
Apartheid In Modern South Africa Essay Research

Apartheid In Modern South Africa Essay, Research Paper

Apartheid in Modern South Africa

Apartheid is the legal segregation of races promulgated in the Republic

of South Africa. The discovery of gold and diamonds in South Africa during the

19th century, ultimately lead to racially segregated compounds for mine workers

becoming the fore fathers of apartheid(Kanfer 79). By the 1920s de facto

apartheid was the predominant feature of life in South Africa (79). Apartheid,

fought against for many years, until now was still a main factor in South Africa

life. Today apartheid approaches its final years as political supporters of

anti-apartheid such as President Nelson Mandela continually fights for a

multiracial South Africa. The struggle against racial separatism, apartheid,

still however continues today as there are many people supporting pro-apartheid

movements. The hope for a non-apartheid South Africa, although achieved through

bitter battles and political ploys, has today become a reality.

The political support of the antiapartheid movement was perhaps seen

greatest in 1991. Written in TIME Magazine by Greenwald, Former President F.W.

de Klerk in February of 1991 opened Parliament with a pledge to legalize the

militantly antiapartheid African National Congress and released A.N.C leader

Nelson Mandela from jail (56). De Klerk also showed his intentions to “bring a

swift end to legally sanctioned racial segregation” (56). “He called on

Parliament to repeal immediately the remaining pillars of discrimination that

dictate where blacks can work and live” (56). De Klerk also asked lawmakers to

discontinue the Group Areas Act which segregated black and white residential

areas and the Land Acts, which prevents blacks from owning land outside of

specially assigned homelands (56). The Population Registration Act which forces

South Africans to register by racial groups for political and economic purposes

was phased out under de Klerk’s plans as the act is a major underpin for the

apartheid system (56). Indeed, 1991 was the year of a great step forward for an

antiapartheid South Africa.

Yet another leap forward for a non-apartheid South Africa was the

election of President Nelson Mandela in May 1994. Nelson Mandela, the leader of

the African Nation Congress, fiercely opposes apartheid. After the first all-

race elections in April 1994, the South African population took its leap forward

in electing Nelson Mandela who would further antiapartheid movements.

The continuing support for apartheid can be seen in many organizations

such as the neo-Nazi Afrikaner Resistance Movement. These conflicting battles

for support of apartheid are not without their bloodshed in modern South Africa.

On March 1994, violence rang out in South Africa about apartheid as three pro-

apartheid supporters were shot by black soldiers (Lacayo 49). These three people

were indeed members of the neo-Nazi Afrikaner Resistance Movement (49). In TIME

Magazine, Lacayo writes that these attempts to defend a remnant of apartheid is

doomed as South Africa transforms itself into a multiracial state (49). Weeks

before South Africa’s first all-race elections in April 1994, thousands of armed

white extremists had an incurred with demonstrating residents in their demand to

be allowed to vote (49). The eventual outcome of massive gun fire left as many

as twelve people dead (49). These remanents of pro-apartheid movements can be

seen throughout South Africa.

The political end of South Africa looks in support of antiapartheid

whereas the few who don’t, condone violent actions taken place against the

antiapartheid supporters. Violence will plague South Africa so long as people

remain racist. But help from people such as South African President Nelson

Mandela and former President of South Africa F.W. de Klerk will keep South

Africa on its road ahead as the ultimate goal for the multiracial, antiapartheid

South Africa is within reach.

Works Cited

Greenwald, John. “The Twilight Of Apartheid.” TIME Magazine Multimedia Almanac.

CD-ROM. Cambridge: SoftKey, 1995.

Kanfer, Stefan. “Cries of the Beloved Country.” TIME Magazine Multimedia Almanac.

CD-ROM. Cambridge: SoftKey, 1995.

Lacayo, Richard. “Apartheid Apocalypse.” TIME Magazine Multimedia Almanac. CD-

ROM. Cambridge: SoftKey, 1995.

Trevelyan, Mark. “Mandela thanks Commonwealth over apartheid.” Reuters 9 Nov.

