Dr. Gopalan also states that ?Most individuals tend to become sensitive when they are in an organizational situation listening to a foreign language that they do not understand. With increased bilingualism, these situations may tend to occur more frequently.? Dr. Gopalan warns that ?The last issue pertains to the role of corporate culture and its impact on the organizational tenure of minority and international employees.? Dr. Gopalan. suggests that ?Several organizations spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to recruit African-Americans, Hispanics and Asians only to see them leave after a few years.? (Dr. Gopalan) In most situations, it is the organizational culture which reinforces stereotypes – says Dr. Gopalan, that emerges as the culprit. ?By gaining a better understanding of these emerging issues and having appropriate strategies, proactive managers increase their chances of managing diversity in a more effective manner.? (Dr. Gopalan 215).
Ernest Drew Interview: ?Managing Diversity? Forbes October, 1999
Samuel Gompers Speech 1907 Online The INTERNET AFLCIO.org/history/gompers.html
Dr. Suresh Gopalan Managing diversity key to success. Amarillo Business Journal Web posted 7/3/97 http://www.businessjournal.net/stories/070397/diversity.html
History Channel ?The Melting Pot? Online History Channel Home Page The INTERNET http//www. Historychanner.com
S. Kanu Kogod The Workshop for Managing Diversity in the Workplace Pfeiffer & Company 1991
Joan Steinau Lester, The Future of White Men and Other Diversity Dilemmas.
Anita Rowe, Managing Diversity: A Complete Desk Reference and Planning Guide Harper New York 1999.
R. M. Wentling, N. Palma-Rivas Diversity in the Workplace: A Literature Review. Berkley University Database. Online, The INTERNET http://vocserve.berkeley.edu
Workforce 2000 Labor Study, U.S. Department of Labor Online The INTERNET http//www.usdl.gov
Michael Reagan Wall Street Journal Des Moines Loses in Relocation Deal June 1999.17