
Australian Shepherds Essay Research Paper httpwwwk9webcomdogfaqsbreedsaustshepherdshtml (стр. 1 из 2)

Australian Shepherds Essay, Research Paper




Copyright 1997 by Randy ‘n Monica Barger, Roanoak@InetNebr.com

Roanoak Australian Shepherds

Last updated January 30, 1997

Table of Contents

· Why an Aussie?

· What is an Aussie?

· Origin

· Personality and Character

· ASCA Breed Standard

· AKC Breed Standard

· What is Aussie Rescue?

· How can I find a responsible breeder?

· What should I ask the breeder?

· What about papers?

· How do I choose my Aussie?

· Should I get a male or a female?

· Should I get show/breeding quality or pet quality?

· What should I pay for an Aussie?

· What should I get with my new Aussie?

· How can I make my Aussie the best dog in the world?

· Bringing your puppy home

· Nutrition and good health

· Housebreaking

· Crate training

· Socialization

· Discipline

· Obedience

· Are Aussies good with children?

· Can an Aussie live in town?

· What are some good resources?

· Miscellaneous Questions

· What are the standard color genetics?

· Should merle-to-merle breedings be done?

· What are the most common genetic diseases?

· Why are tails docked?

· What’s the difference between inbreeding, line-breeding, and outcrossing?

Why an Aussie?

Australian Shepherds are a truly versatile breed. Not only are they agile working dogs, they are also extremely intelligent animals and wonderful family companions. A very endearing quality of Aussies is their intense desire to please their owners; this makes them quick learners and loyal friends. Aussies are naturally reserved with strangers, but they should never be shy or timid. They do have strong territorial instincts and are naturally possessive and protective of their owners and home. When raised with children, Aussies love kids and quickly become a predictable and devoted family member. Aussies do not need a huge yard to run in, but they do need daily exercise and attention. They love to play ball and frisbee. It’s hard to keep most of them out of water. And they make great foot warmers curled up at the end of the bed.

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What is an Aussie?


[There are several theories about the origin of the Australian Shepherd, but this one is the most common.]

Despite its name, the Australian Shepherd as we know it today was developed completely within the United States. In the late 1800’s and early 1900’s the forerunners of today’s “Aussies” came to the western and north-western states as stockdogs for the Basque shepherds that accompanied the vast numbers of sheep then being imported from Australia. These hard-working, medium-sized, “little blue dogs” impressed the American ranchers and farmers, who began using them as well. Breeding was done for working ability rather than appearance, and occasionally dogs of other herding breeds were bred into the lines. However, today’s Aussie still resembles the dogs that came from Europe via Australia, and great numbers of Aussies are still working stock on ranches and farms in the United States and beyond.

The Australian Shepherd Club of America (ASCA) was formed in 1957 to promote the breed, and several clubs kept breed registries. A unified standard was adopted in 1976, and the registries combined in 1980. The National Stock Dog Registry (NSDR) keeps a separate Australian Shepherd registry.

In 1992 the American Kennel Club (AKC) granted recognition to the Australian Shepherd, although ASCA did not become the affiliate parent club. The United States Australian Shepherd Association was formed to be the AKC parent breed club. AKC allowed open registration for two years before closing the registry, so now many Aussies are dual or even triple registered.

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Personality & Character

Those of us who love Aussies can’t imagine a more perfect breed of dog. Unfortunately, the very characteristics we value in these dogs make them unsuitable for some homes and owners. Consider carefully if your lifestyle can accommodate the exuberance of a typical Aussie.

The Australian Shepherd was developed to be a moderate-sized, intelligent, all-purpose stock dog of great character and endurance. Many Aussies today still do the work they were bred for, and even those that have never seen sheep or cattle usually have a strong herding instinct. This means that Aussies need fenced yards and leashes, as the temptation to herd dogs, children, and traffic can simply overwhelm them.

Being bred to work hard all day means that most Aussies are not content to be couch potatoes, although Aussies have individual characters and some are more sedate and quiet-natured than others. For the most part, however, these are high-energy dogs that need a purpose in their lives, a job as it were. Owners must be committed to give these dogs the time and attention they require through play and training, for as with any dog, undirected energy can turn towards destructive behaviors, such as digging and chewing. Running, jumping, and rough-housing are all a part of being a normal Aussie.

The great intelligence of these dogs, necessary to out-think and control livestock, can be detrimental when left untrained and unused. Aussies are quite capable of out-thinking their owners. Obedience training is highly recommended as a means of teaching owners how to channel the typical Aussie’s innate desire to please into appropriate behaviors. Aussies learn very quickly, so be certain you are willing to keep your Aussie occupied with walks, play, and training to benefit both mind and body.

