about the incident. He went out to the site and he saw a large burned area
with lots of debris and three small bodies of space beings. Their heads were
large and wore silk like suits. One of the little space beings were still alive.
After the death threat she never talked about the incident to anybody ever.
The Press
Frank Joyce- worked at the radio station KGFL. He got a phone call from Mac
Brazel, who reported the wreckage on his ranch.
Mac called Joyce and asked him, ?What to do about it? He recommended
that he go to the Roswell Air Base [Randle 55].
The next thing he found out was that PIO, Walter Haut, came into the
station some time after he got the call. He handed him a news release printed
on onionskin stationary and left immediately. He called him back at the base
and said, ?I suggest that you not release this type of story that says you have
a flying disk or flying saucer.? He said, “No it’s OK.”
He sent the release to the Western Union wire to the United press
bureau. After he returned to the station, there was a flash on the wire with
the story: ?The U.S. Army Air Corps says it has a flying disk.? They typed a
paragraph or two, and then other people got the wire and asked for more
information. Then the phones started going berserk, He referred them to the
The wire just stopped and just hummed. Then a phone call came in for him
and \ the caller identified himself as an officer at the Pentagon, this man said
some very bad things about what would happen to him. He was really pretty
nasty. Finally, Frank got through to him. Frank said, ?You’re talking about a
release from the U.S. Army Air Corps [UFO.Com].? Bang, the phone went dead,
and the man from the Pentagon was gone.
The next significant thing that happened in the evening was that he got
a call from Mac Brazel. He said, ?we haven’t got the story right.? Frank
invited him down to the radio station. Mac arrived not long after sunset. He
was not alone, but he had a feeling that they were being watched. He said
something about a weather balloon. Frank said ?Look, this is completely
different than what you told me on the phone the other day about little green
men,? and that’s when Mac said ?No, they weren’t green.? Frank had a feeling
that Mac was under a lot of pressure. Mac Brazel said, ?Our lives will never be
the same again. [Sightings]?
Lyndia Sleppy- was a teletype operator at Roswell radio station KSWS. The event
about to be described took place around 4:OO p.m. on July 7, 1947.
?If they had anything newsworthy, we would put it on the teletype
machine, to Mutual Broadcasting and ABC.? She was the one who did the
?Mr. Tucker (the station owner) called for Lyndia and said ?I have a
huge story for you, I will send it via teletype.? But right after he started
sending, it got disconnected and intercepted. The message read, ?This is the
FBI, you will cease transmitting.? She knew whatever it was, it was a huge
story. She was upset and didn’t get all the way through transmission.
The Military
Jesse Marcel- Major Jesse Marcel was one of the first two military people to
visit the Corona crash site. The other was Sheridan Cavitt, who to this day
has refused to even acknowledge that he was there on the ranch with Marcel.
Jesse Marcel died in 1982.
When they arrived at the crash site, it was amazing to see the vast
amount of area it covered. It was nothing that hit the ground or exploded on
the ground. It’s something that hit that must have exploded above ground,
traveling above at a high rate of speed, they didn’t know. But it scattered
over an area of about three quarters of a mile long, he said and several
hundred feet wide. So he proceeded to pick up fragments that they could fit in
their Jeep Carry-All. It was quite obvious to him, familiar with air activities,
that it was not a weather balloon, nor was it a missile or an airplane. It was
something he had never seen before. They loaded the Jeep Carry-All but he
wasn’t satisfied. He told Cavitt, ?You drive this vehicle back to the base and
I’ll go back out there to pick up as much as could put in the car,? which he
did. But he only picked up a small portion.
One thing that impressed him about the debris was that it looked like
parchment. A lot of it had a lot of little members with symbols that they had
to call hieroglyphics because he could not interpret them, they could not be
read, they were just symbols, something that meant something but they were all
not the same. The segments that this were painted on had symbols that were
pink and purple. Actually the color was lavender. These little segments could
not be broken, and could not be burned. He even tried to burn it, and it
wouldn’t burn.
But something that is more astounding is that a piece of metal they
brought back was so thin, just like tinfoil in a cigarette paper. He didn’t
pay too much attention to that at first, until one of the GIs came to me and
said, ?You know the metal that was in there? I tried to bend that stuff, it
wouldn’t bend. I even tried it with a sledge hammer. You can’t even make a
dent on it.? All of the material that they found they weighed almost nothing.
This particular piece of metal was about two feet long and perhaps two
feet wide. That stuff weighed nothing, so thin it wasn’t any thicker than
tinfoil from the bottom of a cigarette box. So Jesse Marcel tried to hit it
with a 16-pound sledgehammer, and still there was not any dent on it. He knew
much about the U.S. military materials that were used in weather balloons and
this stuff was not even close to it. Jesse Marcel he died and still had no
idea of what it was. So that’s how it stands!
Jesse Marcel Jr.- is Major Jesse Marcel’s son. major Marcel after he collected
the debris he came back to his house to show his 11 year old son and his wife
what he had found. Jesse Marcel Jr. is now a doctor and a reserve helicopter
pilot who served in Vietnam.
