Towards the future the company is expected to do very well and increase its market share. The management objectives is expected to be the same as the current ones. Therefore the company is expected to manufactore only heavyweight motorcycles, but with the use of some loans will be able also to icrease sales in Asia and Europe.
Kind of DecisionsAlternative 1Alternative 2Alternative 3
Product Kind*Lightweight, sport,*Sport and heavyweight *Heavyweight motorcycles
and heavyweight motorcycles. only.
motorcycles.*Expand the line of acces- *Expand the line of accesso-
*Stay with current sories to include more ries giving increasing em-line of accessories items. phasis on clothing.
*Financing Services*Financing services through*Financing services through
through FMCO a wholly-owned subsidiary. FMCO.
Consumers*Target all customers*Concentrate on males*95% emphasis on male cus-
from young to old. (90% emphasis) tomers and 5% emphasis on
*10% emphasis on females females.
Ownership*Keep as is*Keep as is*Keep as is
Markets*70% emphasis on*Equal emphasis on the *60% emphasis on the dome-
the domestic and domestic and foreign stic and 40% emphasis on
30% on the foreign markets. the foreign market.
Management*Keep as is*Keep as is*Keep as is