) бросать вызов кому-л.

18. capturen захват, поглощение

capturev захватить силой, завладеть. e.g. tocapturetheattentionпривлечь внимание

19. passionn здесь: пыл, энтузиазм

20. destinationn предназначение, назначение, цель

21. acquaint (with) v1)знакомить; 2) извещать, информировать.

22. expendituren расходы, издержки, траты

23. targetnцель

24.elaboratev1)детально разрабатывать,2) конкретизировать, развивать, уточнять

25. survivaln выживание, долговечность

26. forecastn предсказание, прогноз, прогнозирование

27. preferencen предпочтение, преимущество

28. intentionnнамерение

29. permanentadj. постоянный, долговременный

30. prioritiesn, pl приоритеты

31. productivecapacity - производственная мощность

32. expenditurenзатраты, издержки, расходы

33. standard of livingуровеньжизни

34accomplish goalsдостичьцелей

35.withregardtoв отношении чего-либо, касательно

36. beausefultool быть полезным орудием, инструментом

37. concreteadj. конкретный, определенный

38. measurableadj. измеримый, умеренный, не особенно большой

39. accessibleadj. доступный, понятный, достижимый, поддающийся

40. becommonadj. быть общепринятым, распространенным

41. evidentlyadv. несомненно, явно, очевидно

42. beinnovative проявлять новаторские качества

43. beobligatory быть обязательным

44. diversityofobjectives многообразие целей, устремлений

45 officialconfirmation официальное подтверждение

46. matchthegoal соответствовать цели

47. compatibility совместимость, сочетаемость

48. setthemind решиться сделать что-либо

49. official confirmation официальное подтверждение

50. compatibilityn совместимость, сочетаемость

51. foresightn предвидение, дальновидность, предусмотрительность

52. figurativeadj. образный, символический, фигуральный

53. corporateidentityотличительная черта, своеобразие, лицо компании

54. perceivevвоспринимать, осознавать, постигать. Syn: realize, become aware

55. proactive thinkingупреждающеемышление

Unit 3.Organization environment, resources and business activity

Text 1. Types of environment

No one existing organization can ignore the influenceof the environment. A company is not an isolated economic unit which operates in the general economic system; the components of external and internal environment affect it. This influence one cannot overestimate. The firm lies at the heart of economics; there is a close interaction between the business system (a firm) and various factors (e.g., environmental components). These aspects are vital for the success and dynamic development; to create the efficient marketing offerings (in product and service) and efficient control a company should take them into account. In fact, any company’s activity is dependant on the external environmental factors; the most important of them are as follows:

Economics, Politics, Market, Technology, Social factor, International factor. Law and Nature.

There are two types of the external environment, which impact any company’s activity: direct-action environment and indirect-action environment

Direct-action environment: suppliers, consumers, unions, competitors. The direct-action environment represents the immediate firm’s environment and impacts its activities. The business environment and company’s activities interact and adapt one for another.

Indirect-action environment: law and government factors, economic conditions, political factors technology, socio-cultural factors, international factors.

The external environment is very complex, and it is the task of company management to take it into account and react to it. The external environment has its features: volatility; uncertainty;interrelatedness; complexity.

In fact, in today’s market, any company has to deal with the inflation, competitors, public values, government policy etc.

The internal environment of an organization bears a relation to the structure, objectives, business processes, technology and people.

Actually, a company produces goods and services, organizes sales and gets the profit. In other words, it realizes the aims of its activity by taking a responsible attitude towards the environmental changes. It is an important area for study and management because of problems all firms face in their activities.

The team of executives should take the both: the external and internal environment factors into consideration.

Moreover, the changes in the environment must lead to changes in a company

strategy, if a company wants to achieve its objectives and survive.

Text 2. Company resources and activities.

Generally, every company can be defined by variety of aspects:

- Name of a company.

- Type of proprietorship.

- Year of foundation.

- Years in business.

- Headquarters.

- Core product/service.

- Growth rate.

- Workforce.

- Turnover.

- Current and future projects.

Some firms include in a company description as well their pre-tax profits, market share, target market, strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats, image and business strategy, management style, recent and future developments.

However briefly, a company can present the information about its:

- Location

- MOS (mission, objectives, strategic priorities).

- Business strategy

- Business activity

- Markets

- Product range

- Turnover

- Workforce

Some managers consider an organization to be like a triangle.


