Single European Currency? Essay, Research Paper
There is a rather large debate going on in the United
Kingdom. This debate asks whether or not we should opt to join the single
European currency, just as many other European countries such as France and
Germany have. There are two sides to this argument, both being very strong and
convincing.The main advantage of the single European currency is the
fact that it would cause prices to be greatly reduced. At the moment, Great
Britain has been given the label of ?Rip-off Britain? due to the frequent
extortionate prices which we are charged for goods compared to other countries.
The single European currency would allow trading to take place much easier,
without the need for exchange rates and currency commission. Easier trading
would mean that some countries can specialise in one good or service whilst
other countries specialise in others. This would mean that there are more goods
available to consumers at a lower price, and lower prices means people have
more money to spend on other goods, so there will be a higher standard of
living. Also, goods would be able to be transported for free between
participating countries. So by joining the European currency, there would be
more trade available and therefore a wider choice of goods and services to
choose from. Another main benefit is that a fixed exchange rate would act
as an anchor against inflation. Countries such as Italy and the United Kingdom
have seen this as an effective way to break inflationary expectations in the
labour market, in part by the implied reduction in the discretion of national
policymakers. Low-inflation countries such as Germany, however, are concerned
about whether the ECB would continue to follow the conservative monetary
policies of their national central banks.The single European currency?s ease of trade would allow the
easy establishment of Trans National Corporations (TNC?s), which in turn would
create more jobs for more people on a greater geographical scale. This would
mean that benefits would be lowered, as not as many people need to claim them.
The money saved from benefits would mean that more money is available for
public spending, so public services, such as the NHS would be able to offer
more quality services.The above arguments seem to convey a very positive view of
the single European currency. But on the other hand, there are many reasons why
people believe we should not participate.Firstly, looking at the moral aspects of the argument, the
loss of our own currency would be a loss of our heritage, our independence, and
our freedom. Many people do not want to see the face of the Queen banished from
the head of our coins to be replaced by something unfamiliar and European. The
British nation has a reputation of independence ? being our own little island
away from mainland Europe. Many people believe the Euro will take that away
from us.Also, many people are sceptical about trusting foreign
countries in this matter. We have been deceived before, and it could very well
happen again. The recent scandal of BMW selling off Rover, after they promised
not to is a classic example. Others include World War One, World War Two and
the more recent political scandal involving Helmut Kohl and also the ban on
British beef.Another reason against the single European currency is that
we would lose a great deal of democracy. Rather than our government controlling
our money, foreigners in Brussels would be, who have not been elected by us and
are complete strangers to us. Each country joining the single European currency must meet
the convergence criteria. One part of this convergence criteria is the fact
that a joining country?s government borrowing deficit must not be more than 3%
of that country?s GDP. But in Great Britain, the borrowing deficit is 6%, and
the reduction of this figure would require public expenditure to be cut by an
astronomical £18 billion, or an alternative would be to raise income tax 9p to
33p per pound and/or VAT from 17.5% to 24.5%. The public would definitely not
appreciate these cuts. It is estimated that these cuts would raise unemployment
by approximately a minimum of 500,000. This would mean more people claming
unemployment benefits. And who pays for this? We do: the taxpayers.The question on many people?s minds is why change? We have
managed fine up to now, so why bother changing when the pound is strong and the
Euro is weak? Also, it is not really a massive loss if by not joining the
single European currency we are preventing trade with the rest of Europe. There
are alternatives: USA and the commonwealth can provide many more goods and
services than Europe. A single monetary policy cannot deal with the differences,
divergences and cyclical variations in the European economies. National
currencies provide an adjustment mechanism, and allow governments to use interest
rates to respond to events. A single European currency would remove these
options. Instead, a single European interest rate, set by the European Central
Bank in Frankfurt, would apply indiscriminately to the whole single currency
area. This creates the problem of how a participating country could adjust to a
shock or economic development specific to that country.? Simply taking a look in the media, it is true to say that
the Euro has met its first hurdles. It is failing in many aspects including being
very weak against the pound. So would the people of Britain be wise to join a
system which is already, within its first year of real operation, facing flaws?
I am sure the answer is no.There is great variation in the economic cycles of the
European countries involved in the single currency. The unification of these
nations under the banner of a crisp Euro note would be confusing for many
countries and it would be a long and arduous process until they were all
similar. This process would most probably involve high prices, high taxes and
increased unemployment for a great deal of time until these problems are
rectified.? So, as you can see, there are two sides to this debate, both
providing strong arguments. But, if the British government is to adopt a
sensible approach to this matter, it should steer well clear of the menacing
demon that is the Euro. The main problem being the long term implications of
the single European currency having yet to be determined. In my opinion, the
question of monetary union has been more focused on political reasons rather
more important economic reasons. The question on everyone?s mind is: ?But isn?t
a European single currency inevitable?? The answer to that is no. The world has
survived without one and Europe would be better placed without one. There are
serious problems that Europe faces, it?s just that the "Euro" isn’t the serious answer.