Roman architects, more than anything, remembered the past and planned for the future. They incorporated knowledge from those before them and created a marvelous society with new building principles. The concept of the arches, vaults and domes, and the greatness of structures like the Pantheon and the Coliseum have had their hand in the architectural styles of every builder since the Romans. The Romans? greatness as builders and as people is unquestionable; their impact will forever be a constant.
?Ad Quatrum, the Sacred Cut, & Roman Architecture.? 1998. Dartmouth College. 21 Feb. 2000.
?Architecture.? 1998. Public Net. 15 Feb. 2000.
Brown, E. Frank. Roman Architecture. New York. George Braziller. 1961.
Encarta Encyclopedia. CD-ROM. Microsoft Inc., 2000. 2000 Edition.
?Imperial Roman Architecture.? 18 Jan. 1999. Wisconsin University. 21 Feb. 2000.
MacKendrick, Paul. The Roman Mind at Work. Princeton, New Jersey. D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc. 1958.
Rivoira, T. G. Roman Architecture. New York. Hacker Art Books. 1972.
?Roman Architecture.? 1997. University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. 23 Feb. 2000.
?Roman Architecture.? 16 Nov. 1999. Murray Ashby. 16 Feb. 2000.
?Roman Architecture: Britain ? 1998. Hutchinson Encyclopedia. 23 Feb. 2000.
Smith, B. Earl. Architectural Symbolism of Imperial Rome and the Middle Ages. Princeton, New Jersey. Princeton University Press, 1956.
Ward-Perkins, B. John. Roman Architecture. New York. Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publishers. 1977.
Wheeler, Morimer Sir Robert. Roman Art and Architecture. New York. Frederick A. Praeger, Publishers. 1964.