Money Personnel

In fact, the basic components of any organization are:

- people that work for an organization;

- objectives that an organization has to achieve;

- management that enforces the personnel to achieve these objectives.

No doubt, an organization is, first of all, a social institute. The key role of its management is the mobilization of all resources for achievement of basic objectives, effective adaptation to the environmental changes, and decision-making.

Any organization has the following resources at its disposal: human; material; energy; financial; informational; technological; time.

All these resources ensure its stable work. The main aspect here is the human one, it provides creativity, produces economic results, and is inexhaustible. The process of management should be focused on mobilization of all resources that could lead to the optimum result with minimum costs.

Before developing its strategy, a company should consider all its strong and weak points, pool all corporate resources, which enlarge or limit its spectrum of possibilities.

The effective strategy ensures the best correlation between the market conditions and company resources.

In fact, any organization is known to create value for their clients through the sphere of its activities. The value can be calculated according to the numberof buyers, willing to pay for a company’s product. Actually, a firm starts to organize its entire value chain by managing its activities, and finally, gains the competitive advantage. The firm’s value chain is closely connected with the whole value system.

Supplier Value Chains – Firm Value Chains – Channel Value chains – Buyer Value Chains.

There are many points of interaction between all there links that represent the independent activities.

Answer the questions to Unit 3

1. What are the external environmental aspects?

2. Can you name the factors of direct and indirect-action environment?

3. What is meant by a business environment?

4. Why can no one existing firm ignore the influence of the environment?

5. In what way can a company take the environment aspects in account?

6. What factors constitute the base for threats and opportunities?

7. What are the aims of a company activity?

8. Why a protection of environment so important for a company?

10.Why the protection of the environment vital for the future generations?

11. What are your company’s activities?

12. What kind of resources does any company use?

13. What points should a company take into account before developing its strategy?

14. What are the resources, which enlarge company possibilities?

15. Which of resources can limit a spectrum of possibilities?

16. What is a value chain?

17. Do you agree that the most important component of every firm is its personnel?

Vocabulary to Unit 3

1. environment nокружающаясреда

2. externaladj. внешний

3. overestimatevпереоценивать, давать слишком высокую оценку

4. bevitalбыть жизненно важным, существенным,

5. offeringnпредложение (в том числе на продажу)

6. takeintoaccountучитывать, принимать во внимание

7. dependentadj. обусловленный, зависящий ( от обстоятельств)

8.depend (on, upon)v 1)зависеть, находиться в зависимости от;

2) положиться (на кого-л.), рассчитывать (на кого-л., что-л.)

9. law n закон, правопорядок

10. naturen природа

11. direct –action прямые, решительные действия

12. indirect- actionкосвенное, опосредованное воздействие

13. volatilityn изменчивость, непостоянство, неустойчивость

14. uncertaintyn- неуверенность, колебание, сомнение

15. interrelatednessn взаимосвязанность

16. complexityn сложность, запутанное дело, трудность

Syn: complication

17. public values общественные ценности

18. bearv 1)иметь обладать (свойством): 2) иметь обладать (влиянием, властью)

19. aimn намерение, цель

aim (to) v1)направлять, нацеливать: 2) стремиться

20. attend(to)v1) уделять внимание ( кому-л., чему-л.): 2) upon, on сопровождать, сопутствовать

21. attitude (to, towards – к чему-либо) nпозиция, отношение

22. leadv1) вести, возглавлять, руководить, управлять, командовать:

2) приводить влиять, убеждать

23. varietynмногообразие, разнообразие, многосторонность (интересов)

24. headquartern штаб-квартира, головной офис

25. core product основной продукт

26 growth rate темп роста

27. workforceрабочая сила

28. turnover n оборот

29.currentadj.1)текущий, современный: 2)популярный, распространеный

30. . pre-taxprofitприбыль, полученная до уплаты налогов

31. market share рыночная доля

33. target market целевой рынок

34. threat n угроза

35. atone’sdisposal в чьем-либо распоряжении

36. inexhaustible adj.неистощимый, неисчерпаемый

37. correlation nвзаимосвязь, соотношение, корреляция

Syn.: interdependence

38. poolv объединять в общий фонд

39. valuechainцепочка приращений, добавления стоимости

Unit 4 Planning