Juvenile Crime Essay, Research Paper
In today’s changing world there are many factors that affect the Delinquency of
our youth. Crime has become a major pastime for a large amount of today’s youth. Some
of the causes of this troubling problem are poverty, lack of activities, and mental issues.
With every problem there is a solution, there is a constant battle in trying to find the
perfect solution to help contribute to delinquency. We haven’t found that solution, but we
have some answers to help contain the problem. An example, would be educational
programs, such as D.A.R.E. D.A.R.E was a program set up by schools and local law
enforcement, that allows Local Law Enforcement to educate students on what happens
when u abuse drugs, what the penalties are, and how you as an individual can help avoid
being pressured into drug abuse. Programs like the dare program gave students an upper
hand by giving them the knowledge they need to avoid making the wrong choices.
Another example of solutions to delinquency would be more parent involvement with
their children. Allot of times parents do not reinforce what is right or wrong or the
parents maybe to busy to sit down and talk to their kids to find out what is going on in
their lives. If parents would make time out with their kids, and talk about what is going
on in their children’s lives, they may be able to help prevent them from making any
mistakes. An example would be hanging out with the wrong crowd or running the streets
late at night. Also I think in today’s society parents are allot less lenient in punishing their
kids. If parents could punish their kids and reinforce what they say, maybe this will tell the
child “Hey this is wrong, if I do this, I will get punished”. Reinforcing rules and
regulations help youth stay on a steady path. Its hard growing up in the teen years, trying
to fit in or do what is cool, but whatever they choose, they will know the consequences of
their actions because someone took the time out and talked about the repercussions of
breaking the law.
Another preventive measure is counseling. Talking to a councilor or a
psychologist about your problems is often better then talking to your parents. Sometimes
the problems affecting the child’s emotional stability comes right from the household. If
they parent is abusing their children, this may cause the child to be disarray and violent,
not being able to let out an emotional cry. If the problem persist they could harm
themselves or someone else, just for the fact that they have mental issues. If a counselor
was able to talk the child about his or her problems before the problems climaxed, this
could resolve their issues and help prevent them from doing anything serious. Another
preventive measure would be more stiffer penalties for committing a crime. I think that
community service should be enforced allot more than it is nowadays. In community
service, usually the person is committed to helping other people in a positive way and
most of the time the community service itself is positive. An example would be helping
coach a youth sport or helping elderly at a rest home. Usually when you are in a nice
relaxed environment and you are helping others, it helps build self confidence and shows
that you are valued in whatever you are participating in.