Gunpowder – Carefully take the bullet from the shell casing, and use the gunpowder as tinder. A spark will ignite the powder but it may have very small explosion. Be very careful.
Battery – Attach the wires to each terminal. Touch the ends of the bare wires together next to the tinder so the sparks will ignite it and start fire.
Matches – Make sure the matches are waterproof, if not keep them dry. Store them in a waterproof container along with a few dependable striker pads.
Flint and Steel – The flint and steel method is the most reliable method and probably the easiest. Strike a piece of flint or a sharp-edged rock edge with a piece of carbon steel
(stainless steel will not produce a good spark). This method requires practice.
Fire-Plow – Rub a hardwood shaft against a softer wood. Cut a straight groove in the base and plow or slide the blunt tip of the shaft up and down the groove. The plowing or sliding action of the shaft pushes out small particles of wood fiber. Then, as you apply more pressure on each stroke, the friction ignites the wood particles and it will then burn.
Bow and Drill – Place a bundle of tinder under the V-shaped cut in the fire board or softwood board. Place one foot on the board. Loop the bowstring over the drill and place the drill in the precut V depression on the fire board. Place the socket, held in one hand, on top of the drill to ho