Zimbardo, P. G. (1977). Shyness what it is what to do about it. Reeding, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.
Children’s Books
Bechtold, L. (1999). Buster: The Very Shy Dog. New York, NY: Houghton Mifflin Co.
Brown, R. (1998). The Shy Little Angel. New York, NY: Dutton Children’s Books.
Glaser, L. (1993). Stop That Garbage Truck. Morton Grove, IL: Albert Whitman & Co.
Henkes, O. (1993). Owen. New York, NY: Greenwillow Books.
Johnston, M. (1996). Let’s Talk About Being Shy. New York, NY: PowerKids Press.
Levete, S. (1996). How Do I Feel About Making Friends? Brookfield, CT: Cooper Beech Books.
Lester, H. (1999). Hooway For Wodnay Wat. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Co.
Mathers, P. (1991) Sophie and Lou. USA: Harper Collins Publishers.
Raschka, C. (1996) The Blushful Hippopotamus. New York, NY: Orchid Books.
Wood, A. (1995). Orlando’s Little-While; A Scrapbook. New York, NY: Child’s Play International LTD.