
Репродукція вакцинного штаму 1062 метапневмовірусу птиці в ембріонах перепелів (стр. 2 из 2)

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7. Chettle, N.J. The use of an Elisa test to detect antibodies to turkey rhinotracheitis [Text] / N.J.Chettle., P.J. Wyeth // Br. Vet. J. – 1988. – V.144. – P. 282-287

8. Cook J.K.A.Avian pneumovirus infection of laying hens: experimentalstudies.[Text] / Cook J.K.A. [et. al.] //.Avian Pathology. – 2000 – Vol. - 29: - P. 545-556.

9. Majo N.A sequentialhistopathologic and immunocytochemical study of chickens, turkey poults andbroiler breeders experimentally infected with turkey rhinotracheitis virus.[Text] / Majo N.[et. al.] // Avian Diseases. – 1995 – Vol. 39: - P. 887-896.