?The crash and remnants of the device that I happened to see have left
an imprint on my memory that can never be forgotten.? Jesse Marcel Jr. stated.
When his dad came back to the house he had a bunch of wreckage with him
at the time, and brought the wreckage into the house. Actually wakened my
mother and myself out so they could view this, because it was so unusual. This
was about two o’clock in the morning as he recalled, and he spread it out so we
could get some basic idea what it looked like.
They were all amazed by this debris that was there, primarily because we
didn’t know what it was, you know, it was the unknown. Years after this
incident we would talk privately among themselves about what the possibilities
of this, what this thing was. And they feel that it was not of earthly origin.
Walter Haut- was the public information officer at Roswell AAF in 1947.
Colonial Blanchard ordered Haut to issue a press release to tell the country
what the Army had found a flying saucer. Here is the text of Haut’s press
release [UFO.Com].
[?The many rumors regarding the flying disc became a reality yesterday
when the intelligence officer of the 509th Bomb Group of the Eighth Air Force,
Roswell Army Air Field, was fortunate enough to gain possession of a disc
through the cooperation of one of the local ranchers and the sheriff 's office
of Chaves County.
The Flying object landed on a ranch near Roswell sometime last week.
Not having phone facilities, the rancher stored the disc until such time as he
was able to contact the sheriff's office, who in turn notified Major Jesse
Marcel of the 509th Bomb Group intelligence Office.?]
F.B.- was an Army Air Force photographer stationed at Anacostia Navel Air
Station in Washington DC when he and fellow photographer A.K. were flown abroad
a B-25 bomber to Roswell Air Field sometime during the second week of July 1947.
One morning his superior said, ?Pack you bags and we’ll have the cameras
there, ready for you.? They didn’t know where they were going.
After a few hours flight they got to Roswell and got in a staff car with
some gear they had brought along in the trucks, and they headed out. After
about a hour and a half we got there and there were a lot of people out there.
They said ?Set you cameras up to take a picture fifteen feet away.? They were
telling them what to do. Shoot this shoot that.
They told them to go into the tent to take some more pictures. What they
saw were alien bodies. All he remembered was that they had a dark complexion
and that they were thin and had big heads. He took about thirty pictures of
the aliens and he said, ?It smelled funny in the tent [Alien.com]?
A.K. came back in a truck that was loaded with debris. On the way back
to Washington DC the Lieutenant Commander made it clear to them that what they
had seen in Roswell, New Mexico, they hadn’t seen.
Earthly Explanations
Weather Balloon
* If what had crashed was a weather balloon, there would have been no need of
secrecy. According to the testimony, military officers admonished subordinates
and civilians not talk about what they saw.
* If what crashed was weather balloon, Major Marcel would have recognized the
material Mac Brazel showed him as weather balloon material, and would hove
journeyed far out on a remote sheep ranch with an officer from Counter
Intelligence Corps to examine the crash site.
* The wreckage described by Marcel and others was too voluminous, and spread
out over too large of an area, to have been the wreckage of a weather balloon.
* There is no reason the Army would transport the wreckage of a weather balloon
from the remote desert outside Cornona first to Roswell and then to Fort worth.
* Most of the witnesses who saw or handled the wreckage would have recognized
the remains of a crashed weather balloon.
Secret Rocket or Airplane
* If what crashed was any kind of secret military apparatus, one would expect
at least some of the pieces to have recognizable letters or numbers on the them.
Many of the witnesses say that some of the wreckage bore a very strange kind of
writing, but not one witness has said that any of the wreckage bore any
recognizable symbols.
* If what crashed was any kind of secret military apparatus, the Army would
have said simply, ?This is secret, and no more questions will be answered,
period.? The Army would not have concocted the flying saucer and weather
balloon stories. In 1947, Americans were less skeptical about the motives of
their government, and the people of New Mexico, including journalists and other
civilians, were dependent for their livelihood on secret military projects.
* If what crashed was any kind of secret military apparatus, the Army would not
have waited for a rancher to inform them of the crash before sending military
personnel to examine the wreckage, five days after the crash.
* Rockets and airplanes that were secret in 1947 are not secret now. If what
crashed was a secret rocket or airplane, it would have been revealed as such
years ago. (Incredibly, the Army is sticking to its weather balloon story, even
though nobody believes it anymore.)
* By July 1994, rockets launched from White Sands were fitted with self-
destruct mechanisms so that an errant rocket could be destroyed before leaving
the test range. The Corona crash site is about 75 miles from the nearest border
of the test range.
* They did not fly secret airplanes in New Mexico in 1947. There was plenty
of room for that in California, where all the secret airplane projects were
carried on.
* There is no reason the Army would transport the wreckage of a crashed
rocket or airplane to Fort Worth AAF, then to Wright AAF in Ohio. The wreckage
of a secret rocket would stay in New Mexico, and the wreckage of a secret
airplane would be sent back to California, if anywhere.
* Most of the witnesses who saw or handled the wreckage would have recognized
the remains of a crashed rocket or airplane.
As I embarked on this project I was not sure what I would find. I have
always had an interest in U.F.O’S sin