Works Cited
Believe and Achieve. Hong Kong: Great Quotations Publishing Company, 1993.
Bible. Proverbs 29:18. Revised Standard Version. New York: Thomas Nelson and Sons, 1952.
Blanchard, Kenneth. Leadership and the One Minutes Manager. New York: William Morrow and Compnay, Inc., 1985.
Eberhard, Ron. Leadership of Leadersheep. Seminar Outline. 1991.
Chat Rules. 5 June 1999. Web Server, Inc. Available from Internet; accessed 10 April 2000
Car Reservations. 2000. Airline Tickets, Inc. Available from Internet; accessed 10 April 2000.
Domestic Flights. 2000. Airline Tickets, Inc. Available from Internet; accessed 10 April 2000.
Hotel Reservations. 2000. Airline Tickets, Inc. Available from Internet; accessed 10 April 2000.
Peterson, Rita. Mentoring. 8 August, 1989. Availabe from Internet; accessed
2 April 2000
*Renaissance Education Foundation, ed. Renaissance Graduate Leadership Minneapolis, Minnesota. 1991.
This resource is used as text in graduate level college course.
-Haselton, Blake. Principal
Oldham County High School
Oldham, Kentucky
The Leadership Challenge Video. CMR Films.
Yahoo Shopping. 2000. Yahoo!, Inc. Available from Internet; accessed 10 April 2000