
The Potential For The Exploitation Of Geothermal (стр. 2 из 2)

follow later (see Boyle, G10 p388).?

However, for technological and economic reasons, the pace of progress is

unlikely to be that fast.The principle of HDR technology is to circulate a

fluid between an injection well and a production well, along pathways formed by

fractures in hot rocks. A deep heat exchanger is then created, and the fluid

transfers heat to the surface, where it can be converted to electricity. This

process is contained in a closed-loop and no gas or fluid escapes in the atmosphere.

The hot fluid produced under pressure at the wellhead flows through a heat

exchanger, vaporizing a secondary low-boiling working fluid This fluid, usually

isobutane, is then passed through a turbine driving an electric generator

(Appendix 10) (see reference16).Since the early days of HDR research, the main

question has been whether HDR technology can be made to work, i.e. whether a

sufficiently large heat exchanger with acceptable hydraulic properties can be

created in rock of low natural permeability so that economic quantities of heat

can be extracted. The only method of testing the concept and of developing the

techniques for engineering the reservoir is via large-scale field experiments.

The UK-project in Rosemanowes, Cornwall was the second such project to be

initiated and has produced a great deal of new information about deep

crystalline rock masses and techniques to investigate them (see reference15).

The Experiments with HDR carried out at Rosemanowes

in Cornwall served to demonstrate some of the outstanding uncertainties in HDR

projects, and hence the risk factor that may be inadequately covered by the

drilling contingency in the cost breakdown shown in (Appendix 8).? Phase 1 of this project (1977-80) saw the

drilling of four 300m deep boreholes to demonstrate that controlled explosions

within the boreholes could improve permeability and initiate new fractures

which might then be stimulated hydraulically.?

This was highly successful and target impedances of 0.1Mpa1-1

were achieved.? (Incidentally, 22°C water from a measurement borehole now

supplies a small-scale, commercial horticultural scheme at nearby Penryn ? a

second, albeit minor, UK use of geothermal resources) (see Boyle, G10

p388).If and when drilling and hydro-fracturing technology

is improved, large areas of the UK are potentially available for HDR

development.? One estimate by the

British Geological Survey is that 360 x 1018J could ultimately be

available from this source, enough to provide UK electrical energy for 200

years!? However, major technological

breakthroughs, coupled to a significant increase in the market price of

conventional energy resources, would be needed to make HDR a viable source of

power for the UK.? The Renewable Energy Advisory Group concluded in

1992 that, within the UK, market penetration by geothermal aquifer-based energy

systems will be difficult and that hot dry rock systems would not be

economically viable in the foreseeable future (see Boyle, G10

p391).? However, when I recently asked John Garnish Director

General of Research and Development of the European Commission in Brussels

about electricity production from HDR technology in the UK.? He stated that ? the development of Hot Dry

Rock continues, on a collaborate European basis, and is looking very promising.? A pilot plant generating a few MW should be

built in the next five years.? If that

is successful, then it is realistic to foresee this energy source being able to

provide 10-15% or more of the UK?s electricity needs.Environmental ImplicationsAlthough there are many advantages to using

geothermal energy, there are some environmental issues that need to be

considered before the exploitation of geothermal resources can take place.Environmental concerns associated with geothermal

energy include as noise pollution during the drilling of wells, and the

disposal of drilling fluids, which requires large sediment-lagoons.? Longer-term effects of geothermal production

include ground subsidence, induced seismicity and, most importantly, gaseous

pollution. Geothermal ?pollutants? are mainly confined to

carbon dioxide, with lesser amounts of hydrogen sulphide, sulphur dioxide,

hydrogen, methane and nitrogen.? In the

condensed water there is also dissolved silica, heavy metals, sodium and

potassium chlorides and sometimes carbonates.?

Today these are almost always re-injected which also removes the problem

of dealing with waste water (see Boyle G10 p380). Atmospheric emissions are minor compared to fossil

fuel plants. It has been estimated that a typical geothermal power plant

emits 1% of the sulphur dioxide, <1% of the nitrous oxides and 5% of the

carbon dioxide emitted by a coal-fired plant of equal size (Appendix 9) (see

reference14). A geothermal plant requires very little land, taking up

just a few acres for plant sizes of 100MW or more.? Geothermal drilling, with no risk of fire, is safer than oil or

gas drilling, and although there have been a few steam ?blow out? events, there

is far less potential for environmental damage from drilling accidents.? In direct use applications geothermal units

are operated in a closed cycle, mainly to minimise corrosion and scaling

problems, and there are no emissions.?

So while the acidic briny fluids are corrosive to machinery such as

pumps and turbines, these represent technological challenges rather than

environmental hazards.The ideal geothermal development site is either in a

remote location or well screened like the quarry at Rosemanowes in Cornwall;

unfortunately, not all commercially viable sites have this advantage.An HDR plant in Cornwall would produce no

?greenhouse? gas emissions, no acid rain and no long-term wastes (see

Batchelor, A5 p47).? However,

there will be a significant fresh-water consumption and the generation of

micoearthquakes at depths well below those used in the experimental

programme.? The mechanism of

micro-earthquake generation is understood and the risk of triggering a damaging

event is considered to be insignificant (see Engelhard, L6 p47).ConclusionGeothermal energy is not merely a hope for the

future.? High temperature geothermal

resources are found in many places on the earth and approximately 8,000MW of

generating capacity is installed in 20 countries, producing 45 billion kilowatt-hours

of electricity per year from geothermal energy.? The growth of geothermal utilisation for power generation has

averaged 9% per year over the last 20 years, probably the highest growth rate

for a single energy source over so long a period of time.As a result of geothermal production, consumption of

exhaustible fossil fuels is offset, along with the release of greenhouse gases

and acid rain that are caused by fossil fuel use.? Today?s geothermal energy utilisation worldwide is equivalent to

the burning of 150 million barrels of oil per year.? In Europe alone, every year geothermal production displaces

emissions to the atmosphere of 5 million tons of carbon dioxide, 46000 tons of

sulphur dioxide, 18000 tons of nitrogen oxides and 25000 tons of particulate

matter compared to the same production from a typical coal-fired plant (see IGA2

p3).The environmental and political factors suggesting

future limitations to the availability of fossil fuels has promoted research

into alternative and renewable resources of energy, particularly for electricity

generation in the UK.? Aquifers are not

able to provide the high entropy energy required for this purpose but interest

has been stimulated in the expectation of high temperature heat from Hot Dry

Rocks at depths of 6km or more in some areas of the UK. ???The occurrence of high heat flows in the

radio-thermal Cornish granites led to a major research programme and much of

this research is ahead of comparable work elsewhere in the world.? The prospects for a successful conclusion to

this research and development are encouraging.?

Economic analysis indicates that both electrical power generation and

CHP systems could be deployed economically in the early part of the 21st

Century to provide some 2-3% of the UK?s present energy demands for some 200

years, although CHP is seen at the present time as a less likely commercial

proposition (see Laughton8 p72).?

Economic analysis also suggests that district

heating schemes fed from HDR well be economical in given circumstances at the

present time and some areas warrant site-specific studies, particularly those

where high heat loads are underlain by radio-thermal granites.? The application of low enthalpy geothermal

resources to district heating from aquifers has proved commercially

advantageous in many parts of the world and is expected to continue

supplementing such energy demands well into the future.? In the UK, however, the geographical

distribution of the aquifers and the difficulty of forecasting their yields at

given sites, coupled with the abundant availability of low-cost fossil fuels

and various institutional barriers, have inhibited development of such local

energy supplements.? The commercially

led applications at Southampton and Penryn may lead to a change in this
