Racism 7 Essay, Research Paper
Racism should not be ignored. There are two types of racism in the world. The two types of racism are overt racism and institutional racism. Overt racism, especially in its contribution to the racist impact of qualification requirements on blacks. 1. Overt racism contributes to a social and residential segregation, thereby isolating blacks at every income level from white society. As a result of overtly racist last-hired, first fired policies toward blacks and the favoring of whites for on-the-job training, many blacks have been unable to gain work experience, particularly special working skills. 2. Overt racist action is when harm is inflicted or a benefit withheld either because of the perpetrator s racial bias against the victim or because the perpetuator is prejudice of others. Institutional racism is when a person or firm has a practice that is race-neutral but still has an adverse impact in blacks as a group. Institutional racism also reinforces future racism by contributing to the presence of blacks at the bottom of the employment level. The adverse effect on blacks of these neutral practices also contributes to the perpetuation of racist attitudes. 3. Individuals growing up in a society where blacks are visibly predominant in the lowest jobs tend to believe that blacks naturally belong there.
Recent studies show that less-educated workers can be trained by employers for skilled positions that are frequently reserved for college graduates. 4. Black academics were initially excluded by racist attitudes from many white departments. Whites who are no more productive than blacks will tend to receive a better payoff. Whites have eleven times the wealth of blacks; one-third of all blacks have no major assets what so
ever except for the cash that they have on hand. 5. Blacks wanted to get rid of Jim Crow laws. Jim laws made blacks segregated from the white community. Blacks couldn t use white facilities to buy products instead, blacks had to buy from their facilities. A University of Chicago investigation showed that because of persistent prejudice suburban blacks are more likely to suffer segregation than other minorities of equal income and social status. 6.
There were other signs of racism in the past like the trading of blacks slaves from Africa. Blacks who didn t want to be a slave either revolted against their masters or committed suicide. Masters were very harsh on the blacks. Masters would punish and beat the slaves for no reason.
There were a lot of anti-racist role models that were heroes to the blacks. Rosa Parks was famous role model because she stood up for what she believed in. She sat in the bus seat not letting any white sit in her seat. Rosa Parks was arrested for that reason. Because of her actions that she took after she got out of jail, racial segregation became illegal. Elizabeth Eckford braved the angry white crowds by herself when she was the first black person to get accepted into Little Rock High, which was an all white school. Martin Luther king Jr. was another brave role model. Martin Luther King Jr. always made flights to states to help the community win over racial segregation. Martin Luther King Jr. always brought huge crowds wherever he made a speech. He made very inspiring speeches to the blacks, which gave them more courage to protest against the whites. Martin Luther King Jr. was probably the most inspiring person this century because he led the blacks to freedom. He is so inspiring that he will become a saint.
Segregation started in the late 1980s even though slavery existed for more than two hundred years. Segregation laws were rapidly affecting blacks. More laws were made in the early 1900s because of the inspiration of Jim Crow laws. During the second half of the 1980s, racial violence against blacks increased nationwide. In 1988, a white supremacist movement of violent skin-headed youths, whose weapons included knives, baseball bats, and their own steel-toed boots, sprang up spontaneously in cities throughout the nation. 7. This lowered the blacks courage to fight against the whites.
Many blacks are excluded by requirements for work experience because as students they have been barred from white schools where relevant training was available or had been denied work experience and training by prejudice supervisors and employers. 8. Blacks lack of personal connections to the job market, but it arises in large part from segregation created by overtly racist practices. As job losers, blacks tend to move down to unskilled temporary work, or to no work at all. 9. Since blacks can t find good jobs, they usually make the community bad by stealing and joining gangs to keep themselves alive. It is still true that the more disagreeable the job, the greater the chance of finding a high proportion of blacks doing it. 10. Cities don t know that they need to have better working conditions for blacks or they will have as much suffer as blacks do. Hiring by personal connections also tends to keep blacks at the bottom of the occupational ladder. 11. It keeps them down because blacks don t have many connections to people who own a store. Blacks felt the racist impact of such past hiring discrimination when, as less senior, they were less likely to gain work promotion and more likely to lose their jobs in economic recessions. 12.
Whites have been the first in line for hiring, training, promotion, and desirable job positions because of racism. White people either have been responsible for racism or have passively benefited from it. Since there are firms that don t hire blacks in very low wages, white people have to either take the jobs and get low payment and bad working conditions, or don t take the job and don t get anything to help the community that the job provides. The whites also benefited from racism. Whites tend to get more promotions because there are no black competitions. Whites also benefited from housing discrimination where racism was strong.
There have been a lot of cases of mass murders in a county. There was a case where, in one summer, eighty blacks have been beaten, thirty-five shot, five murdered, and more that twenty churches burnt down by the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). Most KKK members usually got away for the murders and damages they committed. KKK members only started getting accused after segregation became illegal. But still, only blacks who were brutally murdered had a trial against the KKK. KKK groups are very confident about passing through a conviction. The KKK was always there where the black protesters were. They were there to intimidate them. They also wanted to start a fight whenever they had an opportunity too.
