Few events have aroused such intense reactions as the Oslo Peace Process. However, the peace process has irreversibly transformed the Middle East. Things have been said that have never been said before, things have been done that were never done before, and written peace commitments have been exchanged. There are no guarantees for the future, and in an atmosphere of bombings and violence, peace cannot be forged. Dedicated opponents of peace can still dismantle the Accord bit by bit through their terrorist and violent acts, until every necessary element of friendship, trust, and co-operation that is required for the Oslo Accord to succeed, has been undone. The success of the peace process may not lead to perfection, but it will stop the endless cycle of wars and violence. For both Israelis and Palestinians a path of opportunities has been shown. It is a difficult path, but unless it is pursued, generations might pass before anyone will attempt such a peace process again.
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“Chronology of PLO-Israeli Peace Moves”. www.Newsobserver.com, 1995.
Corelli, Rae. “Days of Reckoning” in Maclean’s Magazine p.34-35. Toronto, Canada:
Maclean Hunter Limited. September 5, 1996
Finkelstein, Norman G. The Rise and Fall of Palestine- A Personal Account of the
Intifada Years. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1996.
Hunter, Robert F. The Palestinian Uprising. Los Angeles: University of California Press,
“Israel Mourns Bombing Victims”. www.nando.com, 1996.
Peres, Shimon. The New Middle East. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1995.
Silver, Eric. “A Martyr to Peace” in Maclean’s Magazine p.26-28. Toronto, Canada:
Maclean Hunter Limited. November 13, 1995
Spencer, Dr. William. The Middle East. Connecticut: The Dushkin Publishing Group,
Inc., 1994
“U.S. Envoy Organizes Top Israeli, PLO Meeting”. www.lycosnews.com, October, 1997