stern, hard-hearted founder–dies from the very evil which he created and the Maule and
Pyncheon bloodline is merged with the marriage of Phoebe and Holgrave.
Works Cited
Crews, Frederick C. The Sins of the Fathers: Hawthorne s Psychological Themes. New
York: Oxford University Press, 1966.
Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The House of the Seven Gables. Aerie Books LTD., 1851.
Male, Roy R. Hawthorne s Tragic Vision. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc,
Matthiessen, F.O. The House of the Seven Gables . Hawthorne: A Collection of
Critical Essays. Kaul, A.N. Englewood Cliffs, New York; Prentice-Hall, Inc;
Noble, Micheal Jay Bunker. Hawthorne s The House of the Seven Gables . The
Explicator, Winter 1998, Vol. 56 Issue 2.
O Connor, Evangeline M. An Analytical Index to the Work of Nathaniel Hawthorne
With a Sketch of His Life. Detroit, Gale Research Company, Book Tower; 1967.
Ross, Jeremy. The House of the Seven Gables. ClassicNotes. April 6th, 2000.
Readings on Nathaniel Hawthorne. Ed. Leone, Bruno. The Greenhaven Press Literary
Companion to American Authors. San Diego, CA; Greenhaven Press, Inc, 1996.