
Devinnci Essay Research Paper Leonardo was born (стр. 2 из 2)

paralyzed , and on May 2, 1519 he died. All his work was left to Melzi, and was buried in


His remains were lost during the French Revolution, when the coffins were taken apart; the nails

were turned into bullets; and the bodies were buried in common graves. It is in one of those

wholes in the French soil that the remains of Leonardo rests, among common men.

Contributions to Science

Leonardo was a genius, and a very complicated man. He had conflicting feeling towards his

fellow man. While he did not hate people, he saw them as inferior, and this is expressed in one of

his notes:

To be honest, when I see certain people pick up a book, I fully expect

they will smell each page throughly as some monkeys do, and eat

everything but the cover.

He was a humble man in actions, and he worked to serve those who had contracted him, but

frankly, he did not believe in the goodness of others. He wrote:

Many of our fellow men are not in fact even human. They are rather

to be looked upon only as consumers of food and producers of

excretion. The majority of them leave to the world after their death

a decaying body, no more.

With this in mind, his driving force must have been derived solely from his inquisitive soul, ever

in search of knowledge. His anatomical work was to find the reason for life. All his military

work was caused by his turbulent times, living with constant change of governments. His work on

the birds and on flight are probably a result of his attempts to escape a time which he did not very

much like, being commissioned to work that he was no longer interested in. The society in which

he lived welcomed his art works, and his architectural advances; however they were afraid of his

scientific studies. This caused him to be very secretive, and having suffered attacks from the

public on two occasions, he had good reason for his secrecy. The first time when he was a young

man, an accusation of homosexuality, which was dismissed on the grounds of insufficient evidence.

Later in life, an accusation of heresy, which because of his friendship with the Pope was

dismissed. He was feared for his eccentric interests in dead bodies, spending the nights in

hospitals and morgues studying, and the days closed up working in secret so that others would not

steal his work, or attack him for doing it.

Leonardo managed to do a lot in his life and below I have outlined his greatest works. Now most

of our knowledge is derived from his manuscripts, and even though a great many of them were lost,

we have enough to form a somewhat clear picture of his life and his works.

Leonardo Studied/Discovered:

-The movement of water and streams.

-The movement of air and wind.

-Anatomical Studies: Thought his life, Leonardo was able to map virtually every part of the Human

body. He begun with the muscles and bones, and then moved on to the organs, including the brain,

eyes, heart, lungs, digestive system, and the unborn child.

-Birds and Flight patters.

-Discovers the law of Motion “for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction”.

-Botany. Leonardo begun to understand the parts of plants and how they worked.

-Optics of a mirror.

Leonardo invented:

-Submarine : a boat that could sink and rise out of the water.

-Skin Divers: Swimmers that could breath underwater with the use of bags with air, and long tubes

that would rise from the water. These men could attack enemy ships without being detected.

-Designs of a bridge to cross the Bosporus.

-The Helicopter, and a winged flight machine.

-The Locks and Levels canal system, now used in the Panama Canal.

-Tanks. An armored vehicle that could withstand cannon fire and clear the way for troops.

-Machine gun.

-Explosive projectiles. Changed the solid cannon balls so they would break into smaller pieces.

-Ballistics. Reshaped the cannon balls into the modern day “bullet” shape.

-Chain Links. He invented the modern day chain-link seen in bicycles.

-Spring-driven car.

-Flyer Spindle. A rope and tread making machine.

-Perpetual Motion Wheel. Although he knew that perpetual motion was impossible

mathematically, he designed a wheel that would turn for prolonged periods of time.

Leonardo’s Art:

-The Baptism of Christ


-Adoration of the Magi (not completed)

-Virgin of the Rocks

-Statute of Francesco Sforza (not completed)

-portrait of Cecilia Gallerani

-Ceiling of the Sala delle Asse

-The Last Supper

-The Virgin and Child with St. Anne

-Battle of Anghiari (not completed)

-St Jerome (not completed)

-St John the Baptist

-Mona Lisa