Although many Aussies are friendly with everyone, the Australian Shepherd as a breed tends to be somewhat reserved and cautious around strangers. With Aussies of this nature, owners should encourage the dog to meet people but not force encounters. Aussies are often quite protective of their family and property, a desirable trait in some situations but not acceptable in others, and some dogs never accept strangers. As with all dogs, poorly socialized Aussies may become aggressive without proper training.

In general, Aussies are healthy dogs and can be expected to live up to twelve years or more, so ownership can be a lengthy commitment. Although minimal, there is some grooming required to keep the coat clean and conditioned, such as regular brushing and nail trimming. To maintain their high energy levels, typical active Aussies may eat more than other, more sedate dogs of similar size, so be prepared to feed plenty of high quality food.

Aussies are perfect for people wishing to own a highly-trainable, versatile, super-smart dog that can work/play “’till the cows come home.” If you have the time and commitment for an Aussie, you won’t be disappointed. These special dogs deserve special owners. Their loyalty, drive, character, and whimsical sense of humor place them in a class by themselves!

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ASCA Breed Standard

This may be found at ASCA’s website: http://www.asca.org/breedstd.htm

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AKC Breed Standard

The AKC’s standard may be found at the AKC website: http://www.akc.org/ausshep.htm

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What is Aussie Rescue?

Aussie Rescue is a network of volunteers who rescue Australian Shepherds and find them new, permanent homes. These dogs are rescued from just about any kind of situation. Some are from puppy mills, some are adopted from shelters. Many come into the program because their former owner had to move and couldn’t take the dog, or because the dog was harassing the livestock. There are some very wonderful dogs that are saved from destruction by Aussie Rescue. Knowledgeable rescuers can help make sure that a rescued Aussie is right for you. An Internet resource for Aussie Rescue may be found at http://www.tezcat.com/~rescue/rescuegrps/aussie.shtml

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How can I find a responsible breeder?

If you’ve decided that a rescue Aussie isn’t a possibility, there are some guidelines to follow when choosing an Aussie breeder.

Choosing an Aussie, or any dog for that matter, can be a very emotional experience. It is all too easy to see a cute, little bundle of fluff and instantly fall in love. Sometimes you can get lucky and fall into the right situation at the right time and take home the perfect puppy, but too often people make the wrong decisions for the wrong reasons and end up with a lot of heartache in the long run.

The Aussie Connection is a great place to start. From there, you can find other breeder listings (ASCA & USASA) as well as affiliate club contacts. The Aussie Connection can be found at: http://incolor.inetnebr.com/roanoak/TheAussieConnection.shtml Or email me (Roanoak@InetNebr.com) for help.

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What should I ask the breeder?

The following is a list of questions to take with you when you visit each breeder and litter. Do not feel embarrassed asking all these questions; a responsible breeder will welcome your interest and admire your knowledge and concern for the breed.

1. Ask for a pedigree on the puppies. This should include at least 3 generations of ancestry, preferably 4 to 5 generations. Make sure you get a copy you can take home with you so that you can review it later in more detail. One note here, a pedigree full of champions does not always guarantee a future champion. And vice versa, many top winning dogs have come from non-champion sires and dams.

2. Was the breeding planned or unplanned?

3. If the litter was planned, ask why the Sire was chosen for this particular Dam. Was it a matter of convenience because they own the Sire or was it because they felt the qualities of the Sire would compliment or even improve the qualities of the Dam?

4. What are the faults of both the Sire and Dam? A conscientious breeder should be both knowledgeable and willing to talk about their dog’s faults as well as about their dog’s assets.

5. What was the goal of the breeding? For profit? To produce the ultimate show/working dog? So the kids could experience the miracle of birth?

6. What area does the breeder feel these pups will excel in? Obedience, working, show, family pet?

7. What kind of support services will the breeder offer you to help you attain your goals for your puppy? If for show, obedience, or working is the breeder willing to spend some time with you helping you to get started in these areas, and will the breeder be there if you have any questions or problems regarding housebreaking, digging, barking, etc?

8. Are both the Sire and Dam OFA certified (or certified with another registry such as PennHIP or GDC)? And, if so, what are their numbers and ratings? (OFA is the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals, GDC is the Institute for Genetic Disease Control in Animals, and PennHIP is the Pennsylvania Hip Improvement Program, which are organizations that evaluate and certify hip joint conformation.) Any breeder who does not know what hip certification is or who cannot provide you with copies of both parents’ hip certifications are breeders to be very wary of. Only a hip rating can provide you with proof that the parents are not dysplastic; do not let anyone tell you that they know their dog is not dysplastic because of the way it runs or lies down, etc. Dysplasia is a hereditary defect, so if you are not sure about the parents, what about that cute little puppy you are about to take home?

