Home Sweet Home Essay, Research Paper
Home Sweet Home
Everybody is put in this world without a choice. We don’t have a choice of parents. We don’t have a choice of what we are going to look like. We also can’t choose the location we want to grow up in. We don’t have a choice at all when we are born. People have to just take what they get and try to live with what they have. I personally didn’t like the place I was raised, but I didn’t have any choice. My first house I ever lived in wasn’t a good one. Experiences I had living there will stay with me for the rest of my life.
Ever since I could remember, this house was in a bad part of town. We lived in a ran down place in an ugly part of town. The paint on the house was faded brown with plenty of paint chipped off. The grass was dead with weeds everywhere. The sidewalk in the front had a crack so high you could do a three-foot jump off it with a bike. And I can not forget the insides. The house had two bedrooms and 1 bath. I remember waiting 15 minutes before every shower to get the warm water. Te floors had carpeted that was brown and ugly with stains in them. Most families had a color television. We had a black and white television that only got in ten different channels. My father believed that we should do something constructive with our lives instead of sitting in front of the television. My constructive days were spent outside playing on our old swing set. I remember sliding down the slide and stopping half way because it was too rusted. Then every time I would swing on the swings you could hear a constant screeching that would make the dogs bark 6 blocks away.
I never really had too many friends in the neighborhood. I remember playing a couple times with the neighbor’s kids. I remember my friends were quite different from me. At times they would curse or be mean to my sister and me. My father brought me up to never swear and respect everyone. I remember having a friend whom was 3 years older than me. One day he thought it was a wise decision to have a game with money involved. Of course, he won and suckered me for all of my money that I worked so hard to save. I told my father later on that day how much fun I had with this game but I lost all of my money. My father was very angry with me and told me never to hang out with this boy again.
We lived in that house for about 12 years. My father watched the neighborhood go down year after year. As soon as my father got a better job and saved up, we moved away from there. The memories I have about the old house, I will never forget. I still remember many events clearly from that place. The location of where someone is raised molds a person into what they become as adults. Where they are raised can have a great impact on their life for years to come. Where I was raised had a great impact on my life. What stuck with me most is the thought of not being able to afford a house in a nice neighborhood when I got older. I never wanted my children to grow up in an area like I did. I am thankful for my father who raised me in the right direction even if it wasn’t in the best environment.