Encephalitis Essay, Research Paper
Encephalitis is a disorder associated to any disease affecting the central
nervous system causing inflammation of the brain. Due to the fact that the
disorder is so common in many hundreds of diseases it is hard to narrow the
disorder down. Many diseases can cause this disorder such as: meningitis,
epilepsy and many parasitic infections, which attack the brain tissue and
meninges, causing them to swell and push against the skull. Minor and serious
symptoms can occur ranging from headache, fever to comas and eventual
death. The treatment of the disease varies from vaccinations to bed rest.
Encephalitis can be either serious or minor with not many options of
The best treatment for the disease is prevention, which is mostly
limited to vaccinations. With vaccinations there are two types of
immunization, which are Active and Passive immunization. The difference
between the two is that Active immunization is used to control a disease on a
long term basis, where Passive immunization is used to treat a disease quickly
but only lasts a few weeks. Passive immunization works immediately but does
not last where Active immunization takes about two weeks to work and lasts
many years. There are many vaccines to prevent Encephalitis and some of the
most common diseases in this topic are Measles, Mumps and Rubella,
Meningitis, Japanese Encephalitis and Mosquito and Tic Bourne Encephalitis.
Measles, Mumps and Rebella viruses are all associated with Encephalitis and
all can be prevented with the same vaccine. Commonly known as the Measles
vaccine it is administered by injection under the skin in the thigh or shoulder.
Side effects from the measles vaccine may include a rash that rapidly fades and
a high fever that occurs five to 12 days after the immunization and lasts one or
two days. Meningitis, another common Encephalitis causing virus also can be
prevented through Active or Passive immunization. Meningitis Passive
immunization vaccine will be given to patients directly in contact with disease
and Active immunization is given to potential recipients of the disease. Drug
treatment for the swelling of Encephalitis caused by the meningitis is used.
“Intravenous antibiotics are used but depend on age of patient and type of
bacteria that is causing meningitis”1. Side effects for taking vaccines for
Meningitis include high fever, headache and flu. Another form of Encephalitis
that was common in Japan is Japanese Encephalitis. In treatment and
prevention the JE vaccine is used and causes mild systemic side effects (fever,
headache, muscle aches) but can also cause more serious reactions including
“generalized urticaria (hives), anaphylaxis, and respiratory distress have
occurred within minutes to as long as two weeks after immunization”2. These
reactions can be effectively treated with medications. The last major virus,
which induces Encephalitis, is known as Mosquito/Tic Bourne Encephalitis.
This virus is contracted through mosquitoes and small parasitic bacteria and
has very limited treatment. Regular tetanus and antiviral vaccines are used in
defense of new bacteria in the human body. Regular Encephalitis care, such as
bed rest and antibiotics are used for treatment. Another form of prevention is
when scientists do figure out where the virus is contained, they immediately
start spraying down farms, where domestic animals are located because the
disease is passed from the animals to the mosquito and bacteria. Above were
regular procedures of prevention and treatment of the major diseases causing
Encephalitis, but the normal treatment for Encephalitis are: if a patient does
need specific treatment for the inflammation of the brain then only bed rest
and prescription drugs can be used to temporarily to control the pain. In
controlling pain and suffering many drugs are used “Anti-inflammatory drugs
are prescribed to reduce the swelling on the inner lining of the brain tissue and meninges” . Other methods of controlling pain are used such as: sleeping pills,anticonvulsant drugs and Tylenol 3. Control of high fevers and any other
medication for pain can be given. Lastly, complete hospitalization (bed-rest)
and doctor surveillance is needed to monitor brain swelling. As far as further
investigation on Encephalitis by scientists not much work is being done at the
present time but there are many University’s that are studying potential cures
through genetics but that is still far from being found.
If Encephalitis was a problem surrounding me and I was looking for
specific treatment to assist me, it would depend on the circumstances. First of
all if I had not yet contracted a disease that induces Encephalitis then I would
have a choice between Passive and Active immunization. If the disease was
reported to be in a different country then that would allow me to use Active
immunization. I would do this because it does not react for about two weeks,
which would be in sufficient time to defend against a virus coming into my
country and it would protect me for many years. If the circumstances were the
other way around and the disease was close to me then I would use Passive
immunization because it reacts quickly with my immune system and offers
quick defense against a fast moving close virus. Shortly after I received the
Passive immunization I would also receive the Active immunization so it
would be ready to work as soon as the Passive immunization ran out.
Basically with Encephalitis there are many different forms of viruses that each
have there own vaccines or protection. No matter what the side effect the
vaccine or other protection gave me I would have to take it because there are
really no other alternatives. I would rather experience nausea, headache and
fever from a vaccine, then contracting a disease and getting Encephalitis and
have a chance of dying, it just makes sense. If I did contract a disease, which
induces Encephalitis, I would simply follow the standard methods of pain
prevention.This would include hospitalization, antibiotics, anticonvulsant
medication and total doctor care.There are not many options so this would
have to be done. I hope for new developments in medical science, but that is
still far away.
In conclusion the choices of treatment for Encephalitis are very limited leaving prevention as the best method of treatment. Once the disease is
contracted and it induces Encephalitis then only medication can be taken to
help with pain until the disorder eventually is gone. Thus, from my perspective
makes prevention the actual treatment.