9. Have both the Sire and Dam had a current eye examination? GDC and CERF (Canine Eye Registry Foundation) deal with the certification of eyes just as OFA does for the hips. Some breeders will send the results of their dog’s eye exam in to CERF for an official certificate; while other breeders may just have the eye exam results signed by a qualified veterinary opthalmologist. Be sure to look at the exam report carefully to see that it matches with the correct Sire or Dam and that the vet has made a notation that the eyes are clear from any visible defects. Eye exams are normally done on an annual basis, so also check to see that the exam is current. Again, eye defects (cataracts, PRA, collie eye anomaly) are hereditary, so the best way to make sure your new puppy will not be affected with any of these problems is to verify that the parents are free from any problems themselves.

10. What type of guarantee does the breeder offer if the puppy is later found to be affected with any hereditary defect? Breeding only dogs that have been cleared free of any defects will greatly reduce the possibility of reproducing puppies with congenital defects; however, genetic throwbacks do occur. Some breeders offer different alternatives if you happen to have a puppy who ends up with a hereditary problem. These alternatives will vary depending on the breeder and depending on whether the puppy is bought as either pet or show quality.

11. Is the puppy’s health guaranteed? Most breeders will give a 7-10 day health guarantee; however, if the breeder does not offer this, find out if you can return the puppy within a day if the puppy does not pass a health examination given by your vet.

12. Will a written contract be provided to cover the above issues? If offered, ask to read the contract before purchasing the puppy to see if it covers all the breeders stated guarantees.

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What about papers?

If your new pup is sold with registration papers it is important to make sure the papers you receive are from the correct registry for your purposes.

ASCA stands for Australian Shepherd Club of America and is the parent registry for the Australian Shepherd, founded in 1957. ASCA keeps stud books on all registered Aussies; registers purebred Australian Shepherd pups and adults; sanctions conformation and obedience shows; and has a working trial program that allows Aussies to earn herding titles.

IESR stands for International English Shepherd Registry and is also referred to as NSDR, the National Stock Dog Registry. This registry is not active in sanctioning their own events; it is basically just a paper registry. Aussies registered only with this registry, even though they may be a purebred Australian Shepherd, are not allowed to compete in ASCA sanctioned events for ASCA conformation titles.

AKC stands for the American Kennel Club. Again, if a puppy is only registered with AKC, it will not be allowed to compete in ASCA conformation shows for ASCA titles. And vice versa, dogs only registered with ASCA will not be allowed to compete in AKC conformation shows for AKC titles.

An Australian Shepherd may be registered with any or all of these registries; this is where the term double or triple registered comes from. Ask the breeder to which registries their pups are eligible for and ask to see the registration applications if you have any doubts.

If you have no intentions of showing or breeding your puppy, then the registry your pup is eligible for is not as pertinent. But if you do intend to show or breed, registration with ASCA is a must and registration with AKC is something worth considering. Talk to the breeder for background information on ASCA and AKC and to anyone else who can shed light on the situation.

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How do I choose my Aussie?

Make a point to look at several litters before making your final decision. Take note of the conditions in which the adults and pups are being raised. Is their environment clean? Is there adequate room for exercise, plenty of shade and shelter? Do the older dogs appear to be happy and well cared for? Ask to see the sire and dam if possible. Do they seem to be well mannered and not aggressive or fearful? Remember that the dam may still be a little protective if introduced around the pups, and her condition may not be the best since raising a family is quite demanding. The pups should be outgoing and eager to play. The puppies should look well fed, their coats should be clean and healthy, their gums should be pink, their eyes should be clear of any discharge, the inside of the ears should not be red or inflamed, and the pups in general should have a healthy, happy attitude. Spend some time playing with the puppies and get a feel for their different personalities. Ask the breeder for further background on puppies that catch your eye; sometimes a pup may have a slightly different character than the one he displays while you are visiting. A concerned breeder will be honest and candid in discussing each puppy with you since their goal is to find the pup that will most likely match your lifestyle and fulfill your expectations. After leaving, make notes on the puppies you liked and on your general impressions. Do this with each litter you visit. Then, when you feel like you have a good basis for comparison, sit down and go over your notes. Call back with any additional questions you might have, or go back and visit again if you need to. Emotions are still going to play a big part in your decision, but at least with all this information at hand, you now have the basis for making an educated decision as well.

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Should I get a male or a female?

Although male and female Australian Shepherds share many of the same characteristics, there are also many distinct differences between the two sexes.