Classification Essay, Research Paper
By Gerald Abdesaken and Justin Brown
Science-6th period
March 26, 1998
Investigate the method of classification used by scientists today.
If we classify a group of random objects, then we can individualize each object.
Materials List
thumbtack glass slide seed rubber band test tube paper clip pin pencil match penny wool strand plastic tie chalk file card
Kingdom1(School)Kingdom2(not school)File cardplastic tietest tubepennypencilthumbtackchalkseedpaper clipwool strandglass slidesafety pinrubber bandmatch
Kingdom School
Phylum: WritingPhylum: Non-Writingpenciltest tubechalkglass slidefile cardpaper clip
A. Phylum Writing is School objects involved in writing, phylum Non-writing is school objects not used in writing.
Figure 1
Kingdom: School Non-School
Phylum: Writing Non-Writing
B. All objects in the same phylum are in the same kingdom.
Figure 2
Phylum: WritingNon-WritingEasily Mildly DifficultFlexib. Flexib. Flexib.
Items in Easily Flexible: Plastic tie, wool strand, and rubber band
C. Phylum: Easily Flexible
Class: RubberClass: Non-Rubber
Path for rubber band: Non-School- Easily Flexible- Rubber
Path for Wool Strand: Non-School- Easily Flexible- Non-Rubber
D. All items in the same class are in the same phylum, all items in the same phylum are in the same kingdom.
Scientists classify objects for 3 reasons. First, it shows relationships among organisms by grouping them together. Second, they use the genus and the species as the name for the organism. Third, the classification system is the same worldwide. We separated the objects from kingdoms, to phylum, then to class. Our kingdoms were the School and Non-School groups. If we were to add a cork and a nail, they would botch go to the Non-School kingdom.
Kingdom: Animal
Phylum:FliesSwimsStays Stationary
Class: Stingers No Stingers Pointed Round Star Shaped
Head Head
Each class does not necessarily have to have the same number of organisms or have the same number of classes for each phylum.
1. Student A separated this by environment, air or sea.
2. Student B separated this by eyes or no eyes.
3. All animals in the same phylum do not belong in the same class.
4. A. This group has backbones.
B. Can live in land and water.
5. Classes are more specific than kingdoms.