An E-Mail From The Future Essay, Research Paper
Dear Friend,
This is not a hoax. Take the following seriously. I am from the future, my name is Nobu and I intend to inform you of the up and coming technological revolution and considerable amount of change that is about to come your way. Am I right in saying that technology and all that it has to offer has just recently been introduced to your society? Is it true that merely 25 million people worldwide are connected to the net? I hope that all is well for you in the beginning stages of what is to come. The Internet and capabilities of the computer during your time have been upgraded beyond belief. For example, this letter is a piece of present day, the year 2107, technology. Most importantly it has changed the way society functions. Government is now exclusively through the computer, no more White House, and though you may find it hard to believe, no more, President. From this one change, life in America and all over the world has improved.
Upon looking back at previous societies, we have formed an Electronic Republic. Combining aspects of all successful societies through out time. We have been influenced by the Romans, Greeks, Europeans, and last but not least, Americans. Through this new Republic, citizens can utilize an electronic infrastructure to build shared vision for key community issues. It is truly amazing. Six key contact persons run the government, their title being ?The Big Six?. These contacts are elected electronically every year on November 7 (we kept some traditions). In the future we support the importance of constant variety and the yearly elections help maintain this. Campaigns are no longer necessary because of the Internet. People trust the computer because of so many new laws and ideals that have been formed over the past hundred years. Everyone watches speeches; debates and can even interact with Contacts through the computer. Two representatives from each state, who are also electronically elected, then inform the Big Six. Beneath the State comes a representative from each region. Through the Internet each Contact relays information over the net to the next level. It is a genius way to make the small people count. We have weekly virtual forums that everyone is invited and encouraged to take part in. You can discuss current issues with the leaders of your country. This leads to a rise in government participation and an overall good attitude towards government.
Our government, in 2050, decided to make Internet access available to all people. On January 1, 2050, each and every home was installed with a government formatted Internet. On every street corner, in every restaurant, and through out towns and cities computers were installed. Although the system was implemented on January 1, 2050, it was not completed until almost three years later. This new system provides a world blind to skin color and physical appearances; it has lead to the first woman elected to a major political position along with the first non-Caucasian individual. Society has changed the way it approaches every aspect of life because of the benefits made possible through the Internet.
Now that the government has control over the Internet, tons of new advancements have been made. Access costs have been completely diminished because the government is not trying to make money. The people have more of a voice and issues that were once ignored are now being taken care of. The government has taken tons of steps toward creating a healthy environment. There is a now a nationwide magnetic railway system in which one can travel virtually anywhere. Through the Internet one can book tickets in a matter of minutes for a trip being taken that same day. Cars have become non-existent while the Magna-Rail has become the main form of transportation. Mini vacations can now be taken virtually. If one is pressed for time a quick virtual weekend in Hawaii is now possible. Of course this software is not free but relatively inexpensive. The government provides yearly upgrades to keep everyone on the same level.
All people are now interested in approaching life in a more sustainable way because in 2022 we had an extreme environmental crisis. In the coarse of that year, there were huge oil spills, factories exploded and the sky turned ashen gray. It was something everyone knew was going to happen, we just never really expected it too. This lead to the turn around of the way we take on life. Perhaps if we had not realized how necessary change was needed, we would be living in a dark world with no happiness and technology that destroys. The Internet has changed our government, which has then, in turn, changed the way society functions. We are now for the most part, a happier people with a lot more to look forward to than smoggy skies and a life full of governmental oppression. Embrace technology and the future, for it, is what will make things happen.