The isolation of blacks from white society is also sustained by widespread racist attitudes that exclude blacks from white clubs and social circles where networks leading to jobs are formed. 13. Blacks not only suffer from discrimination but being isolated from a white community. Blacks lack personal connections to residents of all-white suburbs where many new jobs have been created. 14. The adverse effect on blacks is exacerbated when suburban employers rely on walk-in applicants from these neighborhoods. According to a 1981 study, black school districts in the black belt states receive less funding and inferior education by comparison with economically similar white districts, in a part as a result of local (white) decision making. 15. White decision-making affects blacks a lot because the whites want to help their school funding more than the blacks school funding. The racism of government practices encouraged race discrimination by landlords who blocked the escape of blacks from ghettos, and by employers and unions who refused to hire, promote, or train them, as well as widespread communication of an insulting stereotype of blacks, derogatory to their ability and character. 16. Because racist treatment of blacks in business and professional reduced family income, it hurt their sons and daughters. Among these black parents injuries, they suffered discrimination policies of federal agencies in allocation of business loans, low-interest mortgages, agrarian price supporters, and government contracts. 17.
There are a lot of different remedies for almost every issue involving racism. One of the reasons for avoiding racism is that blacks willingness to accept lower wages and adverse working conditions reduce labor s bargaining power generally with management. Although long-term black employees have the benefit of high sonority ranking, after the 1964 Civil Rights Act many continued to suffer the racist impact of departmental sonority arrangements. 18. Under such arrangements, a worker who transfers from one department to another loses all sonority credit. Because of programs that help families over racism, black children start to have more black role models, which creates more self-confidence. Complaints can be lodged in a court or administration under title seven of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which prohibits such discrimination, and may be pursued against a firm or a union on behalf of an identifiable individual or group. 19.
Other ways of avoiding racism could be real dangerous. One way is to stand firm where there are firms who practice racism. Doing this would give blacks a chance to end racism in that firm. Blacks could move away if they feel too intimidated by the whites. In some situations where blacks are notoriously scarce, the courts have approved set-asides, which unlike goals, reserve a specific number of positions for minorities only. 20. They could also hold strikes against the government facilities so that they would stop the racism in the community. Because blacks are disproportionately represented in the bottom-level positions, their personal recruitment tends to maintain occupational segregation. 21. There are other things that help blacks like some programs that give shelter, food, clothing, and caring. One more way is to ignore the people who are intimidating you.
Almost every remedy has its adverse effects. Complaint remedies could be deficient in a number of ways. Since the complaint remedy requires proof of bias, it does not apply to institutional race-neutral policies. Yet qualification standards can be manipulated by prejudiced employers to exclude blacks, especially, as we have seen, vague personality standards. 22. Decisive proof of bias is frequently not obtainable in such cases. Complaints are deficient because they are often not practiced in obvious cases of racial bias. Blacks don t want to complain because it would probably hurt themselves and their families. Blacks who do file complaints must prove that their employer acted out of racial bias. Such bias appears evident when no alternative explanation for racially unequal pay is plausible, but in other situations management frequently has effective strategies for covering up racial bias. 23. Because of blacks willingness to work for low wages and adverse working conditions, the blacks suffer from money problems and health problems. Victims are frequently reluctant to complain because workers who assert their rights are labeled as trouble makers. 24. That label can damage a person especially a black person for her entire working life. Standing firm has a lot of adverse affects to the blacks. One adverse affect on standing firm is that the blacks might get arrested for trespassing into an all-white store. Another effect is that the white people might not even pay attention to the blacks. One more effect from standing firm is that some white-supremacists groups like the KKK might injure and beat the blacks to death.
Moving away has its affects too. Most blacks don t have enough money to move to another state by airplane. Other blacks don t have cars to drive away. Having a group that helps people has its affects too. The location of the place might be too far for blacks to go to.
Most blacks don t want to do any remedies because they don t want to take the risks that could hurt them or make them benefit from it. It would be rare for a person to do one of these remedies. Some blacks would rather die then to take the risks with the remedies. The black heroes did these remedies though. Rosa Parks was standing firm in the bus seat. Elizabeth Elkford was ignoring the screaming crowd when she was the first black person to get accepted to Little Rock High. Martin Luther King Jr. held strikes around the United states and was standing firm from the intimidation that he got. There were a lot of other people who used the remedies to fight back from racism and their laws that they made.
I think that racism should be banned even though I could help a white person or hurt a white person. Racism has been a big factor in the United States for over two hundred years. I think that not everyone is sure why there is racism in the world. I think that there are a lot of reasons why there is racism in the world. One reason could be that the white people aren t used to seeing black people around their neighborhood. Another reason is that white people only want to hire friends for a job. Since whites don t really know any of the blacks, they just don t hire the blacks for the job that they are issuing.
Some other reasons that blacks can t find a job is that the whites are too used to seeing other whites around so they only hire their fellow whites. Another reasons is that some of the blacks that are finding a job can t even get their own house to live in. Whites don t like to hire blacks that are homeless or live in shelters because they think that the blacks are very dangerous to the other employees. They are also scared that the blacks might steal from the store.
Some people think that the blacks don t like the white people. Some other reasons are that the blacks are too dangerous around white neighborhoods because they might harm the children. Some people also think that the blacks look very different in their size, shape, color, and smell. Whites need to know that blacks are created equal like everyone else. The KKK thinks that blacks are the devils. That is why the KKK was first form, They were form to give blacks unequal rights and justice.