
Kenya A Paradigm For Sustainable Development Essay (стр. 2 из 2)

· Supports human rights and democratic movements: There has been a wide discrepancy between the priorities of the locals and the owners. The owners have ignored pleas for social change and have narrowly focused only on profit (Honey p. 125).

Conclusion: Tourism in Kenya has had a turbulent past. Currently Kenya is at a crossroads. The direction that they take the tourism industry in will not only deeply effect the national economy but also effect the survival of one of the last truly untamed natural settings. To ensure survival of the game parks Kenya must develop a viable strategy that is sustainable over a long period of time. One possible solution is the further development of ecotourism. In theory the promotion of ecotourism will foster positive sustainable growth. In the past Kenya has been only moderately successful at developing genuine ecotourism. For ecotourism, as well as the health of Kenya?s parks, to continue to develop the Kenyan government needs to take appropriate actions.


I. Books

Cater, Erlet; Lowman, Gwen, Ecotourism: A Sustainable Option?, Wiley Publishers, 1994.

Emery, James Jackson, The Poor Who Comfort the Rich: International Tourism and Economic Development In Kenya, A thesis presented to the division of History and Social Science, Reed College, April, 1978.

France, Lesley, The Earthscan Reader in Sustainable Tourism, Earthscan Publications Ltd., 1997.

Honey, Martha, Ecotourism and Sustainable Development: Who Owns Paradise?, Island Press, 1999.

Weaver, D.B., Ecotourism in the Less Developed World, CAB International, 1998.

Whelan, Tensie, Nature Tourism: Managing for the Environment, Island Press, 1991.

II. Articles

Butler, Victoria, ?Unquiet on the Western front?, International Wildlife, Nov 1998, p. NA1.

Foottit, Claire, ?Kenya?s bold campaign?, African Business, London, Jan 2000, p. 32.

Honey, Martha S., ?Treading lightly? Ecotourism?s impact on the environment?, Environment, Washington, Jun 1999, p. 4.

Panos, ?Ecotourism ? ethical profits??, African Business, May 1995, p36.

I. Books

Cater, Erlet; Lowman, Gwen, Ecotourism: A Sustainable Option?, Wiley Publishers, 1994.

Emery, James Jackson, The Poor Who Comfort the Rich: International Tourism and Economic Development In Kenya, A thesis presented to the division of History and Social Science, Reed College, April, 1978.

France, Lesley, The Earthscan Reader in Sustainable Tourism, Earthscan Publications Ltd., 1997.

Honey, Martha, Ecotourism and Sustainable Development: Who Owns Paradise?, Island Press, 1999.

Weaver, D.B., Ecotourism in the Less Developed World, CAB International, 1998.

Whelan, Tensie, Nature Tourism: Managing for the Environment, Island Press, 1991.

II. Articles

Butler, Victoria, ?Unquiet on the Western front?, International Wildlife, Nov 1998, p. NA1.

Foottit, Claire, ?Kenya?s bold campaign?, African Business, London, Jan 2000, p. 32.

Honey, Martha S., ?Treading lightly? Ecotourism?s impact on the environment?, Environment, Washington, Jun 1999, p. 4.

Panos, ?Ecotourism ? ethical profits??, African Business, May 1995, p36.