Normal Adolescent Development Essay, Research Paper
Normal Adolescent Development
from: American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychology
Each teenager is an individual with a unique personality and special interests, likes and dislikes. In general, however, there is a series of developmental tasks that everyone faces during the adolescent years.
A teenager’s development can be divided into three stages — early, middle, and late adolescence. The normal feelings and behaviors of adolescents for each stage are described below.
Early Adolescence (12-14 years)
Movement Towards Independence
*Struggle with sense of identity
*Improved abilities to use speech to express oneself
*More likely to express feelings by action than by words
*Close friendships gain importance
*Less attention shown to parents, with occasional rudeness
*Realization that parents are not perfect; identification of their faults
*Search for new people to love in addition to parents
*Tendency to return to childish behavior, fought off by excessive activity
*Peer group influence interests and clothing styles
Career Interests
Mostly interested in present and near future
Greater ability to work
Girls ahead of boys
Same-sex friends and group activities
Shyness, blushing and modesty
Show-off qualities
Greater interest in privacy
Experimentation with body (masturbation)
Worries about being normal
Ethics and Self-Direction
Rule and limit testing
Occasional experimentation with cigarettes, marijuana, and alcohol
Capacity for abstract thought
Middle Adolescence
Movement Towards Independence
*Self-involvement, alternating between unrealistically high expectations and poor self-concept
*Complaints that parents interfere with independence
*Extremely concerned with appearance and with one’s own body
*Feelings of strangeness about one’s self and body
*Lowered opinion of parents, withdrawal of emotions from them
*Effort to make new friends
*Strong emphasis on the new peer group with the group identity of selectivity, superiority and competitiveness
*Periods of sadness as the psychological loss of the parents takes place
*Examination of inner experiences, which may include writing a diary
Career Interests
Intellectual interests gain importance
Some sexual and aggressive energies directed into creative and career interests
Concerns about sexual attractiveness
Frequently changing relationships
Movement towards heterosexuality with fears of homosexuality
Tenderness and fears shown towards opposite sex
Feelings of love and passion
Ethics and Self-Description
Development of ideals and selection of role models
More consistent evidence of conscience
Greater capacity for setting goals
Interest in moral reasoning
Late Adolescence (17-19 years)
Movement Towards Independence
Firmer identity
Ability to delay gratification
Ability to think ideas through
Ability to express ideas in words
More developed sense of humor
Stable interests
Greater emotional stability
Ability to make independent decisions
Ability to compromise
Pride in one’s work
Greater concern for others
Career Interests
More defined work habits
Higher level of concern for the future
Thoughts about one’s role in life
Concerned with serious relationships
Clear sexual identity
Capacities for tender and sensual love
Ethics and Self-Direction
Capable of useful insight
Stress on personal dignity and self-esteem
Ability to set goals and follow through
Acceptance of social institutions and cultural traditions
Self-regulation of self esteem
Teenagers will naturally vary slightly from the descriptions in the charts above, but the feelings and behaviors listed for each area are, in general, considered normal for each of the three stages. The mental and emotional problems that can interfere with these normal developmental stages are treatable.
If a teenager seems very different from the descriptions presented here, it may be appropriate to consult with a mental health professional.