
Interview With An Alien Essay Research Paper (стр. 2 из 2)

presences. The knowledge of their extent of control over you

would further alarm. This goes for all contactees of similar


For this reason, the potential alarm, we conceal the facts

just given and instead perpetrate an illusion of physical aliens

who seemingly come into the contactee’s presence, or bring

the contactee into theirs, knowing you can accept and interact

with physical beings in a less frightened and more objective

manner. Yet we wish to get across the idea of VERY ALIEN

personalities therefore we do not offer the visualization of your

own kind of form, even though many of us are precisely your

kind of form.

To feel you were being contacted, and perhaps

controlled, by unseen forces would throw you into a panic,

perhaps beyond acceptance. But to deal fact to face with

physical beings, no matter how alien, would eliminate

some of that panic. At least that is our proposition and

this is why these illusory beings appear.

Not all contactees or abductees face illusory

personages. A very few are quite physical and qqquite

“real” as you term realness.

The illusory beings are the semi-corporeal selves of

very real physical beings, who are at that moment existing

in another area of being, and are quite busy doing

something else physically, but are aware of what is

happening in and to their semi-corporeal self.

This is certainly confusing. Let us recapitulate.

The unseen presences are there through technological

means. They induce hypnotic illusion of abstract forms or

hypnotically project the semi-corporeal forms. These latter

are projections of real beings who are somewhere else

physically at the time. They use projection “copies”

because some time in the future these phsyical

originals may find it necessary to interact with the

contactees in a wholly physical manner. It would

then seem to be an on-going experience.

Let us reiterate for clearness:

A corporeal flesh-and-blood person so projects

himself in an unseen state through technological means

that he enters into close presence of a contactee or

abductee, anddd is then able through his own psychic

power to gain hypnotic control over that contactee when

said contactee is in a relaxed state. If the personage

were present in semi-corporeal or corporeal state, he

could control the situation equally well.

The contactee, being already in a relaxed state, is

readily accessible to the hypnotic form of control.

What transpires thereafter is all illusory or

hallucinatory, unless there is a need for physical

interaction. I such a case the contactee can be

cobnducted aboard a physical craft where the physical

interaction occurs.

By physical interaction we do NOT include

examinations per se, as these may be of either

category, physical or illusory.

Why nshould it be necessary to go through so much

physical effort when illusion will server the purpose

of the Planners just as well? The psychological reaction

of the contactee and the mental and the emotional

results of his scenario, both to himselfl and to his

audience, are what it is all about. If the same results

can be obtained through hypnotically induced illusions

as through physical action, then the illusion is chosen.

We are saying thiings backwards and forewards and

inside out so that, hopefully, no ambiguity remains.

The presence in the room or car or wherever with

the contactee can be felt as an oppression, a

“thickness in the air,” as one contactee described it.

The contactee begins to breathe in a more shallow

manner and too feel closed in, or caged, or captured

or unable to move.

The presence is the energy essence of a real

corporeal being whoo through technological devices

sends his energy self, in a state relative to the

out-of-body state, to this place. Since he is not a

psychic master, he is not able to send his energy

essence through his own psychic power, but must

depend on technological devices.

The energy essence encloses the WILL of the

presence who is elsewhere physically but is linked

through mind stuff to his energy essence and will.

And that human being is so restricted by moral

and spiritual law he cannot, dare not, serve as an

evil power. He carries out instructions received from

higher natures, and by higher we mean more

knowledgeable, more powerful and more responsible.

He is further instructed to use the most compassionate

modes of interacting he can devise.

Non-understading, haste, error of judgment

misreading of contactee’s reactions, as well as many

other factors, can impose a task on the controller that

he may be less than perfectly equipped to handle.

Remember he is only another human trying to do a very

difficult job. He is working with persons as alien to

himself as he is to them.

