Gender Issues: Have Woman?S Rights Improved? Essay, Research Paper
Gender Issues: Have Woman?s Rights Improved?
Twenty-five years ago, when my mother was little she had three career
choices available to her, a teacher, a nurse, or a secretary. So as the I was
growing up my mother made sure that I knew that I could be whatever I wanted
to be, when I grew up. With this belief in mind I set my goal as becoming the first
woman President of the United States, but as I started to work towards this goal I
realized that what she did not tell me about were the obstacles that I would have
to overcome to succeed in a ?man?s world?. There are three main barriers
standing in a woman?s way to achieve her career goal they are men, the media ,
and American society.
According to Bob Enyart ?Women were not made to run things. Men were
made to run things. When women try to run things and usurp the authority from
men they mess things up.? This type of attitude from men is what keeps woman
from surpassing them in the world. Most grown men view women only as
housewives, incapable of nothing else. In the minds of some men women were
meant to stay at home and clean the house, raise the children, and cook the
meals. Even when woman decided to join the work force they had few careers to
choose from. It was not until the late 1980?s that woman were accepted in to
higher paying careers by the men that were already dominating the workforce.
Even today when they are accepted into the workforce they are still not paid as
much as men for doing the same work. A 1998 study shows that a woman in the
same job as a man with the same expectations and responsibilities, the woman
is paid ten to fifteen percent less then the man.
The media or television programs are also to blame for the image that is
given to woman. Women play passive roles, in movies and even TV sitcoms. For
example in the sitcom Dharma and Greg, which is about a young married couple,
the man is a successful lawyer from a wealthy family, while Dharma is a cute little
unemployed blonde that cracks jokes. Another example is in the sitcom Friends,
in which the men Ross and Chandler have very successful jobs as an accountant
and a anthropologist, while the women on the show are employed as a cook and
the other women is a buyer for the department store Bloomingdales. So even on
today?s TV sitcoms woman are casted in to careers that have gender stereotyped
such as woman belong at home, in the kitchen or shopping.
American society can be very temperamental on their belief system and
unwilling to change their mind. Using politics as an example, there has never
been a woman President or Vice President. This is because of American
societies unwillingness to change their views on this type of discrimination. To
further prove thiks statement John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the first Catholic
President, is a great example. America was founded as a Protestant country and
it took over 150 year to be able to accept and elect a Catholic president to office
and even then it was a close race. Until the society as a whole changes then
woman the discrimination against woman will continue.
So due to men, the media, and American Society women in the past and
still to this day remain our countries largest percentage of second class citizens.
Often many of today?s women raise, house and feed their families without the
help of men, on an income of less than two thirds of that men doing the same
job. For women to become equal in this society they need to earn equal pay for
equal work and have all men accept them in the work force. When this happens
we will have reached true equality between men and women.