Developing The Under Developed Essay, Research Paper
Developing the Under Developed
The desolate and scorched soil of a vast empire that once ruled lay wasted in the dim morning sun. This is symbolic of a newly developed nation that grew at a pace that the environment could not stand. Human life in future generations depends on the judgement of the civilizations prior to the existing generation. Historical research points to many reasons why developing nations should conserve not expend their resources. Three areas of analysis that solve this dilemma are the obligation to later generations (religious), governmental obligations (political), and the harms caused by developing fully (religious /political). One must also consider the repercussions caused by each decision on not only the existing generations but the generations that follow as well.
The first area of analysis is the obligation to the later generations. All the creatures born or awaiting birth have a right to live in the world with peace. (doc. 4) One can not be so vain as to state that one human is any better than another is, therefore when once a human destroys a resource beyond recovery than that individual is denying the rights of everyone that follows. It is an injustice to deny the God given right to live in peaceful and undisturbed world. Denying the earth as a living object, some ecologists fail to realize the true repercussions that could and will plague the earth if resources are expended by the current nation and not left for the next. (doc. 16) The Egyptian people believed that without the Nile then their civilization would die. Their logic was that if the Nile dried up or was ruined in any way then the dwelling is silent and all fertility is lost. The Egyptians also believe that even the Gods would be upset if the Nile were to be tarnished because it would destroy and render the fields that they created useless. (doc. 2) Giving the people dominion over animals and other creatures, God intended the people to respect the environment not take advantage of it. (doc. 5) One can derive from the notion of total dominion over all creatures that individuals also have an obligation to the future. Expending the resources would be contradictory to the idea of protecting and dominating all creatures.
The second area of analysis examines the government?s obligation to protect its people from depleting the environment. Civilizations should learn from the mistakes of others before them and realize that civilizations will fail if the government fails to protect its people. At the point the government fails to protect the people and children of the community, the government forfeits their right to dictate how the civilization should be run.(doc. 11) The government has the obligation to find auxiliary ways to use and protect the ever depleting resources of the world. For the government to let the people or push the people into developing without regard for later generations is unethical and immoral. The government should support sustainable development to ensure the civilization?s existence. (doc. 14) It is better for the civilization to develop at a slower pace than to disregard subsequent generations in order to progress. The government should recognize this as a goal and duty to the people and their children. (doc. 15) It is immoral for the government to put a price on the earth in the name of developing when it is possible to
develop with concern for the environment of the future. (doc. 12) Individuals should be able to trust the government to protect them as well as their children.
The third area of analysis examines the harms of developing fully. One should realize that to conquer nature sometimes has adverse effects on future environment. (doc.15) The world is fragile and should be respected because it fathers our existence. An individual does not have the right to abuse and try to conquer the very corner stone of our existence. (doc. 3) At the point one accepts the responsibility to govern the earth and to rule it as a shepherd would his sheep, then that human must also take the responsibility for the repercussions caused by the rule.(doc. 10) When development has peaked and the world has been enslaved to the people only then shall that human realize that his or her children may suffer because of his dominion. The actions and conduct of humans can make or break the opportunity that the later generations may have. The earth will have revenge on the people that abuse their power and tame the conqueror into a dependent child upon the land. (doc. 13) God wanted his followers to risk their lives for the people that they did not know. The followers were asked to respect the people not even born. Humankind should conclude that the moral and just thing to do when presented with the problem of whether to protect the environment or to expend the resources of it, they should save lives by choosing to protect the environment.(doc. 8) To develop wisely and only what we need ensures the survival of humankind. To develop fully and foolishly one may temporarily experience abundance then find they have no resources left.
Humankind?s relationship with the environment should always be one of respect instead of abuse. Humans will eventually prosper if they are not so anxious to develop that they over look the real obligations that they have to future generations and the survival of humankind.