Traditional Vs. Progressive Education Essay, Research Paper
The debate of Traditional vs. progressive education has been going
on since the first school was built. Both sides has it?s ups and downs,
but I believe that the best form of education is progressive. Progressive
education prepares us better for the real world.
Progressive education, unlike traditional, lets the teachers reach
the kids in the era. For example with progressive the instructors use
real life situations teach the students, instead of from a textbook. With
using real life examples the kids can relate and understand better than
things coming out of a ten year old textbook. Therefore the pupils will be
more attentive to what the teacher is saying. In addition in place of
sixteen year old tests the students will be tested on information vital to
the ?real world?. This will make your students more apt to make it in the
world of work. Also then they will be able to make the right designs
when the grow up. With all that said, progressive education clearly
reaches out and teaches more kids.
The education system should be progressive because it focuses on
the freedom if the learner. For example instead of external disciple
being used free activity is used. That drops the fear that the teacher can
punish you for nothing more than looking at him/her funny. This also
allows the pupil to see that something good comes from life instead of
just punishment. In addition instead of being stuck use the same
textbook, the same assignments, and the same texts teachers can
makeup their up own and assignments. This allows the instructor to
make it so the students he/she has can understand and find it
interesting. This will help the students to learn more then they thought
they could. Progressive education is the way to go for freedom of the
Students no longer look at their teacher as a group of ?know it all?
who?s only fun is to question little kids on stuff they do not know. For
example through the traditional way of going teachers are the people
with all the answers, the ?All-knowing Beings of Greatness and
Wisdom?. This make the students resent the teachers and not want to
comply with their directions. They also lose respect for the teacher and
school in general. In addition through the progressive way the teachers
seem more as some who guides you through the trouble times. This
give the teacher back the respects of his/her pupils. This always the
teacher to tell the student what to do and it will get done. With the
traditional way of doing things teachers get no respect.
The progressive way of education is the best. It helps the students learn
and get help in the real world. Also it give the teachers a freedom to do what
they want, instead of what a text books say. There is also a greater respect for
the teacher