The presence of the controller is never seen by the

contactee unless it is necessary to attract his attention,

or to rivet his mind onto a single point. At such a time

abstract designs or eevasive objects, usually circular,

are used. Other times the unseen presence can be felt

or sense by the most sensitive to such emanations of


The condition and reaction of the contactee decides

whether or not the presence is to be seen in any form

or to remain unseen.

Many contactees have mentioned the “feel of an

evil presence.” The presence is NOT EVIL, but is part

of the UNKNOWN and does take CONTROL for a few

moments, and from the arising fear and apprehension

the contactee interprets “evil.”

The contactee response to the sense of being

controller is entirely according to his own nature and

character. One resists and tries to struggle, one weeps

or screams, one jeers, or even ggiggles. In the

response, its kind andn degree, the controller reads

information it is necessary for him to know in order to

continue into the futuure. The preliminary or initial

scene is thus aan act of getting acquanted, each

measuring the other’s potentials. Furthermorer, the

controller is just as much “on the spot” as they

contactee, for he too is undergoing a training

session, and is being weighed and measured by his


From his own psychic and trained abilities the

controller then conjures up the appearance of apparent

personalities who seemingly take charge of the scene.

These are appearances of substance, but not true

corporeality. We refer to them as semi-corporeal.

They are projections of corporeal persrons who are to

be physically met in the continued scenario of the


If footsteps sound, temperatures changee, and there

are NO SUDDEN TRANSITIONS in the scene, the event

is entirely physical. If so, there are noises, odoors, the

sense of touch as well as vision. Touch does not mean

pain, pain is psychologically induced by the contacteee

through fear.

There can be a shifting of states, a moving in and out

of states during the course of a single event, so a single

event can be a very complicated affair. Each would have

to be minutely inspected and analyzed to realize these

changes. At this moment such a scrutiny is not important

and would only obfuscate this recital.

Thus we see MIND TRAVEL as well as OUT OF BODY

TRAVEL can be induced from outside the contactees.

It is within this framework that the building blocks

of the individual myth are found. When we realize the

changeable conditions of the contactee/abductee event, we

can begin to understand why the scenario itself is so very

difficult to grasp as reality. But in comprehending these

varying and shifting states, the interpretation of the

building blocks becomes much easier.

By symbolic event we do not mean symbols such as

a cross indicates a good guy and an X a bad guy.

We mean the contactee is put through an event that is NOT

TRUE in its content, but its psychological effect symbolizes

one or more of the following ideas. These events and the

ideas they symbolize are the building blocks of the structure.

Depending upon the cultural experience of the contactee,

the following ideas are presented in various manners:

I. Ideas presented in the Scenario of Recognition:

1. of civilizations existing on other planets.

2. of civilizations existing of fantasic technological


3. of civilizations existing of tremendous scientific


4. of civilizations existing with people of various

natures who have knowledge of all kinds,

medical, artistic, cultural, etc.

II. Ideas presented in the Scenario of Biological


1. of cross-breeding with alien races

2. of giving of ovum or sperm for breeding


3. of implantations of sperm or fertile ova

4. of taking cells for examination,

experimentation or for cloning

III. Ideas presented in the Scario of Initiation:

1. of an unseen secret organization of good will and

2. of inspirational aids to solve problems and


3. of secrets of the past to be found anew

4. of promotion of societal contacts leading to

cooperative efforts

5. of monument of good endeavors recorded in lost


6. of destruction of powerful deterents to human/

earth collaboration

IV. Ideas presented in the Scenario of Self-Development

and Self-Awareness:

1. of offering new personal insights

2. of strenghtening stabilizing beliefs

3. of offering new projects

4. of analyzing life-evaluations

5. of value of self-freedom

6. of support of person’s intentions/ambitions

There are many other scenarios and parts thereof, and

those can each or all merge one into another. In order to

analyze them at all, we have to dissect the living form.

We come to rejuvenate the earth, and to aid in the

evolutionary development of man.