Cloning Essay, Research Paper
Today there are many scientist that want to clone humans and other
organisms in order to make the world a better place. Scientist think that if they can
clone other life forms, they will one day be able to make organized other such body
parts for humans as stated in ?The Debate Over Cloning?. The scientist believe that
they can save people lives that are waiting for an organ on a waiting list. It would be a
lot quicker and there body wouldn?t reject the new organ because it would be made
out of their own DNA.. This was also stated in ?The Debate Over Cloning?. In the
same article, there were people saying that cloning disrupts the natural way of
creating children. Biologist Ezekeiel Emanuel thinks that we will have to sacrifice
many human embryos because studies show that in the mice and sheep cloning, that
many of them died before or rite after birth, so he thinks we shouldn?t try to clone
humans either. French scientist have also suggested that cloning might cause health
defects to the clone as in the article ?Cloning May Cause Health Defects?. Scientist
believe this because many clones develop heart desease or blood clots.
Ian Wilmut, one of dolly the cloned sheep?s creators, doesn?t want to see a
human cloned either. Neither does Bill Clinton, who has banned the use of federal
funds for human cloning experiments. This was also in ?The Debate Over Cloning?.
Cloning has been hitting the headlines ever since February of 1997 when
researchers in Scotland actually clones a sheep known as Dolly. They used the DNA
from the mammary cell of an adult ewe. Until then mammals had been cloned only
from genetic material from embryos. This was in the ?Los Angeles Times?.
In the article ?Send In the Clones?, its says that a lot of people think that
cloning will create humans who look and think alike. People also think that they
may try to clone evil people such as Adolf Hitler and Al Capon.
In the ?Philadelphia Inquire article Clones?, like twins, would not be an exact
match, scientist say that clones would act different than the person they made them
out of. The scientist say that the clones would be brought up on a different
environment so in that case they would be different.
I think that scientist should try and clone human organs and limbs. I don?t
think they should actually clone a human being because I think that is just wrong.
But if they could make organs and other things I think it would save a lot of lives.
We don?t need to make anymore lives. Thank you all for your time.
Works Cited
Jones, Judy. :Cloning may cause health defects.? Brittish Medical Journal. 8 May
1999: 1230,
Couzin, Jennifer. ?What?s Killing Clones?? U.S. News and World Report. May 1999,
Wilmut, Ian. ?Cloning for medicine.? Scientific America Dec. 1998: 58,
?The Debate Over Cloning.? Current Science. 18 Dec. 1998: 6