The rise of Hitler is a very important effect of World War I because it lead to the Second World War. The leaders first tried to please Hitler by giving him what he asked in order to avoid war, however Hitler did not stop he kept on pushing for more. When Germany invaded Poland, war became inevitable. Britain and France declared war on Germany. The United States joined in on the war effort against Germany, Italy, and Japan after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. World War II was the last major effect of the First World War.
The war solved no problem. Its effects, both immediate and indirect, were either negative or disastrous. Morally subversive, economically destructive, socially degrading. Confused in its causes, devious in its course, futile in its result, it is the outstanding example of European history of meaningless conflict. World War I had many complex causes, rather than one simple, which is what is believed by many people. Furthermore, the effects were widespread throughout generations all over the world..