For nystagmus, research has searched for an effective treatment that helps in contact lenses, and surgery. The most promising may be eye muscle surgery that reduces the movement of the eyes.
Most people with albinism do not tan, and they burn easily when exposed to the sun. People with albinism who develop increasing amounts of hair and skin pigment as they grow older may not be bothered by the sun, and may tan with sum exposure. If sun exposure produces a sunburn, then the skin must be protected to prevent burning and damage. Sunscreen may aid in protection from the sun but it is not a cure. Albinos usually wear sunglasses or tented glasses to protect their eyes from the ultraviolet rays from the sun.
Albinism may cause social problems, because people with albinism look different from their families, peers, and other members of their ethnic group. Growth and development of a child with albinism should be normal and intellectual development is normal. Developmental milestones should be achieved at the normal age. General health of a child and an adult with albinism is normal, and the reduction in melanin pigment in the skin, hair, and the eyes should have no effect on the brain, the cardiovascular system, the lungs, the gastrointestinal tract, the genitourinary system, the musculoskeletal system, or the immune system. The expected life span of an albino is normal.
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