Another cause of eye strain is the placement of reference material in conjunction to the computer terminal. Books and reports that are placed to the side force the employee to constantly turn their head and may result in stiffness of the back and neck muscles. One aspect often overlooked when using a computer is the position of the legs. If the legs are allowed to dangle, they can often ?fall asleep?, which can lead to circulation problems in the future. Foot rests are a god way to resolve such a complaint.
When designing a workstation, there are many aspects that must be considered if ergonomics is to be a contributing factor (HR Magazine, Aug 1996). Adjustable furniture is an absolute must to allow for the difference in employee stature. A light dimmer system helps to reduce glare and eye strain. Bright carpets are considered by most to be ergonomically correct. A well cleaned ventilation system that brings in a plentiful supply of oxygen to eliminate ?sick building syndrome?. Flexible ergonomic chairs that insist on a correct posture to reduce back and neck complaints. All such systems are likely to improve employee morale and increase productivity levels. Sick days will undoubtedly decline and employee enthusiasm will begin to climb. It is for these reasons that we consider ergonomics to be an essential factor when examining office and clerical environments.
Keeling B.L, Kallaus N.F 1996 Administrative Office Management 11th Ed
USA South West Publishing
Sleeth J.E. 1996 Ergonomics can prevent injuries, Save money. Canadian Banker V103 Number 6 pp10.
The perils of video display terminals
Electrical-Apparatus.Nov 1996; v49n11, pp. 44-45
Building a better ergonomics program
Facilities-Design-and-Management.Nov 1996; v15n11, p. 28
Design a safe workstation
HRMagazine-.Aug 1996; v41n8, p. 71
Adopting an integrated approach to ergonomics implementation
HE-Solutions.Jun 1996; v28n6, pp. 18-23
Healthy keyboarding: What you should know
Managing-Office-Technology.Jul 1996; v41n7, pp. 27-28
Integrating ergonomics into great office design
Managing-Office-Technology.May 1996; v41n5, pp. 21-26
The ergonomics of aging
Material-Handling-Engineering.Jun 1996; v51n6, p. 34
Marston C.B. 1996 Make Yourself look comfortable Office Systems V13 Number 6 pp38-40
Furniture: Increasing productivity and the bottom line
Telemarketing-and-Call-Center-Solutions.Sep 1996; v15n3, pp. 20,134+
Troyer C. 1996 Sorting out the confusion about Ergonomic Products, Telemarketing and Call Centre Solutions V15 Number 